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Apr 2014 · 364
Alexander Ross Apr 2014
The rain it started tapping, against your glass again,
You were fast asleep, counting sheep as you dreamt,
These past few weeks you made me realize, the truth behind the stories,
Of a woman so beautiful nothing else could matter
So here's my heart upon silver platter
Just be careful cause its raw,
Your eyes are closed,
And the neighbors door is still wide open, perhaps a sign of things to come,
It's not where you're from or where you've been,
All that really matters is the thoughts inside your own head,
Will you sink or swim? Will you even jump at all,
But on the fall you know you'll only think of her,
Feb 2014 · 550
Vagabond skin
Alexander Ross Feb 2014
Your vagabond skin,
Is running far, far away from here
And the curves of your face,
Draw a map far far away from this landlocked place
It seems you've got the road in your blood
It seems you've got the road in your blood
But I don't really mind,
It seems that your one of my kind,
One of my kind
One of my kind
Feb 2014 · 656
Tick tick tick
Alexander Ross Feb 2014
Flat lands, heart land
Home sick, tick tick tick
Goes the clock on your life
Until your body runs out of room to contain just what you've become
And tick tick tick goes the clock of your life, waiting behind walls
For some kind of savior
A knight in shining armor , or an angel in a sundress
Tick tick tick goes the clock of your life as you waste away behind suits and screens, waiting for a raise that never comes,
Tick tick tick goes the clock of your life,
And your wasting, behind hashtags
And false flags, and your waiting,
Degrading and slowly sinking, waiting
This is a song. The spacing on here *****
Sep 2013 · 958
Dj qualls
Alexander Ross Sep 2013
The new kid has moved to town,
And it's his first day at a new school , and he's nervous, nervous to play the fool

Now he's seen, seen the prettiest girl, he has even seen sitting down the aisle, he can tell that when she woke that morning, she did cry a little, but her bones are something far from brittle, and she is stuck, in the middle of something celestial

Lunch time comes, and the boy is too poor to eat, but the apple of his eye is kind, and presents him with a delicious home made treat, the sweetest thing he's ever tasted

It's recess now and staring at the sky he realizes no one can control the winds of time, or fate, but they always blow you to the shore
A work in progress
Sep 2013 · 513
It was terrible
Alexander Ross Sep 2013
Porcelain pots, and my hair needled into knots,
I try and think of better thoughts
But ghosts they follow, and they haunt, and they turn my face something gaunt
And your traits you do flaunt,
With the depth of your angles unseen by most and my brain is burning, like toast,
Sep 2013 · 625
The queen of the leaves
Alexander Ross Sep 2013
I haven't Been able to write lately, quite like I once did
I began to show you my real self, and to your room you ran and you hid
I heard what you were once called, the words you spoke left me appalled
So I thought of a new name, the queen of the leaves, and on the edge of your kingdom,
The peasants stop, and they stare
At the golden crown, woven into your
You sell them on tradition,
They all leave with a smile
And they say "thank you queen, oh thank you queen, I can see why your garden always stays green"

A wise wizard approached you one day with a confession
He proclaimed he saw you in a lavender induced dream, and it was so wonderful that when we awoke his whole day was already ruined,

You responded in a whisper, please fear not, mister...,I'm sorry but I do not know your name
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
At first I was just a simple stranger,
Casting shadows in the dark,
And it was hidden from you,
The danger
And soon we became friends,
And the morning summer sun did strike and create a spark,
Thinking back I should have probably kept my tongue in check ,
You were a wreck I could see, a gallant ocean liner, with an engine fire causing the guests to flee
But soon After, you were what I thought would be a lover,
I could tell you were nothing like anyone other
But beneath a blanket I did smother, the morning summer sunlights spark
You will now soon be the boss, so that thin line of professional we will never cross
If I can't love you as a lover, I will love you as my friend
My resting head beneath your wood is just a passing trend
And I won't see you as often sooner then later, but perhaps trampling feet can allow you to see something greater l,
Know you won't but, maybe
You'll miss me just as much as I know ill miss you and your morning face,
Aug 2013 · 751
Smaller portions
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Portions and percentAges
potions and false notions
Of home
Oh my oh my how your plants have grown
But I am a sinking stone, inside a princesses beach, and your hand is just out of reach
I am sinking, I think
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
You can try and keep things balanced, like a scale, upon an even keel
But such weight leaves me as bitter as orange peel
I guess I'm glad,
No one we know
Has even read a book, about body language
Just hide me in the back of the fridge, forgotten until months past expiration,
When I take my exploration , away from your wood, and away from this neighborhood
I still longingly look upon your face
Your the only one here that knows of my disgrace
Aug 2013 · 412
Shit in the water
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
So much, **** in the water
And on an island, you'd be surprised how quickly, it will take your son and your daughter

The harbor master steps down from his throne and screams about how everything he has ever known, is now cold and overgrown

There's so much ****, in the water
We are sheep, and we are prime for slaughter, so please allow me to show you something of disorder
Aug 2013 · 755
New England pt. 1
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
New England is all dolled up tonight,
With a bottle of wine in hand she's looking to pick a fight, with someone else's lips
The coastline sleeps in the Nantucket sound
Like a spool of thread, you watched as I unwound, picking wildflowers for you from the ground
You once let me look upon the sound inside
your eyes, New England is all dolled up this morning with my favorite face,
Up north I speak in circles, and as I walk the circumference of the sound in your eyes, I always manage to speak around the truth
New England makes me nervous, and I don't say this too often but New England, you look beautiful tonight, but there is no bed light for my blue eyes,
I get carried away from the sound,
I get carried away from the sound

The skyline of New England, is exposing it self below its knees,
And it's beautiful, I wish I could sleep beneath your streets
Aug 2013 · 2.7k
Lavender dreams
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
I want to see this maybe live or die
But I fear I haven't the time
Why don't you look upon me like you once did ?
I know the winter winds will ******* away
Away from the stressed and dressed up wood that is your house
And even the finest cup of tea can't relax me
Lavender and hibiscus or not
Pardon me and ill attempt to erase your thought
In My mind, ill save it for another time,
When the sun and stars properly align an the moon shows your nocturnal feathers, and the skin you keep, let your hibiscus hair and your rose hips steep
Only for a minute or else youll burn
Like white tea in a summer sun light
So hold your body still, so I can take a photograph inside my mind, of how tall and wonderful you are,
Can you glide now like you know how
Do this for me please, and then I suppose I can leave you be, as you once were,
Wrapped in regret,
But ill never forget,
Your lips upon your perfect face
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
A good woman will pick you apart
She'll let you know from the start,
That the bottle will not be the bottom of something you will often see
And she won't ween you off slow
It's 100 percent, represent
Your home well and do not live your life inside a glass plastic or metal cylindrical shell
You know ill spend every cent that I don't possess just to at least see the bottom of something that is a fistful of cents away from worthless
She will also be your bestest best friend
Inspire you daily, and you'll write her poems every day until the day you say that final goodbye,
And maybe you'll get lucky, maybe you'll both pass together with your hands clasped

Aug 2013 · 495
Kung fu
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Undercuts, muscles and beer
The floor may be empty, but it is yours now
Bare feet of a brave individual, shredding an ancient ritual
Too Much spirituality for ya ?
Flashing lights and those good ole black and whites
This is only the first act of the night
Rainbows spinning circles in the corner, perhaps remind me of a lion former, of something that makes me think of somewhere a little bit warmer at night
This is a song that's still a work in progress
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
An underlying theme,
Of the Shannonball
As fresh fur roams the hall
And soon will come the chill of
               the fall
, and well both be stuck inside the foreign warmth of the mall
nd even though you sleep down the hall, I wonder if you think of me as your light free lids begin to fall
            (Side note)
Your the perfect amount of TALL
Why can't I seem to write anything that doesn't involve you ?
I mean ****, it was hidden from view
From an entire crew
Why'd you have to be a pen and not a pencil ? A stencil and a fossil, of a clearly ancient soul,
If you'll please excuse me,
I think ill have a hard time getting on my way
But ******* it I have trouble stomaching all the god dammits
I wish to say, but I save my tongue for another day
I guess I won't be the bad guy
         Even though I never was.
                             Except I always will be
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
You don't stay up late with me anymore,
While everyone else goes snore, snore,snore
Infatuated with a furball, and I can't blame you,
And there's no way In hell anyone can ever tame you
Oh you ******* flame you
Ill strain you, like white tea
Delicate an easy to burn
And honestly I think he,not I should get the first turn,
He did call shotgun, after all
Control myself, patrol the shelf full of air tight and light free leaves, what are you pet peeves ?
I pray to not leave like a band of theives, unnoticed and unwanted
And for the last few weeks my dreams,
Your ******* freckled fAce you have played the muse, I mean there different every night
But there's still a reoccurring theme,
You follow me every time I dream
Infatuated with a furball,
There's enough black and live from them for all y'all
They have arrived,
And a mother deprived
But they've taken the best to your scent, and they are alone like me,
Such small creatures in a grand scary world,
And again they are like me, stripped from comfortability and perhaps forced into conformity
And for the last time I am like them, black, and half of myself in the dark
I guess a couple people know the darkness inside
But I try and keep myself in stride
Except I am no sprinter and I trip upon my own feet more times then not
I wish dreams of you,
We're nothing more then a dream that became  a true real life thought
**** everything I've bought
Since I've been here, especially that hellish hillsy dress that was an awful surprise
I can tell you are some type of grand witch
Despite a minor fear of your wiccanism
You have,
Unfortunately transformed into a completely complex unique,
Unknown organism,
Even Einstein could not Websterize the Shannonball
Because I, myself made It up
One day the Shannonball will explode
Aug 2013 · 674
You said fuck it
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Let the sky fill up your bucket
Since you slept past noon
and said **** it
And I guess down the hall
is a good distance to avoid the catastrophicly wonderful anomaly
That scientific minds describe as a Shannonball
Recently discovered and rare
Now sitting next to me in a plastic chair, shelter from the sky that fills your bucket, and you slept past one and still said **** it
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
You, were a gem
Shining inside my head
You, were a gem
And I let you inside my head
And now, now that feeling seems dead
You, were a top
Spinning too fast to be controlled
And the halls, the halls are being patrolled,
And I, I feel like the bottom of a totem pole
You, you were a top, and you aren't ready to stop spinning,
And I, I couldn't stop grinning
But that was then, and this, this is now

You, you were a handle
You, you helped me stand when I needed help a little X2
But that was then, and this, this is now

We, we seemed like a puzzle,
Fitting together like a Rottweiler with a muzzle
And I, I was out of my mind,
And I, I wrote words that might have been too kind,
Now I, I bite my tongue
But we, we both still know the things that were done
And I, I only hope I can catch you when you stop spinning
Sing to the rythym of "box full of letters" by wilco
Aug 2013 · 645
Ivory and ebony drowning
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
There is a sword, and there is a pen,
And the ink cuts deeper then steel
Can't we just make a deal?

The cracks in your armor are starting to show
Soon the winter winds will blow
Through your home and through my room in your home

Your knowledge of ivory is increasing, but it's still something foreign in your hands,

Chord  progressions take time,
Lost in concentration, with Half of your morning face, you look so ******* fine,

Pardon my French, but were both a couple of micks, a little Jesus juice gets you a little loose, and perhaps I was drowning you in my ink

Boyancy becomes logged and begins to sink, inside your head, where you thought something seemed dead,

But now you press those ivory keys like its your job, as you sit upon pillows and not your knees this time,
But god ******, you look so ******* fine

Practice makes perfect, and perfect makes time for practice,
I wish I could act upon,
This feeling

And you press those keys like some sort of ******* saint ,
I  remember what we were and now what we ain't, hope you kept my note, I don't think I should show you my thoughts anymore
Your morning face is my favorite face, Chloe
Aug 2013 · 621
For you Jessica
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Now I've got a new neighbor,
Sweet as your favorite flavor
A fresh mind to savor
I won't be your savior
But you can come over whenever
With your hair cut something clever
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
you sit and try to learn
The words you hear you said you could have written but you just needed another minute
When will it be your turn , to become a black balloon, and float toward freedom and the moon, your temper grows and true hearts are shown and now my mind has been blown like a referees whistle, you act like you are innocent but you know the fouls that you have committed
Just paint me a picture, of the future you see for yourself, tuck it away until a later day, let it collect dust upon your shelf
You are now the dove you dreamed of
Flying away back home, they say you can **** 2 birds with one stone,only  if you agree to be alone
But I can only see the memory inside, even if its pressed betweeni a lie but your memory stays painted oN my mind
For the lion in New Jersey
Aug 2013 · 2.8k
Just a wildflower
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Sanity speaks in silver tongue
Tripping is where clarity comes from
Anyway west makes me think of you
But every day I feel the nothingness brew
And I've made friends with my demons, they told me I can be a free man
When you let me inside your legs I let you inside my heart
I saw you in a dream, and you weren't you
Just a wildflower
Unready for bouquet
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Your lines of symetry stand a little taller then most as your head gently slams the metal door with underpaid workers cleaning the floor

You sleep so close to me that I can hear your dreams and they unfold inside your sleepy mind

You sleep so far away, I can hear your music play as you drift into a dream about a better life and we only get a little time each day

You've doubled checked the charts, star sign crossed  bleeding hearts
You tell me about your life, and how it was always moving parts, and how sedentary sitting is stifling, but your lips are so inviting, I just can't seem to keep mine away

It doesn't rain on this island as much as it would, somewhere else that I once loved and  I don't think you sing half as much as you should, and I don't think you write half as much as you could if you were somewhere else with me
You have the most beautiful voice
Aug 2013 · 587
Abandoned parking lots
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Scrolling through your old photos, I can't help but crack a smile, and I know that it could be a while, before the world knows what we do when they sleep, and when they work,
I get you all to myself
And you sit on your feet a lot,
Every time we kiss it really hits the spot, secretive even in abandoned parking lots but I wish I had more answers, I know it would be more fitting, but one thing I know is I'm more impressed by it, your senselessness level headed logic
I think heaven for its elasticity to remove you from the big city and let you into my life,
There's new dimensions to your face  this house is becoming my new favorite place
Aug 2013 · 891
Barefoot wine
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Barefoot made me kiss you, but please I insist of you, this can not stay under wraps for long
And now I may be wrong, but I know that our heads are strong , the truth will set us free, but only if you want to be a part of me
I think you know what I see, everytime I close my eyes and I know I came as a surprise but the best things always are , we soon have business with another man , and ill be ****** if I don't give this my best
shot, our island sun burns so hot, exposing the freckles on your skin
Ill die trying so alert my next of kin
Barefoot made me sin , but like your tree there's 2 sides to every story
Gotta love a sale and the truth
Aug 2013 · 575
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
There's a fan inside the window, its blades cut my dreams as I sleep like the knives in the kitchen we heat just to try and get high
But we smoke with a torch, oil as dark as earth soil, and cigarettes on the front porch
I left the jungle filled with lions for an island with an owl
The painted clock moves only when it wants too but it's cool because
I hate knowing what time it is unless I have too
Aug 2013 · 842
Freeway expanse
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
I stay awake
I watch everyone's wills break
You say you want a real man
Someone with a plan
You are a freeway with no one on it
An expanse, with no one on it you dream for a little bit
I trap myself for my sister, to please her mean ole mister, you are warm and welcome like a helping hand, lets hope it works out like you planned
I watch the world digitilize in front of my eyes but not all know that real eyes realize real lies
Miss you baby sister
Aug 2013 · 886
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
You left me hanging like a ****** shirt on a hanger you stuff in the back of your closet
But easy does it, at least you let me dry myself, you never let me try, to be myself, I saw my self on your closet shelf, I am one of my favorite movies, I fell for the way you moved, free spirit groove with your skin so smooth, I guess you were never really mine to lose
Your deep breathing just led to more misleading thoughts
Baby blues like a tropical cruise to somewhere warmer, now ill just be remembered as someone former, I tried to let the toms river bring us closer, but the current washed you down stream and I wished it had made you scream for a better dream, one where we were together, and you were a mother, and you were where you wanted to be
I am an immigrant now and I all I want to do is flee to somewhere ill be free, from still thinking about you, I know the feeling Isn't mutual, and I see no future for me here, and it brings tears to the eyes of my mother, I hope one day I can just remember you as another woman I loved along the line, good things take time, and great things happen all at once, and I haven't seen you for what seems like months, and I still think about you all the time, longing like this could be considered a crime, but you made me put the lights down low, and you told me about the life you couldn't grow, and I knew it was hard, like a glass shard, stuck into your side
I don't know where to go now,
Guess I can skip town, let my self spiral down, ill never know what you've been through, this is true
And ill listen to everything that makes your soul turn blue, but I'm starting to get sick of writing so many songs about you
For the lion in New Jersey
Aug 2013 · 491
Wolves pt. 1
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Wolves in the woods
Is this place any good ?
Wolves at the door
Shotguns for the world
Wolves through the wood
Holdin fast, no one left to call for aid,
Wolves make sure all debts are payed
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Planetary rover
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Hearts beat red hot in the summer
Kicking dust on attraction
The right side of what's wrong,  is the right side of a gun
Smoke em if you got em, and shoot towards the sky, they can take them from me when I die
Disease takes you quick, like a setting winter sun, I only knew you when we were young, but we shared some fun, you didn't deserve your fate
Now there's thunder in my head as I try to sleep In a foreign bed
I'm glad I left while I still had time, New Jersey was an abandoned mine, waiting to cave in my shoulders beneath a ton of boulders
Now Each day I grow wiser not older as the nights get short and colder
The sun rolls me over,  ill explore you like a planetary rover, your the first sight to fill my eyes since I've arrived
Aug 2013 · 620
An owl or a crook?
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
The all knowing owl swoops out in the night, hunting the same prey as the wolf, one look in each others eye and they soon realize the truth, they are the same as can be except one born with wings to fly away and over see everything, the other with teeth that are hungry for love, I think that you saw me from high up above, we fit perfect , like a hand in a glove
But even the all knowing owl is hesitant, and like a spark to a flint, you lit the wolfs hunger on fire as you craned your neck to take a second look, you cut me off, I was frightened and I shook, as you stole my gaze like a crook , I realized what you were, I spoke with haste, I took one look and saw there was no time to waste, this is not the place for you, but if you come with me, ill howl to you, and show you a place as beautiful as your eyes are blue
You said to me you'd hoot in harmony only once you were ready
You spoke again, I'm glad I am now your friend, but there is something I must know, my wings are chained to the frame that is a tricky situation
Chloe is the owl in case you were wondering
Aug 2013 · 525
Lock your door
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
I won't wake you up anymore,
Keep my feet from gracing your bedroom floor,
So lock your door just In case, the loneliness of this place grows to get the best of me
You stand eye to eye with me
such symerty should not be ignored
I speak only facts not fiction
We can't deny the attraction of the situation
Maybe I came on the wrong day,
But I hope you still have more to say, I'm not the kinda guy that gives up so easily, for you were the kindest face I've seen in this far away and lonely place, or any place for that matter
And with precision, you contemplate a descision, as I wonder if your angles will add up to anything more then a vision, from a bad dream yeah you know the kind, it never makes you fail to wake up and scream, unable to tell if my dream of my hands upon your skin actually happened or not last night
Aug 2013 · 449
Into the sea
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
You know that I like you a lot,
But this is just the thickening of the plot,
You love elephants, just like you they never forget, wise beyond your young years, golden hair pushed behind delicate ears
You can walk as slow as a Turtle, but in your face lies a sprinters hurdle,
And there were freckles asking to play connect the dots upon your  shell, With one look upon your precious face i could clearly see that you had just walked through hell, and your feet were tired and had begun to swell, but you still greatly longed for your home in the sea
I asked if you wanted to stay , and have a conversation with me, you said you weren't quite sure, for calling your name was the ocean floor, but You wanted to look upon my face for a little while more
Aug 2013 · 511
Down the hall
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
I came, nearly unknown, shining as bright as the sun, one look upon you in the morning light and I was scared of the things to come.
I wasn't quite running from the things I had done, just looking for a better face to pull some words from my heartstrings, that I'm scared to let you strum,for  the strings are old, and a tune I just can't hold
Down the hall, down the hall

Last night I watched you retreat inside your shell as your drew a new dimension to yourself, I fear soon I will be just another old memory upon dusty shelf, down the hall, down the hall

Words have been escaping me as you hide inside your walls, a place where you sing all your favorite songs and I'm the only the one who attempts to interpret the feelings behind the high notes you hit, down the hall, down the hall

Now I never see you in my favorite light anymore, exposing your fears, telling me about your last 2 years and how you realized it wasn't what you wanted, down the hall, down the hall

Just like you, I'm afraid to give myself up, far from home, i still sleep alone, but someone called me here, and I came because I knew something Inspirational  was awaiting my arrival, down the hall, down the hall

We are Creatures of the night, I dream of you taking flight, And my hand upon your thigh, I promise I am a man who will not lie, but based on the shine in your eye, I can tell you hope I'm nothing like that last guy, down the hall, down the hall, down the hall, down the hall, I do promise that when and if your ready, I will catch you if you are to fall,
Aug 2013 · 919
Words in the wind
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Cursed by my words and thoughts of your curves, the back roads of an island,  the thoughts I think, sometimes drive me to drink, a few too many, you said I live my life off a lucky penny, how quickly someone can spend me
But when the winds of my voice come blowing through your ears will you build up your walls up tall to protect yourself ? Or will you build a windmill and power your house with words in the wind ?
Aug 2013 · 5.9k
Copy pasta
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
I didn't mean to distract you, upon first interaction with you, I saw the sun lights refraction shining upon human polka dots
I have a thought that I won't say,
Ill write you In the plot of a book, that takes place far far away
Most times I speak with haste, life is no computer, but I can still copy and paste, my thoughts in a manner that properly compiles grace, and with some glue, you trapped your hands upon plastic keys, and played for me, a melody, and said I've been waiting my whole life to do this, I am alone and I am free, and I will stay that way for a while, so don't look at me with smile, and as quickly as it was created my memory can be cut and pasted into a file you keep beneath your bed,
The cold is coming, and I hope you wear hats upon your head and scarves upon your neck, for I hope you realize I am a sled, I don't stop until I reach the bottom, of a barrel filled with luck I live my off of,
I never told you but I ******* love your polka dots
Aug 2013 · 4.6k
Mexican folk hero
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Interjection Interjection
Guide me about this rounded intersection
You know the right direction
A hard working Mexican,
Living the dream, spending the suns life in scalding heat, yet he doesn't scream for he is simply living the dream, finally able to afford fancy American ice cream,
An expensive television sits upon his wall, maybe it'll get more use in the fall, but he works the suns whole life so he can watch as he falls asleep,
He awakes the next day, and he knows it will be the same. But he still does not scream, for its finally Friday,
For my dear dear friend Jakob
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Albert Einstein
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Your legs stick out from my side as you sing from the corner,
A challis to your lips, contracting flesh from your hips, you drink and I know you think more then most so a quick glance is all ill shoot you
I wonder if the house dj knows your favorite songs, you've both been regulars for quite Long, he plays requests for the crowd but you've still grown quite close, and he plays your special requests the most, but it's almost like you sing to me, I've
Seen some of the back wall, and you've seen me stumble and almost fall, but I caught myself staring at your angles, and I just can't make sense of them, I Am no Albert Einstein, and I hate the recognition of time, so I party all the time, and I forget about what time it is and the dj plays his favorite songs
Aug 2013 · 460
Golden braidin maiden
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
A Blast from the past,
I am wind ripping sail from mast,
But I am your friend am I not ?
I send a breeze upon your face and through your hair,
A maiden, golden braided and fair
I am wind letting leaves see the world
Through your home I swirled,
Unnesting owls from there home whirled
Aug 2013 · 650
Shark attack theme song
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
There's a science to sin,
It's the water we swim in
You can bump a strangers shoulder on purpose,glued to a fancy new purchase , and you let loose your lips to a foreign tongue
There's blood in the wAter
You, yourself are weak, and prime for slaughter
Praying for shallow water,
But there's a great white, and he's looking to pick a fight,
A gnash to your leg, as lucky as blindly finding a hole with a peg
But you know the risk
Tsk tsk tsk, where was your head?
We drink wine, and we break bread
You can scream and shout if you want to, but you can't out swim your fate, if that's what was decided for you, the result of someone greaters debate,
Pondering and pondering, you notice your mind wandering and wondering,
And soon your grip, keeps slipping and slipping, upon the sunlight to which your eyes focus,
Blacker and blacker it gets, and redder and redder the water gets, as your pulled into its dark depths
Aug 2013 · 4.5k
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
The floor tells me your awake,
Dreams from your hair you shake,
And you steal my thoughts,I kinda think I want some back, cause you are a curve, that does not crack
You are bamboo, so don't ******* move, your foreign to these shores
You weren't advertised well, and you can't be bought from any stores, like most girls these days,
You little thief Chloe
Aug 2013 · 557
Slamming doors
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Should I let you Down on purpose ?
Keep my life boat far from your shores, or be the gentle waves upon your feet
As I know all too well the sound of slamming doors, and how they keep me from sleep,
Which is good cuz lately my dreams are getting way to deep,
To even attempt to swim,
Every night it seems, you seem to star in them
And like it or not , your the reoccurring kind, so i keep my tongue in check, and all my hands below the deck, as to not make you shift into some kind of terrible night mare
Aug 2013 · 573
5000 dollars
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Bantering, something about organs
Panting the leaves does the breeze
At ease , soldier
**** for your country and well pay you
5000 dollars for every head you collect, join us you ******* reject
Aug 2013 · 592
Boxes on the floor
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Watch for the night, when all of the crows take flight
And feast upon carcass, caressing
Vicious from a million miles away,
And my shadow fades into grey
And boxes on the floor sit next to carousels of colors for horse hairs, and the latitude of this altitude is clearly a sum greater then all the predetermined and previously decided upon factors to make all of this possible , but everything becomes backward as the slit of a knife, maybe can cut you a piece of the spice of life, a slice, a rope
Frayed and decaying in the jungle
Belonging to an old pioneer
Walking with feet that were bare
And only a compass upon his hip
And a machete custom made for such occasions and he cut the rope of the spice of life, and he stole all the light with that strike
Now now now he demanded
Aug 2013 · 901
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
You can breath out sorrow, forgetfully until tomorrow, smearing and blurring, verbals
Produce Paynt from upon your pores
Aug 2013 · 454
Paint by numbers
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Such delicate strokes, unprovoked
Standing on the edge of a cliff, with your friends of course
But your all alone
To each his own
Number by number it's narrowed down to the unavoidable
But what fills the void ?
Demonoid, woven from the fabric of space and time
The wind begins and you are no longer sin or anything comprehensible even to wisest of all the wise scientific minds
Aug 2013 · 360
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Complecancy sits in circles,
And you sit adjayscently to me
Closing your doors, like confousioily (so ******* silly)
You are a Shannonball, with your own sense of awareness
Compared to this, an angel to kiss
The moon controls your tides
Maybe well be able to meet again on some other side of some other point of existence at a point of being that the stars shine in favor of us
Aug 2013 · 580
Cape cod
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
C. A. P. E. C. O. D.

Place for home,
Strokes of geniouos(even though I can't quite spell)
Did we all expect to have some ?
Space code perhaps to some
Or perhaps a revelation of the highest decree, and this I do declare,
Let me be tall and frank and fair

— The End —