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If I could be
If I could see
If I could know
These things that happen to me

If ever I learned
What would become of my life
Would I try to be stronger?
Would I try to stop all strife?

If ever I knew what I would be
Would I then know?
Or cease to be me?

When I become old
When I become grey
I may turn around
And look back on this day
I may want to tell myself things
About where I went wrong
I might write better poetry
Learn to be strong

If I was stronger, better, faster
Then would I still be slave to my life?
Or would I be master?

Do we all feel weak?
Do we all feel insecure?
Does my faith in me disturb you?
Do you know the cure?

In my own life some would say I don't truly live
But for all my questions, one answer I would ask them to give

If I was stronger, would I cease to be me?
Would things be different?
Would I be free?
Its now five twenty-one
So says the clock by my pen
My family all sleeps, but not me

At five twenty-one I sit awake and wonder
How time does pass me by
For is it not just a creation of man?

Five twenty-one
A time when the sun has yet to rise
Though the moon had already more than set

At five twenty-one I can see her
A figment that might not exist
The love I thought I remembered
Though if not real, then really imaginary

The time, five twenty-one
I'm exhausted, my eyes feel heavy
But I could no more sleep than I could sprout wings
She thought that was funny

Even at five twenty-one when she first woke up
Does she bring with her the most prominent thoughts of beauty
Even so early does she bring with her a light that makes me smile

So at five twenty-one I have to ask
Is she the figment of my imagination,
Or am I the guy she's been dreaming of?
testing the waters with more non-rhyming poetry
The words.

They flow as if they were mine.

But they have no meaning.

The words are hollow.


Never before have words to me been meaningless like this.

As if there were no words and merely silence.

Deeper words have never been spoken.

And shallower words have never been heard.

Silence is what brings me to the keyboard.

Silence is the most forgiving thing, also the most condemning.

Never before hearing silence have I ever felt so insecure, never have I felt so free, so sure, never have I felt worse about myself as a person.

The silence has always given me everything I need and taken away anything that I’ve ever wanted, you see, my mind processes information faster than anything or anyone else. Not math or science, just thoughts, the series of movements never ends, thinking, rethinking, losing thoughts, remembering, wishing to forget. Along with my quick-silver mind, I can’t forget, anything, ever. Remember that time that you did something bad? Anything? I remember that every second, every minute, every hour. Every time I was wrong, every time I forgot something important or didn’t do something I was supposed to; I can’t just shrug it off, the thought of neglect or inferiority never leaves, it just gets harder and harder to not think about. Remember that time something bad happened to you? I was robbed once, I can see everything except the faces, I didn’t see them then and can’t see them now. The feeling of being robbed burns through me, fear, horror, sarcasm, lack of will to fight, lack of will to fight for an object, I cared so little about things then.

You may be reading out of curiosity, maybe out of boredom, maybe even out of true, pure, finalizing interest, because interest is always the enemy of silence. Have you ever sat in a room with a loved one and been completely silent? Seven out of ten times, I am, even if there’s noise. Before you ask, or even assume, we all assume things unfortunately, but before you do, I’m not deaf. I may be a bit blind, but you’d only think that would make sound stand out more. Only it doesn’t. My mind processes sounds just like everyone else, that’s one of the few things I have in common with anyone. Not saying I’m alone in this world, that would be conceited of me, but I certainly don’t feel similar to anyone, to anything, I did once, but that was before the silence overtook me.

When one talks about silence, I feel it only fair that sound should also be spoken of. Everything makes a sound, no two sounds are perfectly matched. Though we may hear two sounds that seem similar, no two things are exactly the same. Ever. Remember when you were young, how everything seemed so loud? The age of ten was the last time things were loud to me. Not to say that my ears have become any less sharp, that my senses have dulled, but that was when silence overtook the sound. The sounds are only a blurry memory to me now, maybe someday someone will show me the beauty in sound again, but for now I’m stuck in my own silent world.

I wish this were a two way communication, though things would still be silent at least I could read your lips, your words, your body language, those things never truly lie. In a way silence breeds the truth in all of us, in another it brings out the most horrible lies. I like to think it makes me more honest, but no one likes to think of themself as a weaver of lies and betrayer of friends. But we all know we have at least once and in the silence, not my silence, but your silence, you will feel, hear, and touch all these things as I do.

The silence makes me want to confess to the most horrible things I’ve done, to be modest about the most heroic, it makes me want to boast and brag, to lie, to do anything to just try and have someone stop the lack of sound. I’ve tried to scream, though my voice is just as silent to me as the outside world is. In a way, the silence is darkness, yet, the silence is light.

What would you do to end your silence?

Would you fight? ****? Would you be dishonest? Would you betray your friends and family, all for the sake of getting someone to say words that could honestly reach your ears?

I wouldn’t. Not anymore. And I certainly wouldn’t suggest it. I tried every bad thing I could think to get someone to talk, actually speak words to me. The English language is nothing but sounds now. Broken, failed sounds. Not that any other language is any better, they all just sound like silence, not even static, true static, which most people equate with ghosts or some other form of other-worldly something. That would certainly be a gift now, but I would never ask, could never, for something as unneeded and unwanted as static.

On the other hand, would you be a hero to end the silence? Would you fight countless monsters, not all of them necessarily realistic just in the hopes that someone you saved would say something? Would you put out fires? Defeat enemies? Could you even? I could. I tried at the very least. I was even brutally honest for the longest time. People don’t much appreciate that believe it or not. No one wants to be lied to and no one wants to know that they can’t follow all their dreams. Unfortunately for everyone, myself included, we’re all lied to, and we most certainly can’t follow most of our dreams.

The silence makes sure that I remember this. Three seconds from now I won’t care to try and talk to anyone. I’ll let this communiqué fall from my lips and try my hardest to forget that I ever wrote it. But we all know that won’t work. The silence that helps me sleep is also the silence that keeps me awake. How do I sleep? I wonder that just as I wonder how to rid myself of a silence like this. The short answer is that I don’t. The long answer is more complicated than I’d like to explain.

But the Silence, I feel I should treat it like its own being now, its own perfectly horrible, evil, monstrosity of a heroic being; the Silence doesn’t forgive, much like me it doesn’t forget, the only difference between the Silence’s memory and my own is that my mind screams at me, screams in the Silence that permeates around me. I never remember how hard or horrible my mind thinks before I sleep, all I see is the images that make up my dreams, rarely do I have nightmares, but it wouldn’t matter even if I didn’t dream, Silence fills my mind, my heart, my soul.

Do you remember the first time you were ever discouraged from anything? That first time you went to speak and realized you couldn’t so instead you cried? That is the exact feeling that I feel in the Silence. Knowing that no matter how hard I scream that my voice is utterly and completely incomprehensible. What would you do in my position? For that matter, what would I do in my situation? Some have told me all I need is a modicum of patience, others have told me that I never should wait and should only take action. Neither plan has ever worked for me.

Ever waited for time to pass while looking at a clock? That’s my entire life. Every moment seeming more Silent than the last despite that things never seem to change. Sure I’ve changed locations, but I’ve changed locations before and nothing is ever any different. Would you like to see inside my mind? That would probably help you speak to me, help me hear your words. But then again, maybe the Silence would only overtake you as well. For the sake of an attempt I have never tried, I’ll do it, free-thought writing, granted it will be much slower than I think. Just read it as fast as you can while understanding, but remember, don’t speak, don’t hear anything but the Silence in your mind,

Empty, but not. Women, memories of every one I ever met. Betrayal, both by me, and from me. A day where the sun doesn’t rise, but only falls again. Hoping this will be poetic. A name, not mine, not yet. Falling stars that bring me silent wishes. Hoping these words will speak to someone who isn’t me. Laughter, the sweet sound, I think that’s what it is. Complete Silence. Time elapsed, two seconds.

Not everything is simple and clear, many thoughts are more focused, like holding a magnifying glass backward, I squint my eyes and can see the world as it is, but with them open all I see is blur, Silent blur that reminds me that in a way I am all alone and in another that the entire world is watching me with narrow, scrutinizing eyes.
I'm sorry to say that this one is massive, no rhyme scheme like my others, more like a memoir over a poem, but in its own way I think it has managed to be the most poetic thing I've ever typed.
Fall and Rise

Fall and Rise

Feel the tide

Fall and Rise

Look alive

Its time again to be me

Set your soul free

And feel the tide

Fall and Rise

Its no surprise I fight myself

Constantly, conforming

To be everything I want to be

Feel the wind, watch the fire

Fall and Rise

Lose the ire

When you remember

Fall and Rise

Come tell me who you're supposed to be

Who am I?

Wait and see

Fall and Rise

Fall and Rise
The storm and rain keep it away

But every morning it comes back to stay

Like a clawing, tearing, biting thing

In every word I hear it ring

Don't forget yourself, it says to me

Don't lose yourself in a mental sea

Your mind is strong, your body too

your soul is light and your heart is true

You have no need for pride, none for power

When need arises you'll have your hour

Keep your head down, play it straight

and When the time comes, don't be late
Making pictures, painting halls

finding faces, breaking walls

lose your memory, find a friend

tell yourself the day won't end

Fly a kite, buy a bus

forgotten places, you used to love

remember me, don't use your eyes

when I come back, don't be surprised

Don't lose your head, just keep your cool

you only follow your own rules

A light in the dark, a place to stay

a spirit broken will pave my way

The light glows brighter

The dark disappears

Your spirit soars higher

And takes away your fears
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