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Though alone in mind, body, and spirit, I hear her call to me
The cool, gentle glisten off the pond is all I see
I reach out to grasp her, to feel her in my hands
Water is all I touch, I don't understand
Eyes like diamonds and skin that glows
She is all that I will ever know
A voice of ice and mind of blades
Uttering a word is all it takes to persuade
Our eyes meet, our minds melt, our lips touch
And as my eyes open, I am once again alone
You are not my first love.

You may not be my last love.

You may not be the most lasting, the best, the most caring love I ever have.

But you are the most important.

You are the love here for me when I need it most.

The love I have now is more important than any love I have in the future or the past.

You keep me sane everyday and I hope that you can continue to keep me sane forever.

I love you Jenny.

Time moves slowly in my mind, even if the minutes tick like seconds.


Not a word could release the pressure building in my skull.


The language I would use if I were to tell you how you made me feel.

She doesn't think a second thought of it.
But I do.

Every moment quickly becomes a year as her words cascade through the peaceful meadow that was me.
I feel every good thought drained as her sick lies fill me to the brim with regret for ever opening my mouth and saying hello.

And even though it feels like a millennium before I respond, mere moments have passed.
I take a deep breath and the pain is gone.

In the blink of an eye I've already forgotten why I'm angry.
The blink of her beautiful eyes.
Out of time, out of gas, losing sight of all this fast.
Last night, I'm left, tell me is this better than death?
One stroke, two bows, a song that we never chose.
No grip, no control, never will I give up control.
First breath, second sight, hold me, keep me through the night.
Eyes dark and eyes bright, never forget this light.
Wooden sound, last laugh, to keep my soul clean I wait fast.
Like the dark and like the night, like the sun and all its bright.
Open your eyes. Wake up.
Open your mouth. Speak up.
Open your ears. Listen up.
Open your heart. Love it up.
Follow me through the trees unto a forest of crones, we'll sit and wait, deliberate, about the world's unknowns.

And down through the rabbit hole will the two of we fall, until we come upon a perfect little hall.

The we two be of this I see a perfect matching pair, a girl set in her little green dress and her tiny pet hare.

Through the land of under we, do we solidly trot to find the crimes and treasured times of a land forgot.

The you and I, we do decline, a courting with the queen, though she insists we make a break and do not cause a scene.

The walrus and the carpenter do bring us many clams, but we partake and only break, the bread with many hams.

Our venture sought is cut short by a cat of multicolor, this we do outwit, the little twit, and make him seem all the duller.

Once and twice through the looking glass do the two of us stay, though the rain my pound overhead, we live to venture another day.
Dreams, shadows, my life of night speaks
Never once do I miss the sun

The bat inside me fears for the light,
the gargoyle demands it hurry up

Two sides, one made of night, nature,
The other made of dark and man

Neither evil, though one ferocious
Both considered bad by all

No one had dared to come close enough to see
Both sides are perfectly harmless

Though dark, I've never felt brighter
In both mind and spirit

It seems that all can see me from miles around
But all are too scared to get close,

Maybe the light is a lie
Maybe the darkness is the only truth
I have never once felt the rush as when I was running from those men
Never before had I seen things so clearly and never again had my memory been so cloudy
The stores I passed as my feet moved were in shambles, broken, rubble
Every thought I had was just of escape, escape from these men and escape from myself
Remembering the things I thought I needed just moments ago, but no longer cared for
No event in my life prepared me for the pain my pumping legs
And then I saw the truth, the people were nothing but my own fear and lack of responsibility
Lighting a cigarette I turn, face my own incompetence and find myself on a stage, in a crowd, on camera

The feeling of pride swelling in my chest
Holding the burning paper between ******* I blow smoke into the air
Only to find the two men returning
Under my every thought, they return and again and again I must fight them off
Gladly, I run headlong into stupid situations just to show myself I'm unafraid
However scared or pained I become
There is nothing that stops me from becoming that which I need to become
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