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3.3k · Aug 2010
Alexander Doss Aug 2010
Gnashing of teeth,
Tearing of vestments
Crematory waste
Smeared upon my face.

God has died,
A wanton suicide
Her ******* children
Now run this place.

***** stained covers
Adulterous lovers,
Depart smiling,
Not hiding their Faces.

Wounded skies bleed
On terra infirma indeed
It’s poison leaching  
Into bubbling brooks.

Bonita Muerte
Erasing the pain
Setting the corpses
On the pyres again

Comments and critiques are welcome, I am trying to explore different emotions coupled with imagery.  Thanks in advance for reading.
2.4k · Apr 2010
My Calliope
Alexander Doss Apr 2010
Sipping espresso, double affogato of course, topped with cream and
Chatting with Miles, I saw Calliope sauntered in from the rain.
Her dark mascara limped away from her crystal blue eyes
As she waited for the barrister to turn his head.
And when taking her cup,
Somewhere between Bird’s schizophrenic riffs
And Blakey's syncopation.
I fell in love
As I watched  her lips purse and
Blow casually at the lid, cooling the
Fiery liquids inside but igniting mine.
I decided to ask what brought  her in from the
My words  queued in my throat as I stood
To speak.
My knees cracked, testifying to the years I stood on them.
My heart tapped out a cadence as I strode
Over to her  table.
I could smell spice and ginger of  a perfume I knew so well.
Her chestnut hair fell in damp tendrils across her forehead.
Extending my hand with a napkin on the end I said, “ I would love if you joined
Me for a biscotti.”
With a sparkle in her eye her painted lips slid across her teeth,
“I am waiting for a friend.”
Walking away I sat dejected but not rejected because as she
Conversed with him she peeked at me
My Calliope
And all was well.

2.0k · Jan 2011
Ruby Red Lips
Alexander Doss Jan 2011
Yellow mango
flesh perched
on ruby red lips,

her elbow
propped on the
bar, watching
the leaving

News crackles
of a major hurricane,

tourist are

locals are

When the
surge subsided,
far inland it

her body
was found
washed up
on the beach

the seas dead calm
the wind's mouth

They knew it
was her by her
ruby red lips.

I  welcome your feedback.
1.3k · Feb 2010
So Much
Alexander Doss Feb 2010
Each atom, and the protons in its shell,(not to forget them too)
Vibrates when the damp rush of your
Breath melds to my flesh
Quickening my spirit with
Each and every Sip and blow,
Rocking me to and fro
As I wonder,
Why do you bewitch Me,
So Much.

1.2k · Mar 2010
On the Coast
Alexander Doss Mar 2010
Tepid Moscato and Brie On Melba Toast,
Sandpipers chasing the retreating surf,
Orange sun dawdling as a old
Man searching his lost memories,
Thick salty air caressing a lovers Loose curls
Flaccid waves reaching casually for
The Cerulean sky as their arms retire back to
Their sides.
Tepid Moscato and Brie On Melba Toast,
Another afternoon On the Coast
959 · Mar 2010
Lead Rocket
Alexander Doss Mar 2010
Standing at the gates of Hell
Entrance, One lead ticket I need
Questions will abound about
The way I came, not about
The way I will leave
Typical for those who
Will step over the
Sangria stain that will
Pool  around my jeans,
Drawing the curtains close
My journey ready to begin
The darkness embraces me
As a lover before
A mortal sin.
I inhale, and relax, for the
Way into the light depends on the
Might of a rockets front end.

Just trying out different genres!

893 · Nov 2010
Her Day
Alexander Doss Nov 2010
Weaving my way
Through a throng,
I spied emerald eyes
dark and somber
as a July
her day dripped
sadness around
crimson heels
in tiny rivulets
of espresso and cream,
Staining her Burberry
skirt along its seams.
Lifting her hand to
her lips, *******
gingerly at manicured
She watched the
train pull away.

I welcome your feedback.
872 · Apr 2013
Alexander Doss Apr 2013
in the fading sun
beneath the early
stars and the
yellow lamps
that light one by one.

Geese bear witness
As they waddle past on
Tiny orange feet,
As our hearts untwine
Under the
Misty blue sky.

Your supple mouth
Pinches tightly shut
As you lower your eyes
To the ground.

Lifting the lace high up
Over your head you
Go off to be a bride.
806 · Mar 2010
I Walk My Walk
Alexander Doss Mar 2010
I Walk my walk,
A strut, in time, with a distant Metronome that tick, tick, ticks
away the seconds of my life.
But I don’t care
For I am impermanent,
Enlightened, amazed at the
Cells when they divide by themselves
And know when to quit.
I am impermanent,  
A humble specter draped in flesh
Slavered in fat and minerals
Borrowing the very air I breath
For my time in the lemony sunshine
I Walk my walk,
A strut, in time, laughing and loving
My way to the finish line.

803 · May 2010
No Rest
Alexander Doss May 2010
Nerves grind sharply
as freshly drilled teeth
A rotted ghost of old
Haunts in my sleep  
Warm acrid bile fills
The back of my throat
As Love soft peals  
Erases all my hopes
Peeling back the moist corneum
Of my eager flesh
She exposes the throbbing source of
My distress
Her soothing glare
Renders my bones of fat
And lays them bare
My Mistress, My Mistress!  
I have lost the will to
Who surrenders me
No rest.

Feedback builds a better poet...or makes a bitter pundit. ~AD
798 · Feb 2010
In the park
Alexander Doss Feb 2010
Dancing ****,
Swirling  as a dying ember
Trapped in a flue,
Warm tears leaping from my cheeks
Before finding solace in the cool grass,
And sparkling like diamonds
The tears watched me dance too
All because I felt myself
Edited for clarity.
789 · Jun 2010
A Mother's Night
Alexander Doss Jun 2010
Oh my,
How sweet the
Steals her tears
From crying eyes.
Whisking her weeping
Off its feet.
Silent harmonies
Sail her across the dark
Harbor, mooring her
Off to sleep.
Laying her fretless in
Softened quilts
Her mother hopes
Will keep.
Stealing away from
Her berth
The mother makes
A retreat.
Feeling lonely without
Her warmth
The baby’s eyes doth peep,
The baby's eyes doth peep.

Comments are encouraged and welcomed.

762 · Dec 2010
Night Air
Alexander Doss Dec 2010
Blowing sweat
dry, across her

As tiny
erections march
down her back.

Drawing warm
breaths threw
her teeth.

She praises the
sky for a
sweet relief.

Thanks for reading and your comments are welcome.
759 · Feb 2010
I So Remember the Day
Alexander Doss Feb 2010
Standing on 35th and Vine,
I so remember the day.
Where ***** yellow sunshine lay exhausted
On muddied puddles of ocher
And the wind whispered in time with the 3:15,
I took A call from friend who had resigned
To end her life and mine
Holding a prayer between my teeth
I bequeathed,
My patience,
My peace,
My sanity,
To a silent line
That day on 35th and Vine
I so remember the day                                

754 · Jun 2010
Lost River
Alexander Doss Jun 2010
Lost River

Phantasms fill the spaces
Of my dreams a haunted place
Chatter chatter clatter breaking
Shattering the cold chains
Undamming memories of childhood
Lost, torrents of pain lay bare my banks
Of deep rooted trees
and tossed my sanctuary asunder
Dragging me under  
I sputtered and gagged on thick muddy memories
I could not
find a dry place on my pillow
I moaned a lullaby
A dirge so cheerful I wept no longer
behind the heavy red curtains of my
Private place,

I welcome your feedback.

704 · Aug 2010
Unhand Me
Alexander Doss Aug 2010
Remember when
a stroll , so ancient its name,
Was our universe.
Long and winding ,deep
Into the forest’s cosmos.
As Winter’s breath splashed
Your cheeks with rubies.
I stole glances of your
Perfect lips bathed
In the dying light.
As the stars played
In your highlights,
Your hand
In mine,
I laid a kings road
To my soul.
Your chariot,
A kiss so warm
And deep its meaning
I dare not speak above
Is afraid
Of your caress
Unhand me, I say
Unhand me.

Thanks for reading and I welcome your honest feedback.

700 · May 2010
Morning Air
Alexander Doss May 2010
Sleepy moon beams kiss the morning sky
Goodbye, as they slip  into the cerulean on

I’d been walkin all night, the morning air
Unwinding the curls from my tangled hair.  As I drug
My emotions through potholed streets.

Tires crunching sand the sweepers missed,
Sliver boxes clicking the lights from green to
Red, steam clouds rise in a royal ascension
Bathing passers by in a ghostly hue.

Pulling my coat tightly I slipped though
Their procession unnoticed, ears pressed to phones,
Eyes lowered to ground, hands gripped on purse straps.
I sit watching the wisp of early risers become a
Thunderous herd or late risers walking nowhere.

I’d been walkin all night, the morning air
Damp against my face, cool and electric
Condensing on my cheeks, dripping down
My face where my tears should be. If I
Won’t cry for myself most certainly  the morning air
Will do it for me.  

697 · Mar 2010
What Say You
Alexander Doss Mar 2010
In your ear, I make a request
Only we can hear.
Stealing a moment of your time
I request you a character in my
Play, a *****, a vamp, a *****
***** or maybe a damsel who
Is without distress but dislikes
Her dress so she leaves it at the door.
I implore a response at once.
A nod, or a wink, will do.
What say you?
Can I be the villain, pursuing you
With peach marmalade on a wooden
Can I blindfold you with  blue silk
And caress your skin with lace?
I make this request partly out of
Fear and haste but all you can say
Is no to my request.
Now, I solemnly promise I won’t
Stain your bustle with oil and I will
Leave the jasmine dust alone.
(We remember the sneezes of old)
I won’t tie you to the door and shame
Your cheeks with kisses ridding on the backs
Of lascivious lips .
Even though you held those cheeks up high.
I won’t chase you through the house
Like A lion after a mouse
Rousing the suspicions of the tenets below.
Even though they would never believe
Cause, our gray hair and bent backs often deceive
So, what say you?

656 · Apr 2010
Winter's Night
Alexander Doss Apr 2010
Proud evergreens  shake their shoulders
Shuddering in the cold winter’s night
Tossing snow flakes to the ground
Each one sparkling in the Hunter’s
Moonlight .


— The End —