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Alexander Cullen Feb 2013
Days go by and I remember your face
Your cold hands in mine
Even the way your lips taste
How we'd cuddle with tea
Watching Disney movies
But time moves too fast
And away we must be

So now we retreat
To that spot on the hill
Where I confessed my love
And you smiled so real
Where we'd watch the stars
And think about
Our days to come
And how lucky we are
To have each other
And be so close
But our end is near
Regardless of those
Many excuses I say
To make distance mean nothing
Or how we'd speak every day

But now you must go
On your journey alone
While behind I must stay
And pray for the day
That you come back to me
With my arms opened wide
I'll tell you "I love you"
And you'll say with a sigh
"Oh my time was not wasted
But it's good to be home
Take my hand once again
I won't leave you alone."
Alexander Cullen Feb 2013
See your smiling face each morning
Watch your tired eyes close at night
Take your hand at the park in the evening
Always hold you tight

Your "man" does none of these things
Has every girl in his sights
Can't even say "I love you"?
He could never treat you right

"He's just scared" you say
"Never been serious before"
So i stand here watching him hurt you
While you says he's the one you adore

But here I've been, all along
thinking about how he doesn't belong
'Cause we've been best friends since before we knew
Of high school trends or the auroras hue

I'll take your hand if you'll have mine
Tell me, who's afraid to love? Not I.
Alexander Cullen Feb 2013
As life goes on we travel down a road
Be it one of loose stones or one of paved land
They're all the same
We get up in the mornings to do what we're told
And sleep at night when no more can be done
We all dream dreams of the life that we seek
But who really tries to strive for that life?
"It's too hard." "I could never do that."  is all we've learned to say
But no, if your heart's strong and your dreams true
Then yes, you can dream, and you will succeed.

We are one people, one being, living among each other
We all know happiness, pain, and sorrow
And we all know love.
That was our dream, love
And for a time we had it
But, as they say, nothing lasts forever
Just like our love
And just like our life.

Our world is like alchemy
With life as our mortar and love as our pestle
You can bring your precious things together in life
But, all the same, when love is brought in
Everything in life will be broken apart.

You see these roads that we ride
Take the same path
We go
We live
We love
Then we lose
But no matter how ludicrous your dream may be
We always keep on keeping on
Because, when life gives you lemons
Don't pucker and curse.
Say "thanks for the chance, I'll use this one well"
Because I know **** well that I want my dream
But are you positive that you feel the same?

— The End —