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Jun 2011 · 685
Seasons Of My Mind
Alex Webster Jun 2011
I can be as lovley as an autumn day
with a mild breeze and a scattered shower
on golden leaves.

However I can be as vicious as a january frost
with it's knife at the throat of a sleeping creature,
embittered by the long dark nights
and the short snap of dun sun days

But some people melt the winter ice
like summer sun, breaking through
and filling up the empty spaces
and a different me springs up.
Mar 2011 · 770
35, but I am not a number
Alex Webster Mar 2011
Mold and chastise me
you only change what
you see. what you see
is what you get, but
what you don't see
is always better.
Alex Webster Mar 2011
I woke up today
and the pain ran right through me
who wants me like this?

I always see them
and they think I am broken
who has the* **problem
Mar 2011 · 2.0k
Alex Webster Mar 2011
To be compared to a godess, a golden creature in a shining bodice.

(Is this what girls want?)

to be as fair as aphrodite, grace and beauty and lovers mighty.

(and to be an adulterous back stabber!)

to have athena's dilligence wisdom and intelligence.

(and to be a moody cow who cow who cant take critiscm)

or put hestia to shame, purity kindness a maiden without blame

(a symbol of female submission)

then may your wish come true and have all the blessings of a godess

(most of you already have there curses)
Feb 2011 · 703
Ode to Cupid
Alex Webster Feb 2011
Oi you
yes you
the fat kid in the ***** and the glittery sandals
For the love of love get a grip

give the girl who only wishes
her knight in shining armour
and give the geek with a heart a chance,
his first chance for amour

give the girl with the smile, the chest and the perfect hair,
more than the guy that never has and never will care.
Give kindness and charity a man
who gives her as much as anyone can

Let him get over the the lies and the false starts

take the love away from the liars
(throw them on pyres)
give true love to the beauties
give the uglie's some hope

I hope your paying attention,
I hope you use my advice
because ,so far you've been no good
and loves colder and harder than ice

This is your last and final warning.
I will come to olympus
to rip your scrawny wings off
yours, your angry nemesis
Feb 2011 · 820
Life's a bitch
Alex Webster Feb 2011
I love you more than her.
She who forced herself upon you,
dragged you unwillingly into her social circles

She doesn’t care as much as I do.
She who lets you wander unprotected
I’m there when you need me
when your ill, In pain ,defenceless

but I will wait, as I do for everyone I love
I will watch you glow and shine and live your days with her
and even though you spurned me and pushed me away
I will be there for you
for when she leaves you, I will always be there
Feb 2011 · 1.1k
We do not exist
Alex Webster Feb 2011
We are the eternal beauties, you study our golden skin, immortal and eternal.
we are the thing you crave, you love us, androgynous and universal.
we are the thing that will **** you, you will pine after us, deadly and unreachable.
we are all this and nothing.
we do not exist.

— The End —