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3.9k · Apr 2010
Fizzy Bubbles
Alex Tonus Apr 2010
Open up a Can of Cream Soda
Look at the delightful sight
Of Fizzy Bubbles popping in the air
You can't resist them with all your might

Take a sip or two of Cream Soda
Take a second or two as you feel
Fizzy Bubbles running down your throat
The perfect way to end off a meal

Then you realize something shocking
As soon as you have downed your last sip
The Fizzy Bubbles have disappeared so quickly!
Since you were thirsty from the potato chips!

Wait! Don't open another bottle!
Listen to what I'm about to say!
Fizzy Bubbles might be fun and yummy!
But you've had quite enough bubbles today!
© Safi Uddin
1.3k · Apr 2010
Mini Pizzas
Alex Tonus Apr 2010
Mini Pizzas, full of happiness and joy
Seem to make me more delighted than a brand new Christmas toy
I cut them into quarters and eat them one by one
And I'll eat them 'til the end of time, or 'til I've ate a ton
© Safi Uddin
896 · Apr 2010
I Find Myself Eating
Alex Tonus Apr 2010
I find myself eating strange things
Strange things in different forms
An avocado-flavored Jell-O
Or the fine zest of a rose's thorn

I find myself a curious person
But curiosity killed the cat
I fear that if I eat too many strange things
My body will just grow too fat

Even now I can't stop myself
From devouring these strange creations
I still need a bite of that puffer-fish sandwich
Oh, how I always give in to temptations

Fried Tarantulas, how they melt in my mouth
Slime Sandwiches, the texture is amazing
I can't let go of this hobby
To stop would just be infuriating!

But now my Fridge is empty
But I still have a craving for strange food
So I'll go to the Farmer's Market
And once again I'll be in a good mood

You may call me a mad scientist
Since I always try to make something new
And also because whenever you come inside my house
I guarantee that you'll be sure to say "P-U!"
© Safi Uddin
664 · Jun 2010
He who knows.....
Alex Tonus Jun 2010
He who knows nothing and knows he knows nothing, he is a scholar;
teach him.
He who knows nothing and thinks he knows something, he is a fool;
shun him.
He who knows something and thinks he knows nothing, he is unsure;
enlighten him.
He who knows something and knows he knows something, he is wise;
follow him.
© Safi Uddin

— The End —