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Aug 2014 · 246
You Had to Be There [10w]
Alex Paiva Aug 2014
He laughed quietly to himself.  No one was the wiser.
Aug 2014 · 3.0k
The Dragonfly
Alex Paiva Aug 2014
Laying in the yellowed grass,
Blades softly deceive.
Feeling comfort in this place,
I never want to leave.

At my feet the water cool,
A lonely little pond.
Seeming hushed tranquility,
Of this I'm truly fond.

I lay alone for just a moment,
Time lost not in regret.
All worries and daily troubles,
Easy to momentarily forget.

I know when I leave this glen,
Everything will bury me.
I cannot do this by myself,
Living life so warily.

Then she came to me so gently,
Landing on my arm.
Eyes bluer than the sea kissing the sky,
She meant me no harm.

A dragonfly, swift and wise,
Full of beauty and grace.
I knew that this mysterious creature,
Would guard me beyond this place.

Looking over me day-to-day,
From the skies up above.
I need not to fear or need not fret,
Protected by her love.

I knew that you had not left,
Your time with me not through.
This guardian angel dragonfly,
Reminds me of being with you.

— The End —