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Aug 2014 · 252
Alex Lutz Aug 2014
My mind constantly thinks about what others think of me
What goes on in their heads?
Can you tell by what they say? No most likely not.
Is it all a lie, or is it truth, only the actions and time will tell
Soon enough you will notice, and learn
What other people see you as,

And what they see you as not.
Aug 2014 · 715
Blood, Sweat, Tears.
Alex Lutz Aug 2014
I grit my teeth, I feel the pain
The blood courses through my veins
The sweat rolls off my brow
And the tears roll down my face.

Where is this place that I am in?
Deep inside my thoughts
This desperate place of longing.
To feel the touch of your embrace.
To gaze upon the most beautiful face...

To crack a smile, and part your lips,
is now my ultimate goal.
The beauty of your smile and laugh
Makes me complete and whole.

But part of me is still not sure,
if you feel the same.
Would you care if I took a plane,
and never came back again?

My arms are open, walk on in
These arms were made for you.
I long to give you a warm embrace
And show you what I can do.

If you show me more of an interest,
I will be more motivated.
That way I know that I belong to you,
And nobody else is trying to steal you away.

I want to be your anchor,
your foundation on solid ground.
You are the only woman who can stop my heart with one quick look,
Can I be the man in which you confide?

That answer is killing me, and so is the time
I have to be patient, and show you, in time,
I hope that you will see me again,
When the dust settles, I will be your knight in shining armor, and your best friend again.

I could do it boo, you know that better than anyone.

So I beg of you,
                   ­           Come back to where you belong.
                              My arms are open, waiting.
                              My Dreamweaver, get me through these lonely nights.
                              Come, and make me whole again.

                                   Give me another chance.
Alex Lutz Aug 2014
The weight of the world sits on my chest,
The pain of longing, of want, of a companion I know well,
With complete prior knowledge of this fine specimen,
I cant help but be ensnared again in the tangly web of love

The first time I saw, my god. Its like the eyes' virginity is taken.
A beautiful woman to admire, and get to know.
Complete originality, not one in the world like her.
Not in body. Not in mind. Not in spirit.

Remember back to when we fell, together.
Do you recall the crazy series of events that put me in your path?
Where would I be if not for you, I have no idea.
Without you, I am nothing. I know that now, loud and clear.

We were one, you and I, tightly bound
Nothing could or would stop us.
I am my own worst enemy, Regretting my past decision.
Cutting my lifeline and rope off from my love, my one and only.
I would love more than anything to slowly reattach, and heal,
The cable that once held us together so tightly.

You say " let your actions speak" will you watch and listen?
If I get my actions in line will you see them?
Ive been working hard to be wiser and less rash,
to understand and listen instead of jumping to conclusions fast.

You say you love me, what is holding you back?
I love you too, more than anything in fact.
Why must you say that you need time,
I understand but baby, lets forgive and move on.

But Alex, you were the one who let me go!
Yes baby looking back I realize, I know!
I will beg, do anything for another chance.
Anything for your love's sake is worth doing again.

But time is the key to a strong love, and healing,
and to rekindle a relationship you need both things.
And plus you said right now its what you need,
your wish is my command, Ill treat you as a queen.

My time with you isn't time spent, its earned,
after every endeavor somehow I feel richer mentally or in my spirit.
Wish you could jump into my head and see, into the fathoms of my brain,
Deep deep down how much you mean to me.

The longer the clock ticks the stronger the bond gets,
That is why I regret the decision to break it.
There is no other woman that I have a heart or eyes for,
Baby I don't want to argue, just sit down so we can talk more.

The bond is broken, but I can bend it and mend it
Back to its original shape, or even stronger.
Let me come back in your life, and start to carefully and gently restore,
What I had ripped out before. :(

Our love can be stronger. I know you feel something special between us.
I will respect you first, in order to earn your trust.
Then all the dents and kinks can work themselves out.
Knowing that love will overcome those tougher obstacles.

My heart still yearns and longs for her small, gentle but strong hands,
To be clasped around my heart, holding it secure, never inflicting pain,
Tending to its every need.
Why did I not see, The absolute rarity of a woman so elegant and fair as thee?

Her golden-brown hair, her emerald eyes,
Her perfect smile, those American thighs.
Just a few things that describe the one and only potential bride
That I have ever met in this challenge called life. In my best moment, I had it all. In my worst moment, all was lost.

Have we lost it all? The house we spent 2 years to build?
Has it come crashing down brick by brick?
What of the cornerstones? Are they in their respective places?
Has all that I have worked and loved for been completely vanquished?

Have the winds of change blown? Have the tides shifted?
Is the playing field the same, or is it somehow different??
I remember the days when things were straightforward,
I  said what I felt, and my words were never distorted.

I want to work hard to prove myself. Am I worth it? I know I am.
Does she think that of me though? Have I lost ALL respect between us?
How can I live with myself if I let true love slip? But if I grab tighter, it only becomes more slick, and chances of us ending up together diminish.
The only person that could give me true happiness I run away from? That was hands down my absolute worst mistake.

I will work hard for another chance.
I will be a better man
That you are calling out to me to be.
Then perhaps you and I will reunite our team.

Where is my mind? I cannot catch it, slips away from the conscious
Memories of you, dash in and out, at any times notice.
Something I see or hear pulls that trigger over and over again.
BANG. 9mm to my mind. An endless reminder of my fatal mistake.

I have hurt worse in 2 months to be away from and missing you,
Than it ever did in all 2 years I was with you.
Come back to me, my purest love, my one and only, my Juliet.
You are the only thing I can think about.

— The End —