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 Jan 2013 Alex J
It is as I lay between these sheets,
that my heart realizes your absence.
It feels like calm water under a full moon,
whereas our life is on so many different wavelengths.

It is as I feel the cold next to me,
that I miss the warmth you brought in discussion.
I miss the electricity your glance encased,
because it seems like an endless night.

It is as I touch the silky fabric around me,
that my dull nerve endings are noted.
I realize you always kept me alert for everything,
You kept me on tiptoes.

It is as I lay between these sheets,
that my heart finally realizes
it wants you tangled in these sheets.
 Dec 2012 Alex J
Autumn is here
A season with two faces
One blows a farewell kiss
To her late friend August
The other adjusts his spectacles
And looks for the surefooted
Arrival of the cold months

Orange and gold falls from the trees
These petals and leaves
Resemble to true likeness the pollen
Coated bees that buzz and
Construct the giant honey combs
That little bears love so much

Trunks and branches of trees
Sigh away the dry whisper
From Summer’s heat and
Thieve away any trace of water
That within their thoughts
Reach they may sense
From this thieving of
Liquid pure
Comes verdant mosses
Those in jest proclaim sole dominion
Over the apple’s green

The deer venture through the
Rains of petals and leaves
Sniffing with their muzzles the
Tiny mushrooms
That escaped the underground when rain
First touched soil surface

Squirrels chase each other around
And up the trunks of soaring oaks
And with their teeth
Collect nuts for when desire
To go search is not a question

Orange and gold
Falls from the trees
What falling wonders are these?
 Dec 2012 Alex J
 Dec 2012 Alex J
If anyone asks me what i want right now

besides the obvious answer being YOU,

all i want is to write poetry and

see your face in my head as the words come to me.

it's not hard to believe that you are

the sole subject of my prose.

As if writing about you could heal my soul

i hate that you have this hold on me

i never knew how weak i really was.

For as often as i see you,

you might as well be on Jupiter instead of the

other side of town
 Feb 2012 Alex J
He touched her once
On her stomach
She barely felt it,
          Then she did.
Her flesh a fire
Layer by layer
His palm seared her gut
          though it was no longer there.
It touched her blood
Separated skin from muscle
Obliterated organs
Delved deep,
          and deeper still.
He adhered himself to her core.
She hated him for
that touch….
         That touch..
                 That stopped.

— The End —