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Alex E Morris Jan 2011
The things I do
The ways I try
The chances I blew

All these failures
I feel like
I wanna die


Though how many is too much
How many chances do I get?

Till it’s all over and I’m lost without you?
Alex E Morris Jan 2011
I’m absolutely flustered when I think of your face
I just can’t stand remembering the laughs we share
I’m in unbearable pain when I reminisce how fast my heart would race
It’s crazy how quick I tire of dwelling upon the amount we care

However, there is one thing…
A thing I’ll never be sick of, and this is true
As long as your there for me
As long as a fire’s still burning
I’ll never be sick of you
Alex E Morris Jan 2011
Oh the way our minds work
In such collaboration, appear so much alike
A place of compassion and understanding, pains lurk
The bitter aftertaste to a joy no one appears to dislike

And while these pains burn inside
They burn inside us both
After enduring so much for that we cried
The bonds between us are sound,
Like that of a strong oath

Oh the way our minds work
They capture every moment,
All that you’ve been happy for
And leave your heart open, just waiting for more
Alex E Morris Jan 2011
There’ll be a pie on the windowsill
I’ll be all dressed up just for you
The birds will be singing beyond a hill
All the particular adornments placed askew

When you come home

I’ll be there, with all the patience in the world
Never have you looked so beautiful as the time before
Stuff of the past, things never forgotten are unfurled
Sharing memories till our minds hit the floor

When you come home

Our eye’s meet, a wish for the best of times
Nothing seems impossible; it’s all within grasp
And as we speak in funny little rhymes
Our hearts are connected while our hands begin to clasp
Alex E Morris Jan 2011
On the horizon

There is a sunset
There is a sea, all salty and wet

On the horizon

Where we where we first met
Where our hearts cried for joy and our minds wept

On the horizon
A future to look forward to,
And a love to be kept
Alex E Morris Dec 2010
Why must we be held by our necks alive?
Is there a reason, a cause for suffering?

As each one of us chokes, our resilience to pain grows
Things that have never bothered you before show their true colors
And as you stand firm, waiting, eroding away at the fear that envelopes you
There is no relief, only misconstrue gabber and a burning hatred.
Alex E Morris Dec 2010
Becoming who you never wanted to be
The one's you always watch and see,

If.. Perhaps you've turned into one of "them"

...Struggling about for the truth,
It's never black and white,
Never quite as simple as his princess and her knight.

Confusion strikes a key of fear into every action you take.
Worried, so terrified you've made a critical mistake.

Windows shatter as violence erupts within,
an inner concience reigns upon logical thought.

You attempt to resist, but...
...see no reason to doubt.

The conflict from within recides,

There will forever be a part that's screaming for change,
For the change you never would have wanted in the first place.
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