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Jun 2015 · 3.7k
My kingdom for a sandwich
Alex Douillet Jun 2015
The alarm woke me up
Constant beeping by my head
It just wont shut up
But I think I'll stay in bed

There's a snooze button for a reason
and that reason today is me
I'll try to be gentle nextime Mr Snooze
And not hit you so forcefully.

My bed is my kingdom the scorching sun seiges
My curtains' my fortification's already breached
I admit my defeat and go see whats in the fridge
Nov 2013 · 1.9k
Alex Douillet Nov 2013
I looked at his pictures
Just to see you smile
I just like seeing you happy
And now I am
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
Alex Douillet Nov 2010
Im living from a suitcase now
somewhere in the city*

I still think about her every day
and how she is so pretty
Alex Douillet Sep 2010
It came as a suckerpuch,
nearly knocked me off my feet,
now my world is falling apart,

I'm barely strong enough to eat.

People have crushed my dreams one by one,
I cherished the love we once had,
But now it's gone.
Sep 2010 · 784
Alex Douillet Sep 2010
Some days don't even start.
Like today.
Coming down off your high,
You make me shake,
You make me tremble with fear when I think what it will be like without you,
But more than anything else,
You make me happy.

Jun 2010 · 3.5k
Sweaty palms
Alex Douillet Jun 2010
My eyes are dark
Tired and jaded
Your dress shimmers in the light
I really feel like **** but
you look beautiful tonight
Jun 2010 · 698
Writers Block
Alex Douillet Jun 2010
String 4 chords together on a 6 string instrument

Some skinny jeans, a hair cut and a stupid ******* name.

You started something original but now you sound the same.
May 2010 · 12.7k
Feeling Empty
Alex Douillet May 2010
I did some stuff.

Yeah I regret it.
regrets are worse than apologies.
My head is a dark place,
a crowbar could not open me up,
the secrets stuck inside me.

I've destroyed all the things I love.
May 2010 · 1.3k
Alex Douillet May 2010
I love a girl,
She doesn't know,
A girl loves me but our love cant grow.

I'm trapped by circumstance.
My heart hates my head,
for missing time with her,
and for not listening
to every word she said.
Mar 2010 · 2.6k
Dance Under Those Lights
Alex Douillet Mar 2010
The confidence and passion hidden in my eyes,
deep green pools of emotion that you can read like a book.
They overflow with ire from each bad decision,
each chance I never took.
"Push through your jab, Now a right hook"

There's always someone in my corner,
but a fighter wont always listen,
your ego can get the better of you,
under those lights that shine and glisten
Feb 2010 · 11.4k
Alex Douillet Feb 2010
I wont be censored and I cant be stopped,
I'll be air brushed out and photoshopped.


There's an energy in this youth,
Kids with blue and red hair,
The world is up for grabs,
but I wont see it,
I wont be there.

If the revolution came tonight would anybody care.
Jan 2010 · 1.7k
Confidence [Charisma]
Jan 2010 · 3.8k
Cracked Screen
Alex Douillet Jan 2010
I'm writing this on a broken phone,
about times when technology will make you moan,
and grunt and growl and groan.

He made it look simple,
am I alone? Why does technology make me moan.
Jan 2010 · 624
Jan 2010 · 2.2k
Invite your friends
Alex Douillet Jan 2010
The rapping and tapping,
the hitting and slapping,
sipping and slurping,

The munching and crunching,
the snacking and slacking,
hunching in a darkened room,

Facebook steals your youth.

— The End —