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738 · Jul 2013
Alex DeLarge Jul 2013
Por vezes, sinto-me angustiado.
Algo me atormenta, me deixa nervoso e inquieto durante horas.
É perturbador.
Uma vontade gigantesca que não cessa.
Só nao sei de quê!
737 · Aug 2013
Alex DeLarge Aug 2013
Por causa de ti,
Eu deixei de dormir.
Por causa de ti,
É difícil eu me concentrar.
Por causa de ti,
Eu estou sempre sem ar.
Por causa de ti,
Eu estou sempre em baixo.
Por causa de ti,
Eu tenho marcas e cicatrizes.
Por causa de ti,
Eu acho que sou feio e não valho nada.
Por causa de ti,
Eu conheci a minha pior inimiga.
Por tua causa,
554 · Jul 2013
Double Meh
Alex DeLarge Jul 2013
I am not depressed.
I can still smile at pretty things.
And laugh when jokes are funny.
I can still talk to people.
And enjoy nice days.
But when I go inside,
When I am alone,
There is something broken
And I fall into a sadness so sweet
That it engulfs me.
I look in the mirror
and I don’t like what I see.
And the tear always fall
When I’m falling asleep
And I miss everything that doesn’t exist.
I am not depressed.
I’ve just been sad for a while (and awful since I’ve born)
But I can still find the light,
Maybe in heaven,
Maybe in your smile,
Maybe in your eyes,
Maybe if I die…
But I can still smile ;)
532 · Jul 2013
Rock Poem
Alex DeLarge Jul 2013
Rock é a minha vida,
Rock é a minha paixão,
Se não gosta de rock,
Foda-se a sua opinião.
470 · Jul 2013
Alex DeLarge Jul 2013
I made this and its true:
Here I go

Do you see that boy over there, it looks happy
but look into her eyes it’s the only way
to see that this boy is not ok
that boy is hurting on the inside, he is depressed
but refuses to tell anyone
he hides in the lies that he is fine
he feels possessed
not by a demon
but himself
the person everyone thinks he is
he hates himself he is getting ready to self-harm
he not only is doing it to feel better and be happy
he is doing it to get noticed to get someone’s attention
on the inside he is dying slowly
hating every moment
hoping and dreaming he will die soon or that he will find the courage to end it
just to end the pain
just so he will leave the fake person he created behind
just so he can say who he really is in zero words
just so it will be too late for anyone to help
you had no idea until this moment
you have no idea how to comfort him
but less of and idea how to tell u that u know the real him
you hope that he will be ok, but who is to say if u look in everyone how long until you've found another i am the boy you saw that day
I am depressed in every way
and not at all ok
you saw me as who I really am, depressed, hurt, hated
I am sorry I am this way but this is the real me
453 · Jul 2013
Alex DeLarge Jul 2013
I like to drink coffee alone and read my books alone. I like walking alone. That gives me time to think and define my free mind. I like to eat alone and listen to music alone. But when I see a mother with her son, a girl with her boyfriend or a boy laughing with his best friend, I realize that even if I like to be alone, I don't like to be alone.

— The End —