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Alex Brown Aug 2011
The poetry's dried up
Like a drop of water in the sahara
Any inspiration now evaporates
A thirst for words
Like cracked lips
Peel and sore

The rain came, washed down onto paper
Sorrows and sadness, splash
Drowning a page in rythm and wonder
The pitter patter beat
Giving life,
Where there wasn't before,
Saplings took to the ground
To soar ever higher into majestic beings

But now the acrid earth thirsts
Heels clack with rock under foot
The hacking of lungs as
Dust perfumes the air and
A ***** smell of burning lingers
Catching tightly at the back of your throat
Scorched ground gives way
To a seeming never-ending drought
Of words.
Aug 2011 · 1.4k
Untitled - for now
Alex Brown Aug 2011
Your heart is not an object you can give away
                                                            ­                Metaphysical
                                  ­                                                                 ­                                         Its something you've forgotten
                                                       ­                                                                 ­ Analytical
                                                    ­                                                                 ­                         It's all in your head
                                                            ­                                                                 ­        Psychological

                                                ­                                                                 ­                             Love is just spontaneous
                                                     ­                                                                 ­            Chemical reactions in your mind
                                                            ­                                                            To future the human race
                                                            ­                                                                 ­                                    evolution
                                                     ­                                                                 ­                    It's natural selection
                                                       ­                                                                 ­ And a probable, statistical truth
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                          You'll find someone you
                                                             ­                                                                 ­                         Relate to
                                                              ­                                                                 ­         Serotonin pumps
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                          Testosterone too
                                                             ­                                                   Then oxytocin to complete the brew
                                                            ­                                                                 ­                  And you fall in love
                                                            ­                                                                 ­        Glazed eyes will connect
                                                         ­                                                                 ­                            Start writing poems about
How she's so perfect

But then my friend
If this were true
Why does my heart yearn for you
Why do i have sleepless nights
This isnt right
If these were chemicals in my mind
Its been a year
Surely they'd disappear..
Aug 2011 · 617
Alex Brown Aug 2011
It's hard to give a second thought when you walk ahead,
You turn,
The beaming smile and energy excites me,
I jog on to catch up,
We grab hands,
Clutching hold, drawing from the grasp,
I lift you up and swing you round,
The laughter explodes from inside,
Infectious, we fall,
Playfully roll and sigh.

A perfect spot.

There's a castle behind us, and a chasm in front,
Trees bright and vibrant sit longing nestled between us and the sun,
We see it falling from the sky,
A great blaze of fury, anger and still somehow tranquil and calm,
You cuddle up to me and i pull the blanket over your shoulders,
The soft weave tugs on my stubble,
I really should shave, my mind starts to wander,
Snapped back by a sharp kiss on the lips,
A cheeky playful bite,
I follow your gaze to the hilltop
Through the trees
As the sun settles hazily beyond the horizon,
The heat dissipates from the air,
It's getting cold.
So you scramble to get up from my chest,
to turn and take his hand,
I call your name, to no reply,
Soulless and broken i stare into the dark,
As white falls from the sky to coat the ground,
Lay back down and let the ice take you.
The sun will come up soon.
This is a poem quite literally about a place i used to go with my ex-girlfriend. But more so about relationships in general. As you move from the honeymoon stage, where everything is new, exciting and feels like a game. Where nothing can go wrong and everything just seems right and fun. To the tranquil stage where things have died down, you can imagine yourself living in this place, where everything is happy. Relaxing, theres a deep understanding of each other. Then the end, when shes gone, and theres the cold. As if the sun has set out of your life, theres no light or joy or happiness. But an almost bitter contentment that at least you had her for a while.
Jun 2011 · 847
Alex Brown Jun 2011
So here i am once again
Wide awake at 2am..
It's been a year and ive got nothing to show
While you dance the night away like we did long ago.
Celebrate a new step in your life
While i clutch at straws and worry and strife.

I know where you are, what you've done, how you feel.
You don't need to lie its clear
But this ******* scar won't heal.
You sip your champagne and still kiss his lips
You've forgotten mine, dry and chipped.

I'll sit alone on this ****** up night.
Knowing he will hold you tight.
I don't know why i bother, or care.
But i do.
I always have.
Dec 2010 · 829
Alex Brown Dec 2010
A flick of a wrist, floating harmony
Fingers dance, twist and sway
Pluck and strum
The chords shape so heartily and wholey
The air reverberates and shivers the spine
But surrounds you, a warm embrace of song
You feel so fine
As the grandeur grows and grows,
Rythm picks up tempo swaps and shifts fast slow fast faster
The minor mirrors your mind, that soft depressing tone
Another strum springs alive,
Your fingers pick up pace
Pluck, pluck, pluck pluck PLUCK

SNAP!!... twang, ping.
You were playing with my heart-string
The music dies,
And so do i.
The title is pronounced Heart with a p on the end as if it were heart combined with harp. (For those possibly confused)
Dec 2010 · 716
You fucking said..
Alex Brown Dec 2010
You ******* said you loved me,
As you kiss his lips,
Youre words mumble and fumble and fall dry from your mouth
You ******* said you wanted me,
As he touches your hips,
You shake, he shakes, raise your arms and dance.
That steady beat, the bass booming,
Thats my heartbeat slowing and stopping.
Im so angry, calm, sad, and stirring.
I know it doesnt make sense.
I see you, laying in front of me, i kiss your neck and love you with every bit of my heart.
You can feel it trembling the sheets, keeping long winters at bay with body heat and love.
My fairy tale, my love story, my whole heart and poem of my life.
This ends badly.
Ive been punching my pillow with tears in my eyes for too long now.
Its over.
Im done.
Dec 2010 · 800
A hard winter.
Alex Brown Dec 2010
Twas the night before christmas, i had no idea
Except from the children that'd walk by and sneer
My rag lay before me, all wrapped up in it
Was the thing that i treasured, my beautiful flit.
Four legged and panting, she was my saviour
With me through winter as ever an angel.
The cold winds blew, and i pulled her tight.
She gave a small yelp, i gave her a fright.
She looked up to my eyes, black and cold, but full of love.
I whispered "i love you" and took off my glove.
Placed it on her nose, to keep it from freezing
Like the ice on my guitar,  as cold winds were breezing.
Wrapped the blanket, round flitz nice and tight.
Then settled in, for a cold hard night.

I woke to more silence, a cold brittle day.
Looked down to see, a sad empty glaze.
No yelping, no panting, not even a stir.
She was gone from this world, my only treasure.
So as you sit inside, warm and wrapped up.
Think of me, and my poor pup.
<3 A good friend who told me a story about a very hard winter of his and made me realise my life isnt that bad. I hope this winter isnt as harsh.
Nov 2010 · 1.0k
Existential Bullcrap.
Alex Brown Nov 2010
Dancing, glittering, sparkling,
Sun beams bounce and sear,
Penetrate me, blind me,
The jingle jangle of your mind melts mine
Encapsulated in amber
A forever frozen still, polaroid
Preserving our adventure
Love life
Every days a gift
Unrap, let go wander and ponder
We break the mould and slime and grime
Fight through norm to perfume ourselves in essence of unique splendor
No-one's like us try, try and you'll never find a pair
So exhausted my mind bends, malleable as china
I crack
We fall break shatter
My broken splintered merry frozen mind.
I think i was quite lost and depressed when i wrote this.
Nov 2010 · 816
Acrostic I lost it.
Alex Brown Nov 2010
What'd he think if he knew what we did?
How could he feel,
You on my lap, you in my heart.

Maybe it'll all be ok, we'll be together in the,
Sorry. **
Nov 2010 · 793
Baretooth Insanity
Alex Brown Nov 2010
Irrational, thoughts, feelings, words, lost meanings.
I love you.
What does it even mean,
When you love him, or me,
You say things that make no sense
To get over happiness
Youll suffer through an unloving unheartfelt black kisses.
Youll let him love you and touch you,
When you crave my fingers and heart.
Ill scream my ******* lungs out
and for what.
For a future with you,
For comfort, safety, security and happiness.
Ill go to the end of the ******* earth.
I hang on, bare tooth and nail and grit and blood.
Just to be dropped,
For nothing and noone special.
"Nobody is like me"
Lay your head on my chest my love,
It was just a dream.
Sometimes don't you wish, you could just ******* wake up.
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
A Stolen Heart.
Alex Brown Nov 2010
Its his eyes, watching you undress
slip seductively beneath the sheets
Its his fingers dancing accross the small of your back
and his hands pulling you close to his chest.
Your breath deep and filled with air he's breathed
Sweet life-giving.
Your eyes flutter and close,
Its him watching you slowly fall asleep.
Its him cupping ben, jerry.
Its him whispering love, penetrating deep and fixing your shattered heart..
And you, sweet, sorry, beautiful, ******* there'll never be words.
Be everything to him, as you were to me.
Don't make love the way we did, it's sick, it's wrong, it's ours.
To two lovers :(
It pains me to say, everything will be ok in the end.
Have fun

Nov 2010 · 786
A moment
Alex Brown Nov 2010
While laying on the grass
While lazing on a couch
Relaxing amongst some crumpled sheets
Just fall into the moment
Conversation dies down
Background noise fades
You smile silently
Look into his eyes, so bright, blue full of hope.
Melt into an arms and legs embrace
Push your ears to his chest and listen..
Dum, Dum, Dum,
Its all yours,
Its all yours..
To know youre in love :(
Nov 2010 · 695
I dont even know..
Alex Brown Nov 2010
You're the prettiest thing in the world to me,
God knows you always were,
The way your cheeks and jaw hang in perfect symmetry,
And your body flows and curves so perfectly.

Youre eyes glisten, it's cliched I know,
But to call them brown is a sin, they are ***** of hope etched on a canvas of pure ecstacy,
To run my hands down your body, to feel your burning hair in my palms,
To grab and twist and pull and pinch, to stroke and kiss and hold and hug.

Its a dream you know. You are. A dream. A fantasy.
Call my name, start it with an "Oh" and end it with an elongated deity,
That's how I always loved it "Goddddd" you'd say as we did anything.
"I want to take you to dinner" i'd say.
"No lets stay in, it's more fun this way".
And we'd laugh, and scream and play and sing our own jolly weaving song of love lust and pleasure.

"What're you thinking?" "I think i love you.." I'll never get the line right, it was so perfect, so full of everything we ever needed.
10th of the 10th of the 10th.
Was to be our year. Does it even matter now i'd grin ear to ear.
I have you back, my precious, my love, my baby girl.
Love me sweet, love me kind, love me gentle.
Im but a fragile heart broken so many times.
As are you my love.
We'll Grow
We'll Bond
Always and Forever...

Lay your head on my chest..
It'll be ok.
In the end.
Oct 2010 · 840
Rant #1
Alex Brown Oct 2010
Maybe I'm meant to be miserable,
So people treat me like ****,
Do I deserve it?
Am I cruel to you like you're cruel to me,
Do I get off on it?
That's the question,
Masochism for the win,
I ask for it.
Something about my ******* face,
Disturbing and queer,
Heck I'm not even ugly,
You're the ugly ones,
Plastic faceless *******,
Hit the new trend
Hit the new music
Hit the new style
I'll hit your face


I get help, yeah I do.
They told me im obsessed with you
Im low risk
Im low risk to your ******* way of life
You want to underpay me
I'll undercut you
You want to hack my facebook
I'll hack you to shreds with words
*****, *****, ****, wankers, ******* all, every one of you.
Sticks and stones will break my bones
I hope my words sear into your soul

I get caught up bent and frustrated
How can I forgive the intent
The action is done is gone it's past
Its the intent that burns, lingers, smoke in my flaming ******* face
There is no other consequence to your actions but to physically and Emotionally scar me for life.
You're changing me
But I'll just get stronger

You'll always be weak.
Just a rant.
Oct 2010 · 952
Haiku's are:
Alex Brown Oct 2010
Haiku's are poems
that dont normally make sense
This is not one of my own, i found it while stumbling on the internet and whilst not finding any copywrite or author, decided to share it with hellopoetry. To reitterate; THIS ISNT MY OWN WORK :)
Oct 2010 · 3.3k
Alex Brown Oct 2010
So siplme and sewet
yet so nescesray  
our letters juxtaposed
to make words non-imaginary

we read and define
strive to find the line
Where words stop being words
a literary crime

Our slang, out of control
tongues tangled, terrible truth
Txt spk bcmes natrl
It feels so uncouth

but what’s important is the form
of communication we seek
face to face, heart to heart,
a poem so meek
as to lighten the soul
and give hope to the lost
a poem is best
Been a year.. still cant finish this peom.. what do poems do? anyone?
Oct 2010 · 615
Alex Brown Oct 2010
I pour my heart out on a piece of paper
Write your name in the corner
But forget its there
It's addressed to no-one in particular
But then, it's not as if any one would care.

My final plea before I go
Down into the ****** unknown
Written as a letter in blood ink
Stained with final tears, I sink
Down below into the ground
Waiting for that final sound
Before the silence takes its grasp
Upon my hand I feel a clasp

Pulling me up through fire and flames
Pulling me up out of sin and hate
They wash me clean and hold me tight
Don't let me go throughout the night
Through thick and thin through fast and slow
Pull me through and don't let go
Take my hand and help me thrive
Always forever til the end of time
Dry my tears of fears and pain
Be there to catch me again and again
All I need is strength and support
Gathered with some tender thoughts
Alex Brown Oct 2010
As you fall, so slowly fall in love with her
mind open as the floor you hit will be so much harder
it’s a long way down to the emptiness of
save me.. Catch me with your open arms
let this dooming embrace save me from love's sweet grace.
That illusion..
Oct 2010 · 2.2k
A litre of Cider later..
Alex Brown Oct 2010
A litre of cider later
And its like nothing matters
The good memories are fading
And the dreams are tattered
And shattered
But nonetheless gone,

Down the drain, the sink, my throat
you wring with your cold dead hands
and your heartless plans
to decieve and manipulate
but i still persist
the love, torment

One litre of cider later,
im by myself still
watching, waiting for the phone to ring
i pop another pill
to fill
me with joy and happiness
but all i feel is haze
as everything swirls the days
sweep by

if only it was faster.

— The End —