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Sep 2013 · 634
My Parents
Alex B Sep 2013
Daily I am haunted with a thought I wish not to see
The inevitability of my parents passing, leaving behind me
So many unspoken emotions not yet said
Expressing my love  has never been easy
Often dreaming of how I could show my feelings
Sober ignorance leaves me quiet and careless
My parents are angels, I am truly blessed
Maybe one day I will see a guiding light to show the way
For today, another undialed phone call will be the extent of our day
Sep 2013 · 479
Alex B Sep 2013
Shackled by a cuff on the wrist
Telling us when to sleep and when to live
How many times have we glanced it at
To only disappoint from what it says

Time will never seize for man
Regardless of the power, money, or plan
The hands keep ticking away
Bringing us a new, uneventful day

Could a world truly exist
where these numbers couldn't take away bliss
My childhood I truly miss
Where time seemed to merely slip
Alex B Jul 2013
Shackled to this chair I find myself once again
Looking around for answers but become consumed by a screen
Searching for more than a hopeless sense of reality
The pulse coming from my beating heart reminds me that I am alive
Oxygen fueled and blood flowing
I ask myself what is the purpose
I step outside to gaze into the sky
The sun shines and says hello as its warmth blankets my coldness
How can this all work?
What is our meaning?
As I continued to gaze into the wonders of the night sky
I realized, we are not alone
For our Creator, God, is watching his creation in full
Constantly monitoring, smiling, and weeping
At what we do with ourselves
And after we die, our heart stops, we shall meet  our Father
Mar 2013 · 555
A new perspective
Alex B Mar 2013
As you sit just imagine
Imagine an angel gleaming down
Stopping to say hello
Entering your once thought security
Your body begins to rush
So many tingles that you reach your max

My friends, faith in God is what we must prioritize. Not the iPhone or the television, no, but our Creator. As you walk on this planet take notice how everything works as one. Our organs, trees, water, the temperature, and the sun. At 93 million miles away it gives us life. Thanks God!
Mar 2013 · 3.6k
Alex B Mar 2013
Offered at such a vulnerable age
Tobacco perches as a vulture at the register

Killing hundreds of thousand a year
Shouldn't this be something we fear?

We are told that cannabis kills
Can I see some proof?

Such a misled nation
We must come together, or continue as slaves
Feb 2013 · 959
Alex B Feb 2013
Family always said I was exceptionally well behaved.
Teachers always said I was cooperative and quiet.

They never knew I was peaking on the fear of being the slightest bit noticed by my peers
They never knew I wanted nothing to do with participation or aknowledgement
They never knew I was a soul-less being, just to observe the others around me
They never knew I was worthless, undeserving, unmotivated
They never knew I caged myself inside like a hibernating bear to avoid social crowds

I never knew I didn't have to live this way.
Until now

— The End —