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****, ****, ****.
Sometimes my brain kind of seizes
like it needs to be oiled.
Like it's rusty and old
and out of new tricks.

My body is cellulite
and broken bleached hair, flaking nails
and dry spotty skin.
You, on the other hand
are just ******* breathtaking.

******* breathtaking, boy.
When you round the corner
my face goes red
and burns like fire.
The butterflies kick off

like a starting pistol woke them.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm pregnant
the kicking is so powerful
and I am so **** fat.
Whereas you on the other hand,

are ******* breathtaking, boy.
I'll give you that.
When I fell asleep in your arms
I wonder if you stayed awake
and studied my worn out face

the same way I watch your walk
watch how your lips move
when you talk
how your hips move when you
fill me with joy and use me.

******* breathtaking boy.
Let go of your insides
Take apart your feelings
Throw a penny in an empty well
Wish on a forgotten dream
Steal an emotion from within
Dwell outside your normal boundaries
Tease your senses with bliss
And when the world bats an eye at you
Treasure that instant in time
Fear is only as strong as you are
Confidence will lead you
Hesitation happens at the wrong moment
And gratitude flies away
Discover and recover
Your born innocence
I want to feel some passion.
It is something I can no longer ration.
Fiery has been confined
Deep in my unconscious mind.

Oh key to unlocking my desire,
What is it that you require?
Are you a tangible object,
Or something I can’t detect?

Without passion I shall remain
Living life in the slow lane.
Waiting for the perfect key
To set my feelings free.
This morning I watched you
stumble into the bus
like a drunken moth:
straw-headed, foggy,
jacket clinging to you
by one shoulder
like an ironic flag.
America has claimed you!
Just like Our Moon,
those ironic flags of liberty.

Chortling, choking
on nothing but your
immovable child-like
sadness. Leathery
wings sprawled, gaping,
stinking of whiskey and ****.
You were screaming
at a woman across the aisle
whose eyes also gaped,
who didn't see the revolution,
who feared her reflection in the
eyes of "Made In The USA".

Who is she? What form
have you given her?
The mother who soaped
your tongue with her bitter morals?
The sister who boiled her
life away on a spoon?
The lover who embraced your wounds
and then became one?

You were eating an apple
from your pocket,
"Red Delicious,
the MOST American fruit!"
It was mostly rotten, sweaty
brown core staring into me
like a terrible moth's eye.

I watched you until
my stop,
I'm sorry I don't know why.
When the bus-man shoo'ed you off
I heard you scream after me,
really howling.

I'm sorry I can't save you,
I'm a moth too.

I ran home this morning
and left all the lights on.
So come sit with me here,
Where the heavens meet the shore
And let the waters lick your feet.

And we'll sit and we'll talk,
You'll ask me again how I've been.
I just keep repeating "I'm Okay" - "I'll be fine."
And I just can't believe
That you believe me.
I must be a better liar than I thought.

I can still smell his scent on your words.
The lingering ache
Of all the lies that you were suckered by.
So here's to you and your bright baby blues.
They shine just like the stars tonight.
Just like the stars.

I'm so tired of talking in riddles,
Dropping hints and trying to be tactful.
So let me lay it out straight.
He was never good enough for you.
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