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Alanah croft Sep 2014
i swear to god
every time you smile
it boils me to a point
where I have to look away
and I have to look away
because your smile
is so hauntingly beautiful
it hurts my heart
Alanah croft Aug 2014


Alanah croft Aug 2014
ice cold
cold as ice
there was a bucket
and it was nice
almost as nice as the ice
but the ice took a slice
of the time i rolled the dice
and it was pizza
this slice
(partnership with connor)
Alanah croft Aug 2014
My love my drug
To the window
To the door
I changed my behaviour
As i saw
Alanah croft Aug 2014
The body is O
My body is no
Sometime i feel like i cannot go
To the bathroom i must
Because i love you so
Tonight i will let you know
How much you mean to katie-o
Ten ten twenty

— The End —