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Alana Aug 2013
I thought I could handle it,
All this pain and agony.
I knew I deserved this,
But you can't blame me
For wanting
So much more.

So here I am,
Full of regret,
Facing the consequences;
wishing I could turn back time
To when I was
An innocent
and carefree child.
Alana Aug 2013
I walked to school that day
Thinking "it was just another normal day"
I talked to you that day
Thinking "I'm so lucky to have you as a friend"
I told you my secrets and you looked at me saying "I'll always be here for you"
I thought I trusted you, well you proved me wrong.

I went home that day thinking "today was a perfect day"
but it wasn't and it never will be.
For that was the day you backstabbed me.
That was the day you lied to me.
That was the day you decieved me.
I guess it wasn't a normal day and it wasn't a perfect day, too.
It was the day I decided "I can't trust anyone in this world"
Alana Aug 2013
Dear you,
Thank you for all the times you were there for me.
Thank you for listening to all my problems.
Thank you for giving me your time, and for showing you cared
You were perfect, too perfect; deep inside my heart I knew this day would come.
So here I am, writing a letter to a boy who pretends I don't exist.
I know you won't write back, and this letter will probably end up in the trash.
But I just wanted to say good luck.
Good luck with your grades
and basketball.
Good luck with your family
and friends.
Good luck with your life.

I know, you'd rather forget me now but please remember that no matter what I'll always love you and as you're reading this I'm probably locked up in my room crying my heart out and regretting all the pain and heartaches I gave you through out the years.
Alana Aug 2013
It was like a drug, or a pain reliever.
It was addicting and exciting.
I just couldn't stop, no matter how much I try
no matter how many times I promised
I just couldn't stop.
Again and again,
"just one more" I said.
It was like a drug,
it helps me forget the pain
but after a few hours the pain just comes back.
I try to hide it, out of plain sight cause it was like a drug, I can't be seen with it. It was just like a drug.

— The End —