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Alan Jimenez Nov 2017
I'm not the type of person to show his emotions
But my feelings that I hold in have created explosions
I just want to let it all out
But I feel like I got no one to talk too it about
The girls I've truly cared for never cared for me
My family is blind to life's reality
I try so hard to move forward
But there's something that holds me back moving slower
I just want someone to lay it all out too
And I was hoping that that person would have been you
But i was wrong so I'll just shove it all back down
Cover it up with a smile never show a frown
But at night I feel like crying
While everything around keeps dying
I don't know how to save it all
Every piece begins to fall
Alan Jimenez Nov 2017
**** I feel so stupid
Why didn't I listen
Why did I let it get this ******* far
I knew it shouldn't have been this hard
I almost let you in
I should have learned from back then
I almost gave you my trust
But I was blinded by your lust
I had a feeling you where playing a ******* game
I had a feeling you didn't feel the same
This is why I don't ******* trust anyone
From the start I should have run
I shouldn't have let it get this far
But I gave you the benefit of the doubt at the start
I thought you where honest
Now I feel so ******* useless
What did he give you that I couldn't give?
You are some one now I just can't forgive
Was I not good enough?
Why wasn't I good enough?
I've lost all love
I just feel so stupid
Why didn't I listen?
Alan Jimenez Nov 2017
You fit in every where you go
But you're different, unique, and beautiful
If I put you in a bouquet, you'll be the first to get picked
In a crowded room that you have lit
You shine brighter then the sun
You are the center attention of everyone
Beautiful flower why are you all alone?
Beautiful flower you don't have to do it on your own
Beautiful flower I know you're strong
Beautiful flower your scent has me gone
You're not the same as these other flowers
You stand taller
You're not simple like a rose
And that's something everybody knows
But you don't want anyone
You just want one
Beautiful flower you're different
Wild flower you are magnificent
Alan Jimenez Feb 2018
I'm going out every night
Why did we even fight?
What was it about?
All I remember where the shouts
But I'm trying to forget you
But I see you in everything I do
Who didn't love who?
I was all in
But maybe this was suppose to end
Now here I am by myself
Feeling like I'm going through hell
Putting my heart in a dark cell
I ain't gonna lie, I miss you
Do you miss me too?
I told you you're all I want
The memory of you still haunts
But you weren't honest
And I didnt speak up on what this is
We where scared
And that bond we had, began to tear
When you needed me the most, I wasn't there
But is this really fair?
I work long hours
While you where alone crying in the shower
Maybe we both had our reasons
Maybe it was only part time, just for the season
Do you miss me?
At night, you're all I see
Your in my dreams
Put you on that pedestal and made you my queen
I miss your affection
But I didn't give you the attention
Was I giving enough?
I'm not the one that gave up
Was it suppose to end like this?
I just can't act like you didn't exist
Alan Jimenez Jan 2018
I woke up this morning to your smell
Why did you put me through ******* hell
Thinking you where still there
But you're gone, and it's not fair
Walking out the house and I heard you whisper my name
But it didn't sound the same
So I turned around
Then there was no sound
I gave you all of me
But for some reason I'm the one you couldn't see
I did everything for you
But with me, you couldn't just be true
So I don't understand why you left
Now I have all this pain in my chest
You made me feel so worthless
You made me feel so ******* useless
You just picked up and disappeared
No closure just walked out, why aren't you here?
Why wasn't I enough?
This is why I ******* hate falling in love
I was always honest with you but you weren't the same
So tell me who's the one to blame?
Did you even care for me?
Or where you just using me?
I told you, you where the only one I see
You said the same, so how could this be?
It happen so quick, so he was always there
Now the pain I feel is to much to bear
I knew I never should have let my guard down
Broke me into a million pieces and left me on the grown
#heartbreak #love #alone #broken #sad #depressed #loneliness #gone #pain #suffer #hell

— The End —