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Dec 2013 · 637
On Men with High Ambition
alan Dec 2013
No matter how high an arrow may fly
No matter how far an arrow may go
Always remember in its path's end
Even a golden arrow lands on the ground.
Nov 2013 · 695
To a cute friend
alan Nov 2013
Free as the wind, you roam the land
Removing vexes from your heart.
Emerging anew from the past
Mellifluous with many smiles.
Elate my friend, your eyes possess
Lyrics no poet has ever wrote.
Oct 2013 · 432
To a young friend
alan Oct 2013
I do not know how much you’ve grown
Nor even how tall you now stand.
It has been months since we have met
Talked with each other face to face.

And yet I know you’re doing fine
I’m ever glad just hearing that.
But remember that you should not
Push yourself to the breaking point.
Sep 2013 · 919
Jet planes and jetlags
alan Sep 2013
Jet planes and jet lags
Ever miles apart.
Travels distant are
Tormenting my heart.
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
A Sparrow's Song
alan Sep 2013
a blue bird dives on the stream
a fish it caught in its beak.
it repeats the maneuver
soon he does not know hunger.
-the kingfisher.

a brown bird lands on the ground
on shallow streams took a bath.
giving men a joyful sight
had its fun, it takes to flight.
-the chestnut munia

a dainty song overheard
a familiar call from sky.
a pair lands on the window
delighting the lone widow.
-the pied fantail

i pick on scraps by the street
and a peck of farmers' grain.
a nuisance i have become
both to animals and man.
yet i am content to live
among these birds beautiful.
choicest food i cannot taste
yet on scrap i still subsist.
once in my past, life was good
but i met my misfortune.
now i am forced to endure
living life as a sparrow.
-a poor man.
Jun 2013 · 437
First Talk
alan Jun 2013
I do not regret the day we met
When all my courage I had mustered.
It makes me smile when I remember
First conversation we had ever.

I walked over to you, nervously
And I seemes to not know how to speak.
But we did have such a pleasant talk
That I forgot to ask for your name.

I do not regret the day we met
You have become to me a good friend.
Each time we talk I smile to myself
Relieved that at last, I know your name.
Jun 2013 · 802
alan Jun 2013
Trust me friend, I did love you first
Oblivious though you seemed.
Playing with such feelings
Hurt me good and left me
Ever wondering.
May 2013 · 527
To the Undecided
alan May 2013
I have loved you, and yet
You wouldn't let me know.
The bounds within our love can grow
For my affections be contained.

I did not fail to look in your eyes
Nor did I fail to smile.
I always held your hand
And yet you still wouldn't decide.

Your ambiguity starts to sink
Deep within I get these thoughts.
That perhaps you will not repay
My affections to you bestow.

You look away when I leave
And never waive good bye.
I do not know what that means
But I do not care for now.
alan Mar 2013
You have dealt with me painfully
Is this what will make you happy?
To have my heart broken apart
And have my soul within me dried.

You showed me your beautiful face
You calmed me with your lustrous eyes
You incited within me love
But then you disappeared at once.

Your sweetest words I heard all them
To your gentle voice I listened.
Now you're silent, I am disturbed
When will you let yourself be heard?

You have dealt with me painfully
All I have is melancholy.
This is enough I'll have none more
Of your memories in my heart.
Mar 2013 · 469
I love you, but I cannot
alan Mar 2013
I love you, but I cannot
The gap is great between us.
It's grieving me in my heart
To have you in my mind lost.

The first day that we two met
Was one of my happiest.
My spirits, it jumped in mirth
To have a glimse of your face.

Back then, I've been wondering
What else could we two become?
But the truth keeps reminding
We two as friends, that is all.

I love you, but I cannot
This I ever sacrifice.
If we shall meet in that land
I shall give you loving kiss.
alan Mar 2013
I love you as much as I love birds
You make me panic in excitement
When I see you there behind the blinds.

Though mere glimpses I could ever have
A day or three at the greatest length
It is enough to warm up my heart.

Each time I hear you, I become lost
I go ignorant of all things else
It is time with you I cherish most.

I love you as much as I love birds
You have never kept me company
But you always left when my heart stirs.
Sep 2012 · 817
To a Friend
alan Sep 2012
Friend, I called you that day we met
It all turned out a sweet twist of fate.
For I liked your gallant command
And longed for the touch of your hand.

As we grew more affectionate
So close that you may touch my lips.
I found a brother whom to love
Though ever sacrifice myself.

But then one day, you drew apart
Just like a fish caught hooked on bait.
Friend, to your weakness you succumbed
It is enough to grieve my heart.
alan Sep 2012
The glance that broke my heart
Did not escape my eyes.
But I would that the wind
Just caused my eyes to blink.

But pity for myself
And cursed be my sight.
That I, feigning a smirk
Caught for myself the hurt!

It is one thing to smile
And another to glance.
But in front of my face
I know your eyes passed by.
alan Sep 2012
I will call you a friend no more.
The days have passed of happiness.
Hard as I try myself implore
This is the end between us friends.

Innocent eyes that often smiled
To each other, a scene of mirth.
But times have changed, now teary eyed
I write these lines with sighs and grief.

The gaps between grew disparate
I foresaw not this change of place.
And our twined paths forked in their ways
Hard to accept but it's happened.

Distance is good between us two
For the fountains shall never spring.
Each will go back, say no adieu
To his former own state of mind.

True, in my heart you held a place
But if not rimed, what can be done?
Nay, I believe the strangest ways
Are always the beneficial.

I will call you a friend no more
From this day on you shall not be
The one whose eyes looked through me sole
But a dead stone in memories.
Jun 2012 · 334
What is there to love?
alan Jun 2012
what is there to love?
it's like the rays of the sun
it's warm but it burns.

what is there to trust?
it is like complete darkness
nothing can be known.

what is there to hope?
it is like the falling rain
you'll never catch it.

what is there to life?
it is like a flowing stream
you only step once.
Jun 2012 · 363
Unrequited Love
alan Jun 2012
I love you but you do not love me
Unrequited this love shall be.
And as the melody fades
I'll just look at your face.
You do not have love
It's all I have.
Wasted it
How can
Jun 2012 · 485
To my dying pen
alan Jun 2012
O friend, do not fail me this time
Now that I am in straits so dire
Should you be gone, what shall I do?
Whom can I confess myself to?
It pains me to see your soul drained
Now how can I combat this dread?
It pains me more to think that I
Shall be the reason that you die!
I reminisce time together
Those times when none can get better
You lighten the load that I bear
An celebrations, you're my pair.
All that I know you also know
We are connected soul to soul
I pour my heart as I confide
All that in the day's end happened.
You were there when sorrow kissed me
You double joy when i'm happy
The best friend that I ever had
That through eternity shall stand.
O pen, do not fail me this time
Let me complete this farewell poem.
You who shared a part of my life
Never failed me but just this once.
alan Jun 2012
I apologize for my acting bad.
I branded you as my greatest rival
And perceived you as one most whimsical.
Dear friend, I am sorry for evil thoughts
That I conjured that to you may gave insults.
I judged you hastily but never tried
To understand what you possess inside.
To everything you said, I pretended deaf.
But I agree your words make my heart melt.
I treated you with a bit of contempt
And never thought of you as a good friend.
But hasty judgment is all I can make
Now, dear good friend, please forgive my mistakes!
As our parting drew near, I have conceived
By what's shown by your kind and thoughtful deeds
That all these time, you were not my rival
Indeed my review shows you're my ally!
I regret how despite all you virtues
I failed to be more amiable to you
Now my conscience begins to bother me
Why did i treat you so unequally?
My friend now your humour i can comprehend
I just realized what to me you meant.
To Caleb whose humour I never had
I wish a successful and happy life!
Jun 2012 · 426
Standing by the window
alan Jun 2012
standing by the window
I gaze at the greens where a stream flows.
I watch as the leaves gently shake
to the wind's sweet caress.
sparrows sing and fly
enjoying their blissful life.
while I am here behind walls
wearing away my soul.
Jun 2012 · 407
untitled (3)
alan Jun 2012
I gaze at the evening sky
framed by the sillhouette of trees.
I wonder if the faint stars
in their places still exist.
or are they like my presence
I am here, but not my heart.
Jun 2012 · 482
alan Jun 2012
I pray for rain
so that the little stream
that runs by our house
be filled again
with water that supplies its life
and gives blessings to souls around
the poor stream is now gaping
wanting rejuvenation it is dying
I pray for rain for this not to happen
so I may still see critters gathering
around the little stream that makes me
secretly happy.
Jun 2012 · 357
untitled (2)
alan Jun 2012
how often have I been like this?
connecting to the world of nothingness
that thinks of something so obscure
one that cannot be fathomed.
though I try to look for it in my mind
every step, it seems to falter.
then I go back to who I am not
and regret the world I created.
Jun 2012 · 497
alan Jun 2012
life is a cycle
of existence and non-existence
life is a battle
between obeissance and defiance.
death is natural
all beginning has to come to end.
life is a struggle
where complete victory's uncertain.
my life is a joke
people never tried to understand.
all words that I wrote
were just mere antics by a foolish man.
i have tried to love
but ever as in my endeavors
I utterly failed
tis' the destiny of a stupid.
the world must be purged
of men just as useless and worthless.
that the way be paved
for all humanity's happiness.
good bye world and love
I will be heading to the nine springs.
sorry world and love
for all of my failed undertakings.

— The End —