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So here's the scene.

I have a girl,
And she's my world.
But here's the thing,
For the longest time,
I've liked this girl,
(we'll call her Kay and my girl, May)
For quite some time.
Eight years if you wanna be on the dime.

And I love May,
But desire Kay.
It's something I struggle with day-to-day.

I want to leave and run for Kay,
But there is nothing wrong with May.
I'm not for sure if I should run.
But when I'm with Kay we have so much fun.

It's a real kind of thing,
And you can feel her feelings
But on the outside,
She's just looking at the ceiling.

Why do things have to be so confusing?
Does God just find it that amusing?

I know exactly what to do.

Love her with all of my heart.
But that's really the easiest part.

I know exactly what to do.
I just don't know who.

— The End —