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14.9k · Jul 2016
Eid is here.
Al-Farouk Jul 2016
Allah created the universe
With plenty of beauties
And entities
Eid being a marvel
In His creation.
Its a jubilee a jamboree
Islam golden moments.

Laughter smiles joy
Foods delicacies cuisines
Visits greetings hugs
All in this finicky day
Commemorates agitation
In our islamic entity.
Its surely a jubilee.

Eid a cheerful day
Eid be the morning star
The star that shines,
That shines in a shiny
Shining cloud
Dont you admire this?
Dont you?
I suppose it to be a jamboree.

Eid is here
Embracing do not fear
Eid is a pearl
In the shells of oyster
Rise up and liberate
Jump and hail
'Eid Mubarak'

Eid indeed a regal day
All this is ours
Ours for the taking
Ours for the loving
Ours for adorning
Amid our pride and passion
We shall slogan ourselves
'Eid Mubarak'

Eid a sheen,
Deactivate all forms of sins
Attained in all sorts of scenes
Satisfaction let it be seen
I admit that we do all sheen,
Caution we be keen.
A jamboree I incarnate.

Eid an endeavour
Allah put up this favour
Exquisite and dainty forever
This majestic day never shover
Blessings absolutely covers
Its a jubilee a jamboree
Islam sparkling moments.
8.0k · Jul 2017
Al-Farouk Jul 2017
This disaster by master
Coming faster
An intoxication and
Not a charm
This disaster spread
Like word of honorable pastor
There is a cloud
Dark cloudy cloud of
This disaster
This disaster flirting the environ
This disaster caressing the mammals
In its environs. ..
Oh this disaster a disaster
They fear this disaster like when
Oil castor drops in fire
This disaster pretty nice not
Like pearls in shells of oyster.
This disaster scary to their bones
Take this duster
Rub and wipe this disaster
Please take it!
1.8k · Jun 2016
My Pen
Al-Farouk Jun 2016
I have this pen
this one pen.
irksome it is
licentiate be a pen
colourless it writes
so blunt be it
crooked writings produced
yet its my pantheon
and this is my panegyric.

this one pen,
Not is it croon
I believe it crook
I adore this one pen
this pen
words cannot produce
words cannit be pronounced
A magical pen
perhaps mystical
my pen is pantheon.

This one pen likr myrrh
A lure pen I love
secrets secrets publicly
Be ware....
my pantheon on the look
Any vice will be on the book.
I direct this poem to the stubborn and corrupt leaders.
1.8k · Jun 2016
This Thirsty Thirst
Al-Farouk Jun 2016
Quenched thirst I deserve
I need to quench this thirst
I scatter and scampere to
quench this thirst.
I fumble and scramble
in quenching this thirst.

This thirst I must quench
cooling effect protruding in
inner me.
can the thirst be quenched?
I should quench my thirst
with no time.

I need cascades of quenchful
waters in inner me
to quench my thirst
I deserve this thirst quenched
mother, quenching my thirst its
only what I want.

The thirst is still here
quenching it needs
give me a platter of civilised
I am here to quench
this thirsty thirst.

I need help
in the thirst quenching
please share with me
the holy waters if possible
I would adore to quench
my thirst.

Thirsty thirst like mrrh
elongated thirst
embers of thirst in inner me
I must quench my thirst.
1.1k · Jun 2016
I am a cog in the wheel.
Al-Farouk Jun 2016
I am cog in the wheel
do not dismount me
I am cog in the wheel
of a not dreary chariot,
A marginal chariot chasing the
uppings of me.

I am a cog in the wheel
never detach me
I am cog in the wheel
of an ecstatic chariot,
A fancy chariot with horses
smiling at me.

I am cog in the wheel
dare not disentangle me
I am a cog in the wheel
of a suprising chariot,
A royal chariot hopping
to peculiarities of me.

I am cog in the wheel
suppose not disaffiliate me
I am cog in the wheel
of a heavenly chariot,
A pearly chariot scampering
towards hallucinations of me.

I am cog in the wheel
absurd not disassemble me
I am a cog in the wheel
of a spacious chariot,
A majestic chariot skipping
beyond incubus of me.

I am a cog in the wheel
please do not disassociate me
I am a cog in the wheel
of a cordial chariot,
A regal chariot escorting
development strands.

I am a cog in the wheel...
I am just trying to motivate my self towards my personal develooment.
956 · Oct 2016
Visionary vision♡
Al-Farouk Oct 2016
Visualize your **** vision
For it a visionary mission
Speculate your vision station
Falling on visioned destination
To predict a vision to a satisfaction
Vision without freaking objection
Uphold your vision by a confirmation
From your own personal vision perception
For you to avoid a vision constipation
Unto which vision becoming a frustration
This is all about vision cultivation
Withstanding your vision orientation
To cut off from visioned oppression
Making vision an opposition
Lamenting visionary seduction
Peace make this vision to passion
Vision your vision for a visionary vision.
908 · Jul 2017
Gone are the days
Al-Farouk Jul 2017
Gone are the days
When could people
Request Mr camera man
Requested maybe a week span
To have just a snap

Gone are the days
When could people
Brush there teeth
Brush thoroughly
Mr camera man was coming.

Gone are the days
When could people
Take serious shower
Shower with a new soap
Taking pictures they will.

Gone are the days
When could people
Wear and dap
Wear not only the Sunday best
But best out of the best
By the way.....
This was only the pair
The camera uncle will visit soon.

Gone are the days
When could people
Wrap perfume
On body his
Expensive Perfume that
Came with a plane.
The camera is power.

Gone are the days
When could people
Sit on benches
Sit palms on thighs
No smile at all
This snaps in those days
were just severe.

Gone are the days
When could people
Buy soda
Buy very many sodas
Of course for themselves
And the Mr Camera
The man.
He was a blessing.

Gone are the days
When could people
Brag the whole year
Brag for a visit by
A camera man.
Gone are those days
833 · Jan 2017
Here comes my confession
Al-Farouk Jan 2017
Here comes my confession
A confession that is beyond your realisation
A confession that is not a misconception
Do expect a confession this momentarily
I say.

Here comes my confession
Please brighten up your gadget
Relax and move with this
Serious confession
Are you ready?
Are you?

Here comes my confession
Come closer
Eyes wide open
Ready to synthesise this confession
I bow for your time
Its a plea.

Here comes my confession
This a plea do not flee
Oh yes I am now ready
To give this waited confession
Yes waited by you....
Yes! you!

Here comes my confession
Shying temperatures rising
Oh My! I sense embers of fear in inner me.
May this fear instinct be destroyed

Here comes my confession
When I go to my room
Something strange I do
I fear to tell
This thing deeply disturb my level of paranoia
Do you want to know the thing?
Do you?

Here is my confession
Here it comes. ..
When I go to my room
The strange thing
I do
I commit
Opening my door with a key.
Oh this is strange
And this is my confession.
787 · Jul 2016
Al-Farouk Jul 2016
I hear the sound
Of oppression,
Protruding  the veins
Of innocents
I hear the sound
Of Impediments
Rushing towards the
Venomous it becomes
So be it deadly..

I go up
I go down
Meandering here and there
Moving hither and tether
I need an abode
My love will rescue
the innocent innocence
The rhetoric be
Where is the abode?

I do have an option
Daunting begone
Scathing unwrapped
Suggest I do have
No matter how be
A *** be a ***
Cannot be spoon!
Notes (optional)
742 · Mar 2017
Surprising Surprise
Al-Farouk Mar 2017
Surprising surprise.

Stealthily it comes
Sluggishly it erupts
Feared was i
Scared was i
Surprised I was
Its the suprising surprise.

No sooner had i seen it
Than i got shocked,
Shocked to the embers of
That was alarming
Sirens all over my head
Its disturbing
This surprising surprise.

I got my self up
Ready for the surprising surprise
I am ready, i say.
Ready to bottom of my life
Please give me the surprise
Surprising me.
Its the surprising surprise.

Hey world!
Here is the surprising surprise.
So surprising to surprise you also.
Please forgive me in advance
Please sit on a firm sit
And wait shortly for the surprise.
Its the surprising surprise.

Okay! You know what?
I have nothing to say..

Isn't it a surprising surprise?
Yes it is.
Laughters upon you
And that was my
Surprising surprise.
722 · Nov 2016
Al-Farouk Nov 2016
I was obliged to a vow
This vow was an obligation
To commemorate my
Persecutions upholds the level
Of transparencies
Consequences flamboyant to
My ideologies.
Preserve and perceive
The hollow tumor of my
Beloved radiant memory
I render a tender
To my self vender
Does it come asunder
After like striking thunder?
I bow to this vow
Obliged and compelled
A favor to my self I shotgun
Impelling this vow and
Disrespecting not.
The oomph of vowing and the zeal
To embrace
I heart this vow for betterment
Of me myself and I.
677 · Mar 2017
Al-Farouk Mar 2017
Writing is a call to
Chosen few.
Writing is a choice to
Choosing oneself.
Writing is a monument
That discovers you.
Writing is an antique
Forever you preserve.
Writing is a cliché
That is never endless.
Writing is an intoxicant
That you always inject.
Writing is love
That you have to caress.
Writing is joy
That you earn I say.
Writing is death
That yourself you slay.
Writing is me
That me farouq I breath.
591 · Aug 2016
Al-Farouk Aug 2016
I do have a wish
A wish never wished
weird wish
may be wonderful wish
wishing wishingful wish
I dont have to wish wish
let it go
let me wish
wishing this wish
I wished...
503 · Sep 2017
A morn
Al-Farouk Sep 2017
A chilly outside morning
It's twilight
Birds flapping up in the cloudy sky
Brother **** flirting us to rise
Crickets belittling nature
They want to stay more
Insect chirping
They are happy to noise musically
A breeze has married laziness
Boycotting the filth humans
The dancing dew drops dangling down
The hasty mist reigning before
Boss sun appears.
Brays of donkeys and neighs of horses
Fill the air.
I think I am in Love with this.
Wind announces it's presence
With trees swaying majestically
And leaves falling sarcastically
Icy still waters in the wells
Dead cold
All this for morning reception
Hello..  It's a new dawn
Fairness captured by nature.
466 · Feb 2017
Al-Farouk Feb 2017
I think expiditionary to avoid
I whirl in the capacity of not getting
I incur myself in the situation just
As a card joker
I shove my imaginations furiously
In a shovel
Hey! In me! Are you okay?
Thinking of slaying?
I smell doom coming my way
I sense gloom crawling like cray
My p's and q's undermined
Hey! In me! I QUIT!
452 · Nov 2016
Al-Farouk Nov 2016
My beloved hermitage is under siege,
My beloved hermitage is under attack,
Who will save my hermitage?

The mayhem,
A fierce mayhem,
Invisible incredible unbeatable,
Roars roams and reigns,
All our strenuous efforts in vein
Who will save my hermitage?  

The mayhem in the shapes of human
Of the devil himself dressed in a suit,
Dressed in white you’d think is an angle,
No! don’t be fast in making conclusion,
For it could only be delusion.  

The mayhem bares its fangs,
Human pieces gone berserk,
A man beheaded by his own species
And symmetrically placing his head on the streets
To send untold messages to you,
Don’t know who?

The mayhem,
Reigning mayhem in my hermitage,
Leaving a trail of innocent blood,
Blood overflowing in our palms,
Rushing out our veins,
Staining the human race.  

The mayhem promoting impersonal initiatives,
Hooligans and hoodlums reaping where
They’ve never sown,
Marauding youths bringing mayhem in my hermitage
Acting like aliens from planet hell.
Who will save my hermitage?  

The mayhem has made
Humans go insane,
A mayhem beheading you, him and us,
Sending venomous fear chills
Masquerading us patriots.
Why this mayhem?

The mayhem has become dubious
About inhumanity in humans,
Humans rearing mayhem in my hermitage,
People taking horrendous oaths
Oaths that are deadly and devilish.  

The mayhem sabotages My hermitage’s economy,
Pains and pangs of plights persists
Daunted and scathed with no Opposition…
Why this mayhem?
Who will save my hermitage?
sad indeed
406 · Jun 2016
Al-Farouk Jun 2016
Suddenly a commotion erupts
our smiley selfie faces
turned to wondering scared faces
tht hour was tracking closely
morbid creatures with mayhem
written faces
dingy gloves and hooded visage
blood shot eyes, anger, rage
standing there my heart raced
he cornered me "Sit!",
he thundered at me...
and that was the start of the
rendezvous escapade.
324 · Jul 2017
let me imagine.
Al-Farouk Jul 2017
Let me imagine.
Let me imagine the scenario
Booming in the scene.
It was a scenario
I knew to imagine later.

Let me imagine the act
In that spot.
Accounting embarrassment
To the the toppest level.
This act picture was imagined.

Let me again imagine the doing
Im that platform.
Oh! Wondered I am
It was a déjà vu
And a rendezvous
I met.
295 · Dec 2017
Al-Farouk Dec 2017
Let there be
Let there be a sweet sound
A sweet sound of singing words
Singing words in harmony
In harmony they din
The din to win
To win the eyes of them
Eyes of them very thirsty
Very thirsty to be quenched
To be quenched by the dancing words
Dancing words to my tune
To my tune I rule
I rule the caressing words
Caressing words sprouting a feeling
A feeling Incredible to their perception
Their perception to cultivate the message
The message from word garage
Let there be
Let there be a sense of belonging
A sense of belonging from the words
From the words that dancing.
281 · Jun 2017
Al-Farouk Jun 2017
I have no idea
how it was.
It was so bitter that....
No so sweet to think
It bitter.
I have no Idea
How it was.
Eye closed, mind closed, hands apart.
I swear
I have no idea.

I have no idea how it was
This thing that
Lure me to
My senses
This thing that
Lure the level
Of introvercy.
I stand upright
Like a bough
Not a bow.
268 · Jul 2017
Dare not
Al-Farouk Jul 2017
Dare not sacrifice me.
Dare not decrease me.
I am not a dead meat.
I am alive
Sound and seeing
Dare not despise me
Dare not deny me
I am not a broken wood
I am strong
Clean and cling

Dare not ******* me
Dare not tarnish me
I am true
Good in guild.
265 · Jul 2017
Al-Farouk Jul 2017
Dare not sacrifice me.
Dare not decrease me.
I am not a dead meat.
I am alive
Sound and seeing

Dare not despise me
Dare not deny me
I am not a broken wood
I am strong
Clean and cling

Dare not ******* me
Dare not tarnish me
I am true
Good in guild.

— The End —