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678 · Jan 2015
Birth Mother
Akira Bonner Jan 2015
Are you my birth mother?
Are birth mothers suppose to be jealous of the life they created?
Are they suppose to put down the very being that they she carried in her womb?
Are you my birth mother?

Are you the woman who gave me life?
When in reality you seem to just want to steal it away like a reaper of death.
When in the big picture you tear me down every chance you get
"You don't love me! I don't love you either! Go be with your father! I don't care!

Are birth mothers suppose to not care?
Are they suppose to put you so low, your demons arise and take you on a journey through hell?
Are they suppose to make you crave the very pain that they are suppose to protect you from?

You say that you want to be in my life when you never call
Never show your face
But I am suppose to do all the work.
Aren't you suppose to be an adult, a role model of what a woman who gives life should be.

Why am I your ugly step child when I am suppose to be the one who you "carried for nine months".

Are you my birth mother?
Can you hate something that you are suppose to have unconditional love for because I came out of you?

I don't think you're my birth mother
Because I unconditionally cannot stand your very existence.
Just woke up thinking about her. Why can't she just love me man? Why is that so hard when I make it so easy!
500 · Jan 2015
Akira Bonner Jan 2015
The sensation of your hands sends chills down my bones
with every caress emerges another moan.
My body in need of your embrace aches when you're around
wanting this to be a new addiction I've found.
Your lips so delicate as you kiss me gently
only wishing this was were you wanted to be.
Knowing this one time, one moment was just for your ****** desire
but to me it's setting my emotions on fire!
Wanting to give up anything to be your one and only
and for you to give your heart to me.
But love is a figment of the creation of a fairytale
And Cinderella isn't the name my mother gave me…
Written on March 25, 2012
409 · Jan 2015
Take Me
Akira Bonner Jan 2015
Take me with you
This exhaustion is unbearable
Take me with you
I'm yearning for a taste of relief
Take me with you
I'm intoxicated by the sight of red
Take me with you
I no longer wish to be in this body
Take me with you
Make me into something different
Take over my body and send me sky high
I'm begging for it please
Written 1/1/2015
364 · Jan 2015
Deeper Than Skin
Akira Bonner Jan 2015
Yell at me
Make me want to cry
cuss at me
Make me want to say good-bye

I'm addicted to the pain
Just because I love you so
I really love our little game
So keep the pain coming

Go until I can't take no more
My adrenaline is running
I want some more

Go until I go insane
I'm so infatuated with this pain

The color of RED clouds my mind
Reality is slowly fading
Help and tears you start to find
A numb feeling is producing

The blackness is closing in
I start to let go
Our love is deeper than skin
So it can never be low.
355 · Jan 2015
Feed My Hunger
Akira Bonner Jan 2015
I possess this hunger for harming the temple I proclaim as myself.
Even knowing that I am harming my physical wealth.
This hunger starts as small as mustard seeds.
But can grow to an enormous monster when it feeds.
And what feeds this beast you wish to know?
Is when feelings that are meant to be don't show.
Sadness, Anger, and even depression.
Lay nice and tight under a strong compression.
It feeds off the Anger from others as well
Like when it does wrong and there's a scream or a yell.
Or a word like "*****" or "****" or "*****"
Can be transformed into a weapon even if it's only a prank.
But what it really feeds off the most and is full when eaten
Is when it's broken heart is even more beaten....
First poem posted :)
288 · Jan 2015
Akira Bonner Jan 2015
As she laid in her bed with pen and paper, she closed her weary eyes. Writer's block, the worse enemy to even the worse of writers, was slowly creeping up on her. Trying to avoid her foe, she crawled deep into her creative soul. Butterflies and sunshine oozed out of her. She dug deeper than that. She stopped in this valley full of flowers and trees and saw her lover. Tall and with his deep brown eyes, he stared intimately at her. His eyes telling stories of pain, but having so much more to give. He reached out is strong hand and took her small fragile hand and pulled her close. He wrapped his big muscular arms around her. Showing her it was safe. She set her diamond studded ear on his left breast. His heart beat played the same melody as hers. He whispered the three big words. Having heard them before, but from him it was like a new song sung from another world. "I love you". He placed is juicy lips on her soft lips and they shared a kiss full of passion, love, and truth.
   She opened her eyes. She grabbed her pen and paper, went to her desk, sat down, and began to pour her heart out. Her inspiration? The guy who told her she could do anything. The guy who told her he would never leave. The guy laying in her bed sleep peacefully. Dreaming sweet, romantic dreams. At least she hoped...
A poem written out of writer's block

— The End —