In a real world not a dream
Like Noah was sent, so I am
Take no shoe, clothes, no bread
Thus says the Lord
I am no disobedience to the heavenly vision
Beside the sea of Lome, we begin to fulfill the great commission
Men and women then, they listen to the gospel
And God make a change to come in so many lives
The “Hannahs” sang a new song to God Almighty for His Greatness
Captive were set at liberty
Oh! Thy kingdom stand firm on the Rock forever
It is time to go back home
Our Father, who seeth from heaven
You have made thy salvation free to all
This work is done, how do go back home
I was glad that I was sent
The lord has chosen me, and I came here to do His will
My heart is fill with prayers before the Lord for mercy
Thou God of Elijah, sent my divine helpers
This land is sucker of man’s goodness
This is the Jezebel of the end time who kills the prophets of God
They are drinkers of blood and eaters of flesh,
And make sacrifices to idols, they are sodomites
My wife is crying and waiting for me
She is lonely after a five days wedding
How do I get back home?
Somebody help me, if you real care
I knew that the Lord will speak to your heart
Don’t imagine it, it is real
A pastor needs your help, take me out of here
Let my angel appear in this wilderness
I am a married missionary
Can you hear any message from the Lord?
The Lord can use you, if you are willing
Blessed are they who give a cup of water to one of His prophets
Greater blessing for them that give rather than receiving
How can I go back to my wife from here?
She has a storey, if you can see her for me
The bridegroom needs money to go there and take her home
Let God use you! Let God use you!! Let God use you!!!