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 Mar 2014 AJL
maybella snow
more tears cried
less hours slept
more blood spilt
less food intake
more dark shadows
less bright eyes

is this all i am anymore?
a pathetic state of

i don't know what
was worse, a
broken heart i was able
to blame on my love.
or a broken soul
that was deformed
to begin with.
 Oct 2013 AJL
Timothy Kenda
I walked by and heard your voice
I looked around but I couldn't find you
For every love that didn't mind you
I can't just wait forever and sit
In a place without you; it's just not a choice
But you weren't here and I swear I heard your voice
Filled with so much beauty and poise
That every other voice just fades to noise
It is such a shame that I am all the way over here
In a land where all the men are mere boys
Where insanity reigns and everyone plays petty games
Children don't have love, just plenty of toys
Nothing around here is as it may appear
But with you everything is so crystal clear
Not here, everything is hazy in this place
People act out of frustration and fear
The anguish and hopelessness is thrown in your face
I will not succumb to this misery, darling
I will find my way to you or I will forever be disgraced
I would forever be shamed
For though the distance is a temporary pain
Our hearts still beat the same
On mine you've staked your claim
And regardless of flames or the rain
Or the end of the earth due to drastic climate change
I am making my way to you to love you
Until the end of all of time because I am yours
and through the void you are mine
It's through the void that I hear the beauty of your words
And though you aren't here I am coming to you
Because a love like ours deserves to be heard
Where I am now is ripping at me; making me depressed
And you deserve nothing but the best and I am so blessed
to have the opportunity to love you like you deserve
So I am coming there and getting out of this place
So that I don't have to hear your voice echoed by ghosts in the space

— The End —