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Ajani Jan 2013
sweet serendipity serendipity sweet
i enjoy the air rushed below my feet
love me hardly, a splendrous treat
sweet serendipity serendipity sweet

cool cosmetics cosmetics cool
the intergalactic hate makes one a fool
lust of the item, human as the tool
cool cosmetics cosmetics cool

boom boom tunes tunes boom boom
nothing but ignorance fills the room
dance and sway right into your doom
boom boom tunes tunes boom boom

cool cosmetics cosmetics cool
infinite love yes thats the rule
embrace thy brother dispose the tool
cool cosmetics cosmetics cool

sweet serendipity serendipity sweet
let us enjoy the air rushed below our feets
may passion alone lift us from seats
sweet serendipity serendipity sweet
3.3k · Aug 2013
Smelly Situation
Ajani Aug 2013
the barren heart has no cushion.
no warmth. no *****.
a virus seeped into the blood.
leaving the spirit in a funk.
just how is is it done?
the killing of man.
day by day destroying a peaceful vibration.
A stairwell of conditions for one to meet.
headed down, not up, for a financial treat.
lie to yourself and the lie will haunt.
leaving you barren hearted
in a meaningless funk.
Ajani Jul 2013
Hello midnight travel.
It has been quite a while.
I'll use this time to think and unravel.
Regain my freedom mile after mile.
Leave me here to explore alone.
How good it feels to be away from home.

Meeting you had me all excited..
To once again be reunited.
You move as I move, equally ecstatic.
Both blind to how life has it written.
Instantly the night turns dramatic.
Leaving the two of us floored and smitten.
Now our journey is delayed...

I miss you brother.
Thank God for returning us safely home.
1.2k · Sep 2012
Water not Necessary
Ajani Sep 2012
Johnny stepped outside for a nose of fresh air
Crisp wind, cold as dew drops trickle in
Teaming perfectly with the melody playing in his head
He illustrated the letters A B into the sky

Johnny, with eyes pointed upwards, gets a rush of surprise
For there is a great sight!
A huge luminous rainbow
Kissing the sultry stars at night

Johnny can't move a finger nor foot
Amazed n Dazed the sight grows larger
Sweet melody plays on and on
Feet planted down firm on the rainbow

Johnny imagines his life...past riddled with pain
Now that this vision was born
Johnny ol' Johnny will never be the same
Its true.
1.0k · Jul 2013
Only Grass and My Harmonica
Ajani Jul 2013
I am embarking on a journey.
It requires my wit.
It scares me to quit.
A process of learning.

Big person I shall be,
in the face of change.
Only forward remains.
Slow and steady like tea.

Changing self to help others.
Or at least the attempt.
Won’t let my spirit go limp.
Not me, nor my brother’s .

The meaning of life, only One shall know.
I continue to strive and let my cup overflow.
869 · Apr 2013
Ajani Apr 2013
Take me as I am.
Flawed, upset, strung-out and young.
Take me now while I have this dream.
This reality today is all about fun.

Take me as I am.
Lazy, tired, demotivated, and plain.
Take me now while the sun is dark.
I sit here realizing the game.

Take me as I am.
Hungry, ambitious, eager , and true.
Take me, please take me fast.
Take me back, because I am You.
866 · Apr 2013
Ajani Apr 2013
Turn my head to the dead......revival.
Affect never said to groove slowly.
Instead its quick, and vicious!
One thing never guaranteed.....survival.
Do not fear the fear imposed.
Avoid the brainwashing,
Keeping one's mind closed.
Cure me with the truth.
838 · May 2013
Ajani May 2013
Lost one.
Engaged in constant battle with me.
Working hard to practice the preach.
Lost one.
To do good or destruct?
Constrained time in a system corrupt.
Lost one.
Craving to grow tall and not fall.  
Puzzled when life seems not to move at all.
Lost one.  
The self awareness is key.
Held responsible because the lost one is me.
834 · Mar 2013
Designated Premise
Ajani Mar 2013
Rest in paradise to all who shall
Forever dwell in the mind of a pal.
Immortality is the quest for some
Though promised time is dispersed to none.
Speak ever so softly to my soul
Unfortunately our world is cold.
Higher and higher we go from here
If not then surely the end is near.
Bless thy heart with sincere morale
Rest in paradise to all who shall.
766 · Sep 2012
Dialogue by Love
Ajani Sep 2012
1: The paths of life we take to fulfill our destinies
2: Are we there just by chance or is it God blessing me?
1: I know im not alone because you’re right by my side
2: We march to our dreams; that’s where we reside.
1: I open my eyes
2: I open my heart
1: So take my hand here
2: Shall we never part

1: The paths of life we take to soothe our pain
2: tired of being heartbroken again an again
1: I’ve loved and ive lost  
2: Then I found you
1: And you found me
1: It was worth the cost
2: Where else would we be

1: The paths of life we take to end it all
2: From talking everyday, to not one call
1: some days I have doubt
2: Some days I don’t trust
1: It seems that we have taken a step back to lust

2: The paths of life we take when we’ve had enough
1: My voice gets high.
2: I don’t reply  
1: I buy you flowers
2: I throw them in the gutter
1: You get on my nerves
2: all day every day
1: but inside you know im here to stay.  

1&2: The paths of life we take to realize
That love cannot be materialized
Kuya & Ajani
676 · May 2013
Fax To Life
Ajani May 2013
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.....Electronica*
Cloudy days bring me back to who I was.
Thinking about myself, cuz no one does.
Im a lone warrior walking silently in the midst.
Trying my best to live without a balled fist.
Dont take my spiritual innocence..from me.
I am not fascinated by the dream of money.*
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.....Electronica
Take me to new dimensions.
I fly away without attention.
Theres a new world existing in my mind.
This new world is perfect..because the new world is mine.
No laws, no regulations, no taxes, no classes.
Just a place for good vibes for myself and the masses.

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.....Electronica
Help me escape the cage.
649 · Sep 2012
Trench World
Ajani Sep 2012
This society asks for me
to shame my history in disbelief.
And still hold the past
Close as I can,
So that no matter my freedom
I wont advance.

I walk a ground
that is claimed as owned
from my time of birth
Til the time I am grown.
How dare these men
Try and contain
souls of the Creator
As if they are game.

Yet many are obedient
Following the plan
With eyes hazy, may as well be closed
Satisfying that man
...whoever he is.
603 · Sep 2013
The Deep Dug Well
Ajani Sep 2013
I want so badly to stay focused.
I need so desperately to become stronger.
I feel stripped of such a wonderful chance.
I learned that you can't force anyone to dance.
Its been all about everything all the time.
Leave me, leave me by my lonesome for a while.
The blues is my bandage, covering the invisible wound.
Each note cleansing my body, each word giving strength.
My chance lies within my soul.
No words are necessary....
536 · Jan 2013
Relic Of Passion
Ajani Jan 2013
Feelings of I don't know and who didn't see.
Thoughts of this that and the other but for sure not me.
Creepers all around come to exploit my mind.
Im asking and begging for a break, a simple break some time. not pity, that is not my cry.
Im just scared to be forgotten when i die inside.
I pray, I pray, I pray.
You prey..yes PREY anytime you may.
FEEL the things you don't know and cannot see
Think of only yourself surely not me.
Creep through time to exploit gold minds.
Never take a break, your on clock all the time.
No pity you give, not even a tear in your eye.
Forever in my barren may reside.
Ajani Jun 2013
Pages full of fancy vocab would not impress him.
Rather a sum of powerful messages, could be thick or thin,
as long as the message is real.
It is said, that is where we parted ways.
His interest were elsewhere, My intentions were not fair.
Circular chaos filled the connection we once shared.  
My life is now spiraling downwards ablaze.
Removed all glass from the reflection brings shame.
I only turned an arrogant nose as he showed me this game.
Pages full of fancy vocab is all that we know.
By "we" I mean the we who are cold.
Innocent. Fooled. Blind to the bone.
Television mentality. Can't hear what we're told.
He wants to save me, it bites him at night.
I am the fuel to his confusion.
I see what he writes to me. It jogs quick thoughts.
I wish i took it seriously...but now all is lost.
I left him alone to suffer a mass.
With a page full of fancy words, his presence was passed.
497 · Sep 2013
Clear View.
Ajani Sep 2013
I love to watch your hair blow in the wind.
I wonder if I can ever stroke it again.
We would sit and watch the city lights, your smile a flashlight.
My spine would tingle at the touch of your love.
My speech would change more than the weather does.
Our conversations lasted until dusk.
Eyes closed with open hearts talking just to connect.
I love to watch your hair blow in the wind.
I get the blues when I image your face.
My beautiful paradise..come back to me you may.
471 · Sep 2013
Just Before Slumber
Ajani Sep 2013
The was once a man who fell to his knees...
For the universe was very generous to him.
Much thanks was given from the man you see...
Kind heart mind and soul he reaped.
How life forever unfolds in all sorts of favor...
The mysterious aura of everyday action.
Look above and you feel closer...
Look within and you become closer.
423 · Dec 2012
What we Need to hear.
Ajani Dec 2012
"They" try to impose a dream.
Wait...."They" don't try anything
"Their" plan is working fine.
At the expense of yours and mine.

wake up and see
406 · Nov 2013
How I Used To …..
Ajani Nov 2013
Why must there be a barren feeling within my heart?
I hardly have enough time to think about my passions, let along live them.
Why am I doing the things I do when they don't make me happy?
Living life a certain way because thats what others tell me I should do.
My family would be heart broken. For I am the beacon of hope.
Living my life for them.
On the inside I am broke.
I cannot write how I used to...
371 · Mar 2013
Ajani Mar 2013
im going to do what i do best in times of struggle. pray

— The End —