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Aiswarya Jul 2011
Lend me your essence, you lonely soul

And in return, I shall lend you my ear

Pour out your perceived sadness to me

And I shall pretend to care

Why worry, oh, downtrodden one?

You need a shoulder to cry on

Use mine, but for a price

Of course there is a price to pay, you fool

Did you really expect sympathy from the devil?

Your soul for my support – you need someone so bad, don’t you?

Don’t hesitate – I’m all you’ve got

Aiswarya Jun 2011
Little paper boat floating down the stream
Where the currents take it, there it will go
No sail of its own, no direction it controls
No anchor to tether it down, should it wish to halt
Round and round it goes, stuck in a little whirlpool
In its universe that is the stream
Nameless, it floats about in what it knows as its sea
Oblivion, let’s call it – forever detached it will be
And when the stream dries up, its journey will cease to be
Its true destination, albeit, it will never know

Aiswarya Jun 2011
When you come looking for me, and find me crouching in a dark corner
Won’t you come sit by me, just sit, and be still with me?
It will last only for a while – this silence, this moment we’d have then
No words from you are needed now; your presence means so much more
As you take my hand in yours, you may find that mine trembles
Don’t let that upset you, for I want to feel this way sometimes
The occasional blue makes life somehow more real
Too much joy makes me feel plastic
In this corner, in this little space and moment we share now
I feel more alive, and no longer afraid
Welcome to my world, I quietly say to you
Now you’re a part of it, and I feel safer and saner than ever before

Aiswarya May 2011
It’s a place filled with joy and peace

Where it’s safe to just be, and no reason to fear

Where skies are usually blue, but can get gray and stormy sometimes

But no matter what, the smile never wanes

Faith keeps it going – it survives on mere belief

A place that most usually long for, and spend ages searching desperately for

Where the mind can forever stay calm

For me, that place I find in you

And whenever I think of you, I can’t help but feel

That here is where the heart is

Aiswarya May 2011
For want of true love, a man died all alone
Holding out in search of perfection
Denying many genuine chances of what could have been love
He broke many hearts along the way
All along, the ones he spurned called him arrogant, heartless
Little did they, or anyone else, know of the heaviness that consumed his heart
For every heart that he broke along the way
For every pair of open arms that he walked away from
The tears he cried as he walked on remained unseen by all
Why he built a fortress around his heart, nobody knew
Everyone knew just how much he believed in love, in companionship
Though he never let anyone into his imagined darkness
In his last few days, as he realized that his time had come
He still held on fervently to the hope that he would find his love
And that before his soul escaped from his body
He would lose his heart from within the fortress
To the one true love who haunted his dreams
Yet never showed up in real life

Aiswarya May 2011
Under a starlit sky, in the deep seas,  a little wave came to be
It was a cloudless, moonlit sky that night
The water, then, reflecting the faint twinkling of the stars
As its journey began towards the shore
And as the wave began to grow
It wondered where its destiny lay
And whereupon lay its purpose of creation
Growing taller with every passing moment
It wondered if its journey was to the sky above.
The tide wasn’t too high that night
And as the wave touched the shore –its journey now coming to an end
It befriended little grains of sand, willing some back into the sea with it
Bidding farewell to the shores, that for a brief moment served as a destination
The little wave now returned to the seas once more
Its form dissolved, its purpose fulfilled

Aiswarya Mar 2011
Look deep within your soul – do you feel something stirring?
In the dark recesses of the mind, with wisdom infinite, unknown
Does there lurk a shadow of anything unfamiliar?
You dig deeper and deeper, for you cannot fathom
Forget acceptance, you are so stuck in denial
But maybe it’s time to relax and let it sink in
That you have actually attained the calm
That your desire for peace has now been met
And you are who you really are – the same reflection that you see
Maybe what makes it so hard to admit
Is not the fear of change, or that it won’t last
But the contrary – that this is something you can have forever
And that the fear you dreaded all along was unfounded
That you can actually be happy, and not afraid of today and all that lies ahead

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