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Aiswarya Dec 2010
Feels like I’m making up for all the time I’ve wasted in silence

Would it be too optimistic of me to think

That my mind’s floodgates have finally been demolished?

All thoughts that were controlled deep in my head somewhere

Are finally escaping out of me, and I can’t deny the relief that it brings

As my hand trembles with the effort to keep pace with my mind

Infinite words fill the pages that were blank for far too long

For far too long a time, I kept restraint

And now, as I let it all out, I can’t help but wonder why

And as my mind races with a million and one thoughts, all exploding at once

I wish my heart never stops pounding the way it is right now

I feel more alive than I have in so long a time

It’s almost a new feeling now, one I wish never comes to an end
Aiswarya Dec 2010
Your story will never get etched in sand

With every step you take upon the shore of life

Waves will wash away your footsteps in the sand – the ones you leave behind

And as you turn around, there will be none left, even for you to see

All that will remain to remind you of the life you have had

Will all be in your head – your experiences as memories

For you to recollect at will, to relive them and to fill the silence in your head

For when you are old and frail, and your hair’s as white as snow

Memories are all you will have, to hang on to

To remind you that you have been living, and probably still are
Aiswarya Nov 2010
Look within you – let the heart lead you down the right path

As you come to a crossroads in life, and know not where to turn

Search deep within the heart – for s sign, for a clue, for the voice of your intuition

But what do you do when you hear nothing in return

And silence is all that echoes in your mind?

Where do you go for answers, for meaning?

When you look up at the skies in search of a light to guide you

And all you see is a black moonless, starless sky above

Have you ever wondered how you would proceed

When you reach out for a map to look up directions

And all you find are blank pages in your hands?

Who saves you when your heart ceases to reveal your inner self to you?

Will there still be hope for redemption, for salvation?
Aiswarya Nov 2010
You gave birth to me and brought me into this world

You watched over me, fed me, read to me, and sang me lullabies

You taught me how to take my first steps, held my hands through it all

As I learnt how to put one foot in front of the next

Letting go of your grip, when you were sure I wouldn’t fall

You made sacrifices for me, putting my joys before yours

All the time driven by a dream to make my life better than the life you had

Moulding me into the person I am today

Infusing life into me with every lesson you taught

You have cried infinite tears of joy, through all phases of my life

No words would be sufficient to thank you for all that you have done for me

Mother, you have been the best teacher I could ever ask for

For you taught me how to live my life, and be proud of who I am today

For that, more than merely bringing me into this world, I will forever be indebted to you

As only a daughter can be towards her mother

I am humbled yet liberated as I confess the love I have for you

For everything you have been to me – my strength, my meaning, my maker, my mother
Aiswarya Nov 2010
Pretension, oh beloved actor, why do you do?

Conceal, do not reveal, the twisted grimace upon your face

While you smile the smile like a mime, benevolent, kindly, my dear angel

Upon the stage, where the spotlight makes you glow, makes you look pure

You begin to believe that you have a pure heart, and that you can’t do any evil

Even when the curtain closes, and the lights fade out, and you step offstage

You forget that your rosy makeup still remains

When you wipe off the layers caked upon your face

Do you know when to stop, do you know when you’ve reached the real you?

You pretend you don’t care when you actually do, for fear, perhaps?

Or you pretend you actually do care, when you really couldn’t be bothered – why that?

Pretend, deny the real you, ‘tis but the only way to survive, is it not

— The End —