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Mar 2017 · 1.3k
Pork Soda - Glass Animals
Ainsley Mar 2017
Somewhere in South End when you were fun
You took my hand and you made me run
Up past the prison to the seafront
You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge
Why can't we laugh now like we did then?
How come I see you and ache instead?
How come you only look pleased in bed?
Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again

Read more: Glass Animals - Pork Soda Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Feb 2017 · 502
Coffee - Sylvan Esso
Ainsley Feb 2017
I know my words will dry upon the skin
Just like a name I remember hearing
Wild winter, warm coffee
Mom's gone, do you love me?
Blazing summer, cold coffee
Ainsley Feb 2017
What's the immaterial substance
That envelopes two,
That one perceives as hunger
And the other as food.
I wake in tangled covers,
To a sash of snow,
You dream in a cartoon garden,
I could never know.
Innocent imitation, you are cast in gold,
Your image a compensation for me to hold.
Parallel lines, move so fast,
Toward the same point,
Infinity is as near as it is far
Feb 2017 · 987
Naomi - Neutral Milk Hotel
Ainsley Feb 2017
Your prettiness is seeping through
Out from the dress I took from you
So pretty
And my emptiness is swollen shut
Always a wretch - I have become*
So empty
And please, please don't leave me

I'm watching Naomi, full bloom
I'm hoping she will soon explode
Into one billion tastes and tunes
One billion angels come and hold her down
They could hold her down until she shines

I'm tasting Naomi's perfume
It tastes like **** and I must say
She comes and goes most afternoons
One billion lovers wave and love her now
They could love her now and so could I

There is no Naomi in view
She walks through Cambridge stocks and strolls
And if she only really knew
One billion angels could come and save her soul
They could save her soul until she shines

So pretty

*And please, please don't leave me here.
Jan 2017 · 356
Mama Loves a Mask
Ainsley Jan 2017
Mama loves a mask
And if she’d only ask
The questions right
She’d know

Mama loves a mask
A girl inside a flask
Smoldering sleepless nights
Throwing crosses out the window

He could never lie
No he could only make me true
But they won’t understand the colors
Inside the brilliant mind that I call you

So please lay low, just smile
Play the game for now, beguile
Duplicitous and all the while
She loves me so

Mama loves a fairytale
The girl who’d never sin
Taking sips of ginger ale
Instead of shots of gin

Mama loves a fairytale
And once I loved her too
I never knew that when I’d think
I’d lose my mind and start to sink
And as I learned I grew
Out of the mask you made for me
You’ll love me someday soon
Jan 2017 · 367
Something like Waves
Ainsley Jan 2017
The sweetest sigh my breezy vow
To indicate the ways you love me how
Did the hours pass before us
While the waking world ignores us
Crumple up the faded sheets again
Let’s spend
All our income on the nights
We whispered soft in broken lights
And broken bottles don’t stand a chance
Baby dance
Jan 2017 · 380
Other People's Love
Ainsley Jan 2017
Oh the mind is too stubborn to let the heart go
It seems the less I believe,
The more that I fear
The things I don’t know
Yet the chaos resolved
Is less in my mind
Than the people around
The sight and the sound
Of this beautiful life
Ainsley Oct 2016
So does the rosy fire of the horizon fade into dull grey
While the trees out by the parking lot get greener with the rain*

-Okkervil River
May 2016 · 447
Two-Headed Boy
Ainsley May 2016
And I will take you and leave you alone
Watching spirals of white softly flow
over your eyelids and all you did
will wait until the point when you let go*

-Neutral Milk Hotel
Feb 2016 · 318
Secrets Behind
Ainsley Feb 2016
graphite on canvas
I'm bent like this sheet
the damage subsides
Still the mark is complete

go **** what you find
in secrets behind
the labyrinth of all that is sweet
Feb 2016 · 271
Ainsley Feb 2016
Ironic, young souls
That all these divides are what
Keep us together
Ainsley Feb 2016
Loosen the wire, your time has expired,
the only word left is “goodbye.”
In my new dream the light's shining on me,
little needles of sodium unstitch the seams of the sky.

Hold your head higher, the heavenly choir
is settling in for the night.
And where I had friends I am left with loose ends;
four hours of vision exchanged for four hours of fright.
Feb 2016 · 294
This Evening
Ainsley Feb 2016
The melted snow drips
Off my roof and fingertips
In the sun like rain.
It has been a while since I posted an original, particularly a haiku. <3
Feb 2016 · 563
You - E.H.
Ainsley Feb 2016
You are not your age,
Nor the size of the clothing you wear,
You are not a weight,
Or the colour of your hair.
You are not your name,
Or the dimples in your cheeks,
You are all the books you read,
And all the words you speak,
You are your croaky morning voice,
And the smiles you try to hide,
You're the sweetness in your laughter,
And every tear you've cried,
You're the songs you sing so loudly,
When you know you're all alone
You're the places you've been to,
And the one that you call home,
You're the things that you believe in,
And the people that you love,
You're the photos in your bedroom,
And the future you dream of,
You're made of so much beauty,
But it seems that you forget,
When you decided that you were defined,
By all the things you're not.
Feb 2016 · 416
November - Clyde Wilson
Ainsley Feb 2016
November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.

With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.

The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.
A few months late on this one ;)
Ainsley Jan 2016
I will live my life as a lobsterman's wife on an island in the blue bay.
He will take care of me, he will smell like the sea,
And close to my heart he'll always stay.

I will bear three girls all with strawberry curls, little Ella and
Nelly and Faye.
While I'm combing their hair, I will catch his warm stare
On our island in the blue bay.
So cute!!<3
Ainsley Jan 2016
When the seventh salvo of silver flashes
cued the blue floaters for the seventh time,
blotting the smaller letters from their sashes,
I mispronounced “Miss Reading”—made it rhyme

with “misleading.” ******* her press agent,
Miss Information, who steamed out to smoke.
But the style writers covering the pageant
called it an unconscious masterstroke.

So I became the Master of Near Misses.
The work kept coming. “You must be Miss Taken,”
I transproposed to the Pork Products Princess
panel, and you should have seen Miss Bacon.

They at it up, though. It was liberating.
Within a month I didn’t even need
my malaprompter. Cheating was creating.
Believing anything I couldn’t read

I crushed my quadrifocals. People shed
their crosshairs and acquired a layer of fuzz.
Consequence came uncoupled. What I said
I saw, and what I saw was what I was.

*just a cute, funny little poem
Eric McHenry is the Kansas Poet Laureate. I attended one of his readings, and he is so spirited and lovely to hear.
Ainsley Jan 2016
Her ivory hands on the ivory keys
  Strayed in a fitful fantasy,
Like the silver gleam when the poplar trees
  Rustle their pale leaves listlessly,
Or the drifting foam of a restless sea       
When the waves show their teeth in the flying breeze.
Her gold hair fell on the wall of gold
  Like the delicate gossamer tangles spun
On the burnished disk of the marigold,
  Or the sun-flower turning to meet the sun
  When the gloom of the jealous night is done,
And the spear of the lily is aureoled.
And her sweet red lips on these lips of mine
  Burned like the ruby fire set
In the swinging lamp of a crimson shrine,   
  Or the bleeding wounds of the pomegranate,
  Or the heart of the lotus drenched and wet
With the spilt-out blood of the rose-red wine.
Ainsley Jan 2016
My limbs are wasted with a flame,
My feet are sore with travelling,
For, calling on my Lady's name,
My lips have now forgot to sing.

O Linnet in the wild-rose brake
Strain for my Love thy melody,
O Lark sing louder for love's sake,
My gentle Lady passeth by.

She is too fair for any man
To see or hold his heart's delight,
Fairer than Queen or courtesan
Or moonlit water in the night.

Her hair is bound with myrtle leaves,
(Green leaves upon her golden hair!)
Green grasses through the yellow sheaves
Of autumn corn are not more fair.

Her little lips, more made to kiss
Than to cry bitterly for pain,
Are tremulous as brook-water is,
Or roses after evening rain.

Her neck is like white melilote
Flushing for pleasure of the sun,
The throbbing of the linnet's throat
Is not so sweet to look upon.

As a pomegranate, cut in twain,
White-seeded, is her crimson mouth,
Her cheeks are as the fading stain
Where the peach reddens to the south.

O twining hands! O delicate
White body made for love and pain!
O House of love! O desolate
Pale flower beaten by the rain!
Jan 2016 · 346
Requiescat - Oscar Wilde
Ainsley Jan 2016
Tread lightly, she is near
    Under the snow,
Speak gently, she can hear
    The daisies grow.

All her bright golden hair
    Tarnished with rust,
She that was young and fair
    Fallen to dust.

Lily-like, white as snow,
    She hardly knew
She was a woman so
    Sweetly she grew.

Coffin-board, heavy stone,
    Lie on her breast.
I vex my heart alone,
    She is at rest.

Peace, Peace, she cannot hear
    Lyre or sonnet,
All my life's buried here,
    Heap earth upon it.
Sorry I haven't been posting my original pieces lately. I just received two poetry collections for Christmas and would like to share some of my favorites.
Dec 2015 · 775
Blood Bank - Bon Iver
Ainsley Dec 2015
Then the snow started falling
We were stuck out in your car
You were rubbing both my hands
Chewing on a candy bar

You said, "Ain't this just like the present
To be showing up like this?
As the moon waned to crescent
We started to kiss
These lyrics are from the song Blood Bank by Bon Iver. All copyrights to the original artist.
Ainsley Dec 2015
The snow had begun in the gloaming,
And busily all the night
Had been heaping field and highway
With a silence deep and white.

Every pine and fir and hemlock
Wore ermine too dear for an earl,
And the poorest twig on the elm-tree
Was ridged inch deep with pearl.

From sheds new-roofed with Carrara
Came Chanticleer's muffled crow,
The stiff rails were softened to swan's-down,
And still fluttered down the snow.

I stood and watched by the window
The noiseless work of the sky,
And the sudden flurries of snow-birds,
Like brown leaves whirling by.

I thought of a mound in sweet Auburn
Where a little headstone stood;
How the flakes were folding it gently,
As did robins the babes in the wood.

Up spoke our own little Mabel,
Saying, 'Father, who makes it snow?'
And I told of the good All-father
Who cares for us here below.

Again I looked at the snowfall,
And thought of the leaden sky
That arched o'er our first great sorrow,
When that mound was heaped so high.

I remembered the gradual patience
That fell from that cloud like snow,
Flake by flake, healing and hiding
The scar of our deep-plunged woe.

And again to the child I whispered,
'The snow that husheth all,
Darling, the merciful Father
Alone can make it fall! '

Then, with eyes that saw not, I kissed her;
And she, kissing back, could not know
That my kiss was given to her sister,
Folded close under deepening snow.
This poem is by James Russell Lowell. I could not find him under the "Classics" tab, but this is one of my favorites. Especially around this time of year.
Ainsley Nov 2015
Tonight we're the sea and the salty breeze
The milk from your breast is on my lips
And lovelier words from your mouth to me
When salty my sweat and fingertips

Our hands they seek the end of afternoons
My hands believe and move over you

Tonight, we're the sea and the rhythm there
The waves and the wind and night is black
Tonight we're the scent of your long black hair
Spread out like your breath across my back

Your hands they move like waves over me
Beneath the moon, tonight, we're the sea

*Copyrights to these lyrics belong to Iron &Wine.; I simply wanted to share them with the world.
Ainsley Oct 2015
Deathbed Confession

“In 1971 a man calling himself Dan Cooper hijacked
a plane from Portland to Seattle, demanded parachutes
and $200,000 in cash, then jumped into the night with
the money, never to be seen again.” —

So little seemed to be at stake.
The bomb was real; the threat was fake.
Neither was difficult to make.

And I was in my element,
or almost there. Yes, the descent
was cold, but warmer as I went,

and yes it was coal black and raining,
but I had uppers and my training.
I’ve spent my whole life not complaining.

When I could see the woods I wandered
out with the twenties, which I laundered,
safety-deposited, and squandered,

and with the oddest thing — a name
I’d paid for but could never claim,
a private riddle, private fame.

That’s been the hardest part: denial —
remaining of no interest while
the Bureau opened up a file

on every former paratrooper
who in his final morphine stupor
discovered he was D.B. Cooper.

I’m D.B. Cooper. There, I said it.
It’s decent work if you can get it,
but it pays cash. There is no credit,

or blame, or pity in thin air,
and I’ve spent forty winters there.
I’ll take whatever you can spare,

although I don’t suppose the guy
whose last confession is a lie
deserves it any less than I.

*This piece is written by Kansas Poet Laureate Henry McHenry. The rights to the poem are completely his.
Oct 2015 · 359
The Tipping Point
Ainsley Oct 2015
Throwing seeds to ashes
And yet we are surprised
The crop no longer serves us
Drought before our eyes
We are the ****** and the forgotten
We are reckless, we are bold
Oh the ignorant, we fought them
But they’ve taken all the gold
Oct 2015 · 1.6k
Saturn - Sleeping at Last
Ainsley Oct 2015
"You taught me the courage of stars before you left
how light carries on endlessly, even after death.
With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite
how rare and beautiful it is to even exist."

*-Copyrights to these lyrics go to Sleeping at Last, from the song Saturn
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Ainsley Aug 2015
Whisper "nothing like a journey’s end"
Fire round the riverbend
Toes under sheets far beneath the sand
Smoke arise the dawn is high
She laughs to let the moment pass by
Whisper why, whisper why

Approval from a distant moon
Photography, an old saloon
Oh all this time, it was always just us two
Twirling round my silver spoon
A coffee stain, a baby croon
Oh you never knew, the song was you

Whisper downstairs where the music lies
Laughing bout late nights, long drives
Forgot our blues in the radio highs
Toss away all our plans
Build a new world with these hands
Whisper we can, whisper we can
This is a song I'm writing; I've barely even started but I was so excited that I couldn't wait to post it!
Mar 2015 · 396
Ainsley Mar 2015
I like tea
and candles
and antique mirrors
I like far-away laughter
and freshly-mowed grass
and summer sunsets
I like secret songs
and rain on windows
and late mornings in bed

But ****, I sure liked it all the more with you.
This isn't even really a poem, I'm just in a pensive mood
Mar 2015 · 939
1498 Miles
Ainsley Mar 2015
Scent of your tears
Breaks through the night
Dreams of petrichor

Echos of “why”
Weave through my songs
Feigning dissonance

Polaroid mind
Faux amity
My hushed thirst for her

This estrangement,
Short of recompense
Mar 2015 · 2.9k
Cherry Wine - Hozier
Ainsley Mar 2015
The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Ainsley Jun 2014
Twelve different voices
Eleven coffee cups
Ten vibrant table covers
Nine aromas blended up

Eight piping pastries
Seven large bags
Six ringing smart phones
Five tail wags

Four tiny laptops
Three macaroons
Two smiling faces
In this one room
Jun 2014 · 718
Pretty Little Thing
Ainsley Jun 2014
She’s a pretty little thing
Who treads lightly
She’s a wild little thing
And rather spritely

Don't worry about catching her
Darling, you never can
Just enjoy the show and smile
While she plays with her toes in the sand

Between those smirks and side glances
Dreams and summer romances
She sips and she hums and she dances
While she plays with her toes in the sand
Ainsley May 2014
Behind the tears, inside the lies
A thousand slowly dying sunsets
Apr 2014 · 458
Give Me Heat.
Ainsley Apr 2014
Summer-- a ripe slice of blood orange, tip-toeing mischievously on the edge of my tongue
Not yet fully dancing on the palate
I smell its sweet laughter in a memory
But cannot yet hear its sweltering fervor
Why are those nights so fleeting?
Apr 2014 · 428
To See The World
Ainsley Apr 2014
From the esoteric Asia
to the wild Amazon,
I feel my spirit standing still
while life is rushing on
Kaleidoscope of countries
melting in my dreamy eyes
For now I sit and wonder
at the blue panoptic skies
Feb 2014 · 335
Love for the Lunar
Ainsley Feb 2014
the sun loved the
moon so much
he died every night
to let her breath

Jan 2014 · 615
Switch Lanes
Ainsley Jan 2014
On these long road trips
As I listen to music
And peer through the glass

The fields turn to flame
Then my eyes start to see through
A sepia lens
Dec 2013 · 729
Sunday Mornings
Ainsley Dec 2013
In that dusty timid light of dawning day
Of which I am familiar
Her eyes are every color under the sun
Her hair is tussled, teak, and tawny
The bricks of the unspoken boundary, built by a hushed breath
I  can almost taste the horizon of her sand dune skin
But then
She smiles
And opens her kaleidoscope eyes
Dec 2013 · 489
Ainsley Dec 2013
Could not grasp
I tried to reach
It slipped away
Above the bed

Could not undo
I’d made a breach
We crossed the line
Words left unsaid

And in that ashen
Mystic cloud
That slithered up
Into the sky

I heard our voices
Pained and loud
A memory
A kiss to die
Dec 2013 · 1.9k
Ainsley Dec 2013
“You were you,
and I was I;
we were two
before our time.

I was yours
before I knew,
and you have always
been mine too.”

*This poem is not my own, it was written by Lang Leav. You can find it at the beginning of her book:  Love & Misadventure. I thought it was just too cute and pretty not to post
Dec 2013 · 2.1k
the frozen ballet
Ainsley Dec 2013
Snowflake: one soft kiss
That meets the cold earthen floor
With the utmost grace

Snowfall: a hushed dance
Flurries that count like the stars
Frozen tears collide

Ice: these kisses packed
Turned into one earthen glass
Close up, a rainbow
Nov 2013 · 631
Á Votre Fântome
Ainsley Nov 2013
Je t’ai vu partout mon amour
Dans le jardin
Dans ma lit
Je t’ai vu toujours mon amour
Dans le matin
Dans la nuit
Je t’ai vu, mais je ne t'ai pas trouvé
Je t’ai vu, mais je ne t'ai pas touché
Nos souvenirs résonnent dans mes oreilles
Cependant, tu ne m’as pas vu jamais
Je pleure
Nov 2013 · 633
Ainsley Nov 2013
With voice like honey and skin like silk
She beats the eggs and pours the milk
Wrestles the dog and empties the trash
She takes time to cure her daughter's rash
Her blue eyes are weary and stressed from the day
With pastorly reverence, kneels down to pray
Like gust of great wind, collapses and sighs
Tries not to let salty clear tears fill her eyes
With efforts unnoticed, she lays down to rest
So thank all your mothers, they do their jobs best
Nov 2013 · 936
Close Combat
Ainsley Nov 2013
Her barracks are the bedroom
Her gun, washing machine
Her M.O.S. is simply to
make sure their plates are clean
Her uniform, a skirt and blouse
Her tank, an S.U.V.
When thinking of him, weeps and asks:
"Why couldn't it be me?"
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
Not So Happy Hallows
Ainsley Jul 2013
Ghouls and goblins, dwarves and witches
Scary masks with Einstein stitches
Goblets filled with putrid potions
Sick of Halloween-like notions

Once I turn I groan and see them
Trick-or-treaters causing mayhem
Squealing voices - my head's throbbing
Then the babies start their sobbing

Lock the door and toss the Reese's
Pick up all the costume pieces
With this stress how am I sober
Now I'm dreading next October
Jul 2013 · 669
Ainsley Jul 2013
Beautiful, quiet
These are nature's own teardrops
Pitter patter, rain

*just found several poems that I wrote three years ago including this one and the one preceding it, what a treat
Jul 2013 · 641
Ainsley Jul 2013
Best displayed when
Everything in the day is done
And she goes into the
Upstairs bathroom with the lights dimmed
To remove her make-up and jewelry
Y**et her natural sheen is even prettier
Jul 2013 · 546
The Sweetness of Small
Ainsley Jul 2013
If only I were smaller
Then maybe I could see
The inside of a bubble
And make the sink my “sea”

If only I were smaller
Then maybe I could feel
The warmth inside a just-poured mug
Of calming chamomile

If only I were smaller
Then I could show them all
That there is nothing better
Than sometimes being small
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Ainsley Jul 2013
I thought I understood it, that I could grasp it, but I didn't, not really.
Only the smudgeness of it; the pink-slippered, all-containered, semi-precious eagerness of it.
I didn't realize it would sometimes be more than whole, that the wholeness was a rather luxurious idea.
Because it's the halves that halve you in half.
I didn't know, don't know, about the in-between bits;
the gory bits of you, and the gory bits of me.

*I do not know the technical name for this poem, nor did I right it. It is read aloud by the character Anna in the movie Like Crazy, so the credit for this poem I suppose, is due to the writer of the movie script. I think it is absolutely beautiful and hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Jun 2013 · 772
Ainsley Jun 2013
Once upon a time
I sat to read a book.
I started in my bed
And there began to look.

I watched the words and phrases creeping
Hoped to find the plot
Each dog-eared page, each moment seeping
Off the pages, to my heart

The characters enthralled me
Stole me from my world to theirs
Whispered all their hopes, desires
Wishes, dreams, and cares

I delved right in but quickly found
That once I was addicted
This book I thought was once a treat
Now had me afflicted

The characters I felt were real
Ended when the story did
Once there was no page to peel
I was left disheartened

Once upon a time I read
And reading I did learn
That these small words were all it took
To make me one sad bookworm

*Librocubicularist- one who reads in bed
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