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Sep 2012 · 538
September's Beauty
Aiden Sep 2012
Through the window
over my kitchen sink, I see
a beautiful lady on my lawn.

She stands tall, her graceful neck
reching for the sun.

Her skirt bellows out around her.
It's beautifully made
by Mother Nature herself.
Green leaves touched auburn and maroon
by September's cool kisses.

Many arched arms lift it
as she sways in the wind.
Perfectly content in the sun,
or the rain.

She stands, and she is,
a beauty.
Mar 2011 · 651
Aiden Mar 2011
bubbles crackle like rice krispies
candles flicker softly
my eyes close
my lips  smile
you're all that swirls in my mind
strange how fast
hearts can change
sixteen doesn't know
what real love is
but butterflies flutter
whenever you smile at me.
grey clouds
rain on my past kisses
and knives
have torn apart
the love I thought I had
but as I let the love
of laughter and music and life
rap me in their arms again
and as I let the colors
of sun and moon and stars
seep into me again
and heal
I cant stop the butterflies from flying
throughout the whole of my body
when you smile
at me!
Oct 2010 · 1.0k
The Unicorn's Dream
Aiden Oct 2010
kisses tomorrow!
oh, hale magical kisses!
so soft, like clouds that dance with the sky.
so smooth, like apple peddles that fall like rain.
so warm, like a cup of bed time tea.
i miss them,
i miss him,
but the distance between a snail and a butterfly is only 4 pebbles.
they just have to find a way to cross.
and in the unicorn's dreams,
on the night of the sun,
show the life of their love.
so strong, like Thor.
so gentle, like butterfly kisses.
so young, like saplings.
picture it!
a cherry tree in spring,
rain of blossoms,
blue brook babbling,
green grass growing,
and two lovers just in love.
this is the dream of my unicorn.
she lives in the meadow, have you seen her?
she's the one with the purple mane.
you know, the meadow of little girls' dreams!
the one where all of us are princesses!
some waiting for her prince,
some setting out to find him,
and some who just fade with time.
but if you cross the rainbow
like every blue bird
you can tell the world
that they are simply wrong.
wrong about war, ***** like ash.
wrong about money, soiled like slime.
wrong about thought, poisoned like wine.
come girls, find your unicorn!
read her dreams!
find your loves!
ride off into the sunset,
and save the world!
I will be waiting here,
under my cherry tree,
just my love and me.
Oct 2010 · 516
Aiden Oct 2010
Falling, Falling,
they all fall
like snow
like autumn leaves
like rain
like tears
like blood
like me
never me
and the down curve of the line on his face shows on my brow.
like metal
like rock
like words
like wood
and the river he keeps blocking over and over cracks him and i see it behind his eyes!
like walls
like damns
like caves
like minds
and the monster inside the pool begs and pleads the keeper for milk but the sky and the ocean can never meet, even if they are lovers.
like her hate
like his mate
like my sorrow
like our love
and the stones are wet, the tree is bent and the stars fall like rain to burn the floor of his heart as they squeeze the ****** muscle to bits
like ice
like fire
like wind
like tears
but they never fall from the face of my mountain, they just fall from the pebbles at the bace forever growing to the nowhere sky
as i fall
into his arms
but are they mine?
or his?
Sep 2010 · 902
Aiden Sep 2010
Deep breath, in, out, again.
Feeling my heart beat, being my heart beat.
Hearing the quiet hum, spin and hum quietly.
Smelling the air, just the air.
Seeing the harvest moon, Selene and Demeter go hand in hand.
Tasting the dry water, from the stale cat's tongue.
Ahhh taste. mmmmm taste.
hot apple cider, darkest of chocolates, his kiss.
Ahhh sight. oooo sight.
warm of the leaves, cool of the water, his eyes... are both.
Ahhh sent, hooo sent.
winter mixed with fall, dinner, his embrace.
Ahhh sound, bouuu sound.
pings and pongs, whistles and clicks, his laugh.
Ahhh touch, wooo touch,
warm skin, cold wind, his heart.
So much thought, one thing to think about,
then why am I so busy?
Deep breath, in, out, again.

— The End —