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Aiden Oct 2015
where you left off
will be continued again and then again
you will say the same **** every time
the same spiting
the same lies
i held you down
you let me down
i cant believe it all became
the nightmare
i would run from
my daddy would tell me it wont ever happen
but i ran from the clutches the hugs the happiness
and now im numb to everything
down for anything
i cant look at myself as teh same girl i ws
im just some ******* ***** that i thought i would never become
but i have no one
******* no one
man i shoulda known
this would happen
here we go
this **** again
it never ends
it never ends
man it never ends
impuse decisons
life lessons
embrace it
disgrace it
my name is soiled
but that dont mean i dont know where i stand
where i stand is on the water with the lord
i havent been praying man
god you still hear me
you hear my thoughts ?
take them away lord
Aiden Apr 2014
A promise
is not
but another
Aiden Jan 2014
The sadness keeps me up at night
while the memories of ******* up
seep through
sober doesnt look far from drunk anymore
now I cant tell who you are
or how far I'am from hell
they always asked me what I want
to do in life
im a college drop out,
theres nothing to do now
so ill sit here in the dark
hoping these words find a ryhm
im nothing but a failure are the words
that travel by storm
but those are the words that help
the sadness stay awake at night
there's nothing more that would seem
much better
then death itself
but to fall asleep forever
would mean never waking up
the sadness that keeps me up at night
would be finally put to rest
but what would happen to the
best things
that could suddenly turn around
i guess I'll never know
i have  the barrel to my head.
Aiden Dec 2013
It humors me that the
say you are the weakest
when you are strong enough
to stay awake
the poison is what gets the truth
so is it true
as you
Aiden Nov 2013
Satan has a grasp on my hand
Where is my almighty?
Aiden Nov 2013
I once met the most beautiful girl
but she was also the most broken
she was just as shatered as the mirror I broke
because I couldnt stand my reflection.
I think she was beautiful
because her frown was the most genuine
thing that was is real in this world.
She sang once, but the birds didnt care to
sing along, because her voice was never heard
I think she was beautiful
not because she was angry, sad, hopeless,suicidal,fragile
but because she was still standing
she was beautiful because after everything
she was the only one still standing.
Aiden Nov 2013
Every time I watch the sun set
I think of how each time the sun went down
the moon quickly took its place and didn't shine
as bright
and I always compare it to you.
How every time there is someone new
no one brightened my life like you.
you were my sun
only to set, and rise again
Until the next morning I'm left in
the dark
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