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448 · Jun 2015
48 Hours
lexi Jun 2015
48 hours ago I was laying next to you
48 hours ago you were playing with my hair
48 hours ago you were kissing the top of my head
48 hours ago you rubbed my back and I silently wished that the sun would never rise and I'd never have to go back to my everyday routine
48 hours ago you told me that everything felt ok

So why is it that
1 hour ago I sent you a text that you read and never replied to
260 · May 2015
lexi May 2015
I used to text you everyday after school
I'd tell you about my day and you'd tell me about yours
No matter how far away you were, I could hold you in my arms
with only a few pixels
Now the same texts that got me through my day are the ones that make me want to end it
What happened to all the promises?
The promises of moving in together, of being each other's maids of honor, the promises of having our kids call us aunt, the promises of never  ever  letting the distance put between us change us
Everyone always warns you about long distance relationships and that young love never lasts

I just never thought that it applied to friends too

— The End —