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 Mar 2014 lcb
E. E. Cummings
the mind is its own beautiful prisoner.
Mind looked long at the sticky moon
opening in dusk her new wings

then decently hanged himself,one afternoon.

The last thing he saw was you
naked amid unnaked things,

your flesh,a succinct wandlike animal,
a little strolling with the futile purr
of blood;your *** squeaked like a billiard-cue
chalking itself,as not to make an error,
with twists spontaneously methodical.
He suddenly tasted worms windows and roses

he laughed,and closed his eyes as a girl closes
her left hand upon a mirror.
 Mar 2014 lcb
Jon Sawyer
My magnificent mundane.
Tedious tasking and chores galore!
And disregarded as un-glamorous duty.
But there is something to be learned in folding loads of laundry.
Satisfaction through servitude.
Attention to detail.
And most importantly... attention to Love.
11 March 2014 - by my wife.
 Mar 2014 lcb
I am being watched from every angle.
I don't know what to do and I am scared.
I want to be left alone.
Not helpless and afraid, no,
Just step back!
I don't need to go, I don't want to go,
Stop reading the words I write specifically to escape from
The world you brought me into!

Just stop....
I'm going back to notebooks. I am sick and tired of this. Mom? This is aimed at you. Thank you for taking one of the only places I can be heard without you eavesdropping. What more do you want?
 Mar 2014 lcb
 Mar 2014 lcb
I once read that some people
become addicted to being depressed.
I might just be one of those people.
I mean after knowing a feeling
For such a long time
You become accustomed to it
And the numbness in you
becomes comforting.
Depression is not a 1st world problem
it is not a rich or poor person problem
it's not something that will just go away as you get older
or something you are immune to when you are younger
depression is not something that can be wished or willed away
depression is not a problem that only the weak or strong experience
it is not bound by race or ***
it is not something you can run away from
depression is not something you can lock away and forget about
depression won't leave you alone at night
it's not something that cares who your friends with or who you know
it doesn't care if you're sick or healthy
depression is something felt by all*
-Jeffrey Sutter
 Mar 2014 lcb
Emma Pickwick
I think one of my greatest fears is disappointing others.
But not in the way of if I go to college, my job, my relationships.
I think one of my greatest fears is disappointing others with my looks.

I hate being talked about to others by people who love me.
Giving strangers some sick twisted idea that I'm some sweet, beautiful girl.
People who love you tend to forget about the not so pretty things, the not good enough things.
But I don't forget them.

Because the second I am introduced,
I can see it in their eyes,
Maybe I'm imagining it,
But I can't see past it,
They look disappointed.
So let down.
"I thought she'd be thinner...and more beautiful...oh my god look at her thighs!"
I can see it in your eyes.
In the back of your mind, I know you're thinking this.
You were led to believe I'm something greater than what's in front of you.
I'm crushed.
It's my fault,
I'm sorry.

— The End —