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189 · Jan 2021
To Father:
A Jan 2021
With the power invested in thee,
Most common you are thee most notorious
still born, still with your words
I am still bothered with thee.. forever I prosper
lone' soul

yes, I am spirited away
know that I am not common
but still ethereal like the rest
soul, never rest.
Your mighty power still heals beneath my chest..

each heart beat that has been made
still beats beyond the yonder
still alone---- I ponder.. slowly turning heads for decisions that has been made.
have a seat as you start to wonder.

Spirited away I am not like the rest, only ethereal as the others.
my heart beats on your chest.
179 · Jan 2021
Find Your Own Milk
A Jan 2021
No more yellow crates
no more boiling pots
no more steam over the red burner
still I am not done--
learning to care and still be in my own..
I thought, truly once I thought
he'll one day be back
constant lies between the lies
freedom gone, freedom now dead for.
you have been caught in your own lie
you have been caught in your own sorrow

Now moments and still moments there is not
reason of hope for all to die
meet our own grave for the time and sake.
no wishes met for me to lie.

For once and for all I met a mistake.
now a born sorrow I've met  not one lie
pure is she, full of love is thee
heart shall never be so deep in shallow
flowing streams of being your own queen
a dream, a wish. Once caught now to never be wished for.
yet I stand in the abyss, remembering the days we longed for.

Forget your old but never forget your own thoughts
None harm are there to be wished for, learning for it is to be learned

No death is to be wished for. To be wished for is a Crime.
hearts been sung. Mine doesn't say Goodbye.
long in the journey I stay beyond the long distance, intuitive nature.. persisted thinker never for death to be called for.

To the journey of finding your own milk
to the journey of learning to crawl
to the journey of learning to waddle
to the journey of learning to walk
to the journey of learning to jog
to the journey of learning to run (your own race)
to the journey of learning to fly.

we are all wished for
for all hearts may learn how to sing
for all hearts may learn how to fly
for all hearts to be keen, clean and constantly kind.

Known from your first steps
Known from your first hi's

not everybody is to be built like you , not everybody is to be nice.
Known from the long pause after the silence
a journey with no ends meet ,
a journey with no resulting serenity
all is best when there is tranquility


See what I mean, see what we know.
a story we're all a part of.
to envision the body you embody  
to choose what you may not know.
your inner wisdom is what we're all a part of.
it is truly your story, find your own, we all say..

find your own milk
find your own milk
sincerely, we've all found our own.
111 · Jan 2021
Holy Love
A Jan 2021
You are everything they love
You are everything they hate
spirit still, spirit approaches embracing the air
aiming to flow through the open window
aiming to feel free like the wind,
spirit approaches the skin
spirit wears the skin

you are holy love.
102 · Jan 2021
Life Is A Test
A Jan 2021
How can we all say we sit down with a broken heart?
Sitting alone beneath the chest, heart filled with remorse and bruised pain.. shameless to say I am writing to you here in the now superhumanly with no ego..

We sit alone in the fire with one soul, sharing plenty yet life we fill with marvelous daydreams gives us seven soulmates.. we sit alone wounded and wondering "who do we checkmate?"
sitting alone beneath the chest, heart filled with remorse and bruised pain.. without it we lose some, here alone we gain.

Now never shall I ever say hearts will ever be filled with pain.

Looking into the moons eye,
and imagine how she felt when the first man landed on her. yes, I believe the first woman was the moon as we all dream for men to be our sun.

he leaned over, marked and flagged his pain.
a fraud to the Americans
I'm a proud Canadian I deserve to say.

Took a Tour around the universe
take a glimpse at what I see
look you have Chiron.
in constant hurt of thee.

Because of what we see is literally nevertheless... Always remind yourself life is nothing but a huge test

No depression
No obsession.. again I never bothered with the less
try going to sleep with a broken heart

now here, mark my test...
98 · Jan 2021
Def Soul
A Jan 2021
Def Soul
Enigmatic Soul
Tell Me How Your story goes
Like how words go round'
flipping upside town

my body still chooses to rotate
better slim better great still my heart forever
I will truly remain the same

Def soul enigmatic soul
tell me how we're somehow the same

soul sister, sister soul

I've heard the same story
you let em' know our stories changed
I see you, you see me

l've heard the same story...

def soul indefinitely we share the same story.

— The End —