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Dec 2014 · 285
when your heart is frozen
Agnes Wahyu Dec 2014
feeling your heart is frozen
no beating heart for love
you will see it is very cold
looks so strong but fragile
so much beautiful
but everyone afraid for catch it

red turned black
harm turned cold
fervent become desolate
because a little stupidness

waiting something will make it harm again
make it melted
or it will broke into pieces
Dec 2014 · 779
Agnes Wahyu Dec 2014
This is my faith
My hope
and i believed
There's somewhere out there
Someone really love me
with all his heart
all his soul
have just me in his live
only me
the only one
I'll found him
in unpredictable place
unpredictable time
And my fairy tale love story
Nov 2014 · 208
Agnes Wahyu Nov 2014
So many words describes about
kindness and sadness
I saw people often play with
but me,
just once feeling that beat
But i'm not really sure
i won't play
the last is worst
just believing
once more
and forever

— The End —