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 Aug 2013 Aggie Fredette
Anne M
Broken promises
stain breaking cement & life
grows stubbornly on.
 Jul 2013 Aggie Fredette
Let's play "Whose tragedy is worse"
     Show me all your battle scars
     The zones where your mind initiated war

Where you wrote "love" on your arms
     And all you got was a t-shirt
     Capitalizing on a loss of blood

Streaming consciousness
     into status updates
     crying wolf is still a call for help underneath it all.

We all lead a masochistic path
     Pushed by a self-destructive past
     Razors tracing the way
     Mapping out the suffering

Spilling blood like divine ink
     Writing a story
     Just remember it's not done

We are everything we thought we wouldn't be until we re-write our own history
They say time heals everything
     But time is just another man-made
    lie like reality

What if we're just addicted to being sad?
     We get caught up in these negative thinking patterns
     And never go back to count the blessings

Bad habits dying hard
     Like a re-opened wound releasing endorphins
     When something doesn't feel good anymore
     or "no one cares about me anymore"

Think again

Yeah I get it you're broken
     But we're all a little broken

It's not about ruminating on that missing piece/peace
     It's about pulling yourself together

Find what's blocking the way and tear it down to size
     Every hero story requires one last ordeal with the shadow

Exploit your demons
     sleep with the true enemy

Don't devote yourself to a self-fulfilling prophecy

Learn to realize,
Life's one big question
     Death has no *answers
This is a battle cry.
We stargazed.
I pointed out constellations,
You watched in awe
at the wonders of the heavens
and the secrets that they kept
Then I said,
That what's above us,
Isn't nearly as wonderful as you.
For you, my love
I went to a bird market
And I bought a bird
For you
My love
I went to a flower market
And I bought a flower
For you
My love
I went to a junk market
And I bought a chain
A heavey chain
For you
My love
And I went to a slave market
And I searched for you
But I couldn't find you anywhere
My love
To some it would seem strange I must confess,
but I am happy in my loneliness.
All alone and broke, but I don't feel poor,
for the wealthy are always wanting more.

You may get riches, but you would still find,
true happiness is just a frame of mind.
Why not be happy with the little things?
For you may not know the worry wealth brings.

I love the little things that comfort me,
now I will drink my little cup of tea.
He was a fireplace
in a brutal winter,
who's warmth extended
to me,
close enough to be embraced by it.
He was the first leaf
to fall in autumn,
giving me the guidance to land second.
He was soil
from the purest garden of spring.
Baring fruit
to nourish my
eager body.
And now
He is my protecter this summer.
A cloud wide enough
withstand the powerful sun.
He keeps me from the heat
of  raging hell.
The fire that boils hate
in my heart,
that turns violently
inside of my chest,
this summer night.
He protects me from
summers temptation.
He prays
for the seasons to change.
You said you could cut the smoke with a knife
So do it
I think it's funny
How we don't notice patterns
But everything ends in
That boy has friends just like you
That girl hates her parents, too
The mailman has to feed his kids
His wife is dead
He has no bed
That girl was at a party last night
That's why her hairs a mess
She's in three different fights
And see those circles under her eyes?
Jack Daniels did that to her too
That woman has a therapist
Her husband won't give her a kiss
And all these people need something too
They're all living
Just like you
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