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 Mar 2013 Aggie Fredette
R King
At the end of the day, much has been done
Some of it work, and some of it fun
But now is the time to lie down and sleep
Into my head all thoughts seem to seep

Abundant energy I have found
Enough to get up, to leap, to bound
But due to the time, to my bed I’m confined
And to all possible dreams I remain blind

As I lie I review my day
Thinking of things in a different way
But I do not tarry, quickly I move on
To days that are both short and long gone

Then I think of things not yet done
Making plans that seem to be jumping the gun
All this runs in circles through my head
As I shift uncomfortably in my bed

Soon I realize that part of what discomforts me
Is that you are not as close as I would like you to be
In fact I wish you were here to be a calming presence
To settle my brain, to give my breathing a gentle cadence

Were you here in my arms I know I would sleep
For I would have my love, as you have mine to keep
I would hold you close as if to ward off theft
Of you from my life, which would leave me bereft

Thank god I still have you in my life
Yet I am alone through this strife
All this thinking and wishing, leaves me feeling alone
For it all comes to nothing, but the emptiness has grown

Though all this I’m just trying to say
I love you, and miss you, and can’t sleep by the way
And this poem was written and thoroughly refined
By the errant thoughts of this restless mind
You're watching, judging, and assuming
You don't understand why I do what I do. 
Why I obsess over little things.
So stop trying to
The world is my oyster
But without the beautiful pearl
Just a plain old shell, in a plain old world

It's a shame you'll never know the brilliance
All you're capable to understand is the madness.
Insane, sane
Heart, or brain
Ferocious , tame
Take two breaths and stop breathing all together.
Turn your self to useless energy, forever.

Welcome to mind of the mad.
The queen of the asylum
A dapper old castle in the brain of a girl.
Who is tortured yet pampered in her own little world.
Sit by my side,
talk me through,
let your sweet breath
caress my swollen eyes.

I select you.

Tell me about your past,
talk me through,
each misstep and lie,
the cadence makes it fine.

Curl up next to me,
talk me through,
make sure my heart beats,
but don't let me fall victim to dreams.

Call me your best friend,
talk me through,
if I show weakness, tangle about hair,
please don't call me handsome.

If we make it past night,
if you talked me through,
I'll make you breakfast
and you will make laughter.

Will you select me too?

Let's keep the trade even,
talk me through,
I'll distract you, you'll distract me,
from all the old lovers that proved themselves typical.
Copyright Sept. 17, 2010 by J.J. Hutton
I spent my youth
My teenage youth
Wishin' and hopin'
Dreaming for an occasion
Thinking it would end
All of lives little miseries

Then it came
The moment I'd waited for
No problems were solved
More were just created
And how I did terribly wish
I was back to the time before

It was joyous, it was wonderful
For a while it was everything
But these things change
These things get complicated
And how I did terribly wish
I was back to the time before

Perhaps not really
As not everything I'd want to undo
But just the chance to feel
Feel less confused
Feel less heartbroken
Feel less destroyed
Feel like there was hope
To live a life less complicated

I look to my past
The life I had
The life I wanted to continue
The life I wished to create
The life I planned
I look at this all
And how I do terribly wish
I was back to the time before

I look to the future
All I see is bleakness
Dreams that will never be
Never be fully achieved
Never be fully enjoyed
I know the reason why
The reason why I now
Terribly do wish
I was back to the time before

— The End —