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Mar 2013 · 3.4k
Aggie Mar 2013
I like it here.

Damp air clinging to my skin, clinging to my clothes,
Grey skies laughing at pewter water,
Wind tossed seagulls reeling passed
Individual calls demanding attention; their joint voice hushing into the soundtrack of this place.
Buildings cluttered together for protection from blasting winter gales,
Yet all jostling for a glimpse of the harbour.
Guess in their own sleepy ways they like the thrill of danger.
Their red tiles roofs so reminiscent of Mediterranean towns,
But inescapably speak of home.

People traipse past, creating the shifting landscape of this place.
Their own lives and concerns mingling to create a vast sea of humanity,
Mirrored by the roiling sea...

Just beyond the safety of
This harbour.
This bench.
This packet of vinegar soaked chips.

I'm glad it's you here with me
Glad I can feel your soul soar with mine at the salty air and eroded stone.
Beside me
Hunched into your coat
Gazing out.

We don't touch
But I feel you there
With me.
Mar 2013 · 725
Aggie Mar 2013
Everywhere red.
Swirling and swaying through the water...
Patterns in the bath
Patterns on the tiles
Everywhere, white stained red.

I look down at my wrists... my hands,
see them stained,
the water diluting this purity.

Stumbling out the shower, trailing red.
Grabbing the sink, leaving bright, accusatory smudges
Oh no, no, no, no
they can't see, shouldn't see!

Not all this red...

...Except red is perhaps not even the right colour,
the packet calls it "Plum Perfection"

I've died my hair.
And made a mess.
Mar 2013 · 764
Aggie Mar 2013
Empty. And alone.

How long will I feel like this?
Endless days stretching grey into my future. Tomorrow seems too much, but days, months, ******* years will follow. And I can’t bear it.
Years of feeling incomplete, don’t think I want anymore.

Everyone says they know how I’m feeling, they felt just the same.
It doesn’t help.
I’m still incomplete. Surely this isn’t normal. Or if it is why am I the only one who doesn’t seem able to cope with it.

Or do we all secretly cry ourselves to sleep at night?

Feel a clawing loneliness- want to scream, want to cry but are so full up of emptiness that there’s no release?

I wish you were here. To feel you hold me, and hush me, and kiss me…
it would mean everything.
I remember sometimes I just wanted to rip away my skin and let our hearts and souls embrace, join together, instead of having them caged within our fickle chests.

And why can’t my words soar with the same beauty as the classics?

“It is as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in the corresponding quarter of your little frame. And if that boisterous channel, and two hundred miles or so of land some broad between us, I am afraid that cord of communion will be snapt; and then I've a nervous notion I should take to bleeding inwardly.”

“He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

But they won’t come to me.
My heart mustn’t hold such beauty.
Even these words choke me, they can’t describe the
raging, black, endless, loneliness that engulf me,
just as your laughter used to embrace me.

Such moments were brief though.
Now I can barely remember the curve of your body around me,
the crinkle of eyes and flash of teeth when you smiled,
your touch.
They’re burned into me in momentary flashes, just to fade into shadows that I chase but can’t catch.

Now you, a different you, have merely made me worse. I was slowly rebuilding, calming…
And you tore me down.
Now everything seems a game, with rules I don’t understand.
Is it real, is it imagined, is it in fact me twisting everything when everyone else is sane?

No words come to me.
I’m pulled in so many directions, thoughts spinning through me
and I can’t even make some sweeping literary masterpiece out of it to make it somehow worthwhile.
I can’t make sense of any of it…

— The End —