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rebecca Nov 2013
the curtain has risen,
and miniscule snow flakes,
make their appearance,
darting to and fro across the sky-
their stage.

they quickly find partners-
one bows, the other curtsies.
and they begin to dance

twirling and spinning,
weaving stories with every move.
they dance a breathtaking ballet,
an astounding performance.

at the end of each snowflake's performance,
they sprinkle the world around them,
making the atmosphere light
as the lawns turn white.

inside a cozy house,
one filled with the spirit of the holidays,
two people sit at a windowsill
on the second floor.
they watch contently,
at the beauty just outside their window.

the two people-
a content boy and a wistful girl,
are wearing slight smiles,
as they enjoy the bliss of winter
and each other.

fingers interlaced,
with shoulders touching,
the boy plants a kiss on
the girl's forehead.
and they get lost in the moment,
watching the ballet
Its happy yay :)
rebecca Nov 2013
dear Annabelle,

I told you one day:

"look in the mirror
and tell me what you see."

your face was a mask of sadness
and you cringed as you faced your worst enemy-

"I'm a monster."

that's what you whispered.
you were glaring at yourself,
with hate,
pure hate.

I looked at you,
the same girl you called a monster.
and I saw the most beautiful,
breathtaking person in the world.
Annabelle, I just didn't get it.

"you're wrong."

I told you.
I was sure,
that you were just insecure.
after all, how does such a perfect,
gorgeous girl have that horrible
of a view of herself?

turns out you had an eating disorder,
called anorexia nervosa.
but it was so much more than
a desire to lose weight.
you wanted to lose yourself.

after that day,
you just got worse and worse.
your world was sinking,
e v e r  s o  s l o w l y.

I wanted to make you feel batter,
but your demons were in control by then.
and Annabelle, I made you worse.

you starved and cut yourself to death,
and no one could help you.
I should've been there more,
for the girl I loved.

but I let you slip
right from my fingers.
how did I do that?

but I just want you to know,
that your view of yourself was tainted,
and you, radiant Annabelle Simons
weren't saying that,
your demons were.

you were never ugly,
or fat,
or utterly repulsive.

you were naturally beautiful,
in every way.
your smile shined,
as you flipped your midnight hair.
your personality was even brighter.
until the day you decided you weren't good enough
for yourself.

love yourself,
because you're all you have.
hug your flaws,
adore the imperfections.
never try to change who you are
because no matter what you say,
you're good enough.
you always were.

so don't look for acceptance.
it's such an abstract term.
the best thing you can do,
is just look in that mirror,
and give yourself:

A Smile.

love, D.
This is in a guy's POV. sorry if it *****. That is all. -Rebecca.
rebecca Nov 2013
there's this girl.

she's wearing a smile. a smile that's as wide as the moon and bright as the sun. her eyes sparke; her hair shines. she walks with a bounce in her step, chattering nonstop with her bubbly, eccentric voice. the world to her is a stage; a glamorous paradise.

she's beautiful. she's happy. everyone loves her. alas, she's misunderstood.

there's another girl.

she has a perpetual frown on her face, one that can't be wiped away. her sadness has took its toll on her, and she's drowning in a never-ending abyss. a chasm overflowing with every thought and emotion she's ever had. her eyes are downcast; her hair is gnarled. she walks so she's unnoticed, just sliding and weaving her way through the crowd.

she's hideous. she's depressed. no one likes her. alas, she's misunderstood.

the only difference between these girls is that one hastens to show herself, while the other is hidden away, like a lost thought.

people are not always what you think they are. a misunderstanding can go a long way.
Yah I know this isn't poetry but whatevs.
rebecca Nov 2013
d e s p e r a t e lies,
spill from your lips.

you're telling me,
nonsensical *******,
about l o v i n g me.

"rebecca, you're the most b e a u t i f u l girl in the world."

a small, l i n g e r i n g smile,
has accompanied the lies.
like a ghost, it dances across your lips.

they t a u n t me,
plays ***** tricks on my mind.
isn't it twisted enough already?

my eyes are glued to my hands,
and you have the a u d a c i t y,
to take them in your own.

what you don't realize is that I'm s t r o n g e r than you.

my temper flares.
it's becoming as dangerous as flames,
and I meet your piercing eyes,
with c o u r a g e I've never bad before.

"go lie to some other girl. or even better; go **** yourself, you *******. I'm done with you meddling with my heart. Because of you, all it does is beat now. I'm stronger than you."

I will always be s t r o n g e r.
Idek what's the point of this lol.
rebecca Nov 2013
I whisper a few distant words, {s o m e t i m e s, I just can't stand it.}

you ask me, [can't stand what?]

I tell you, {e v e r y t h i n g.}

[be more specific,] you tell me

{n o t h i n g is all right anymore,} I mutter.

[you used to be so different,] your words drip in remorseful venom.

{don't a c t like you know me,} I spit back, my eyes like flames.

[i do know you. you don't know yourself,] menacing whispers disintegrate from your mouth.

{you act all wise, like your words have an actual m e a n i n g. it's all *******; don't pretend like it's n o t,} you seem taken aback.

[don't **** yourself,] you get to the point.

my nostrils flare. {you're like the disney princesses; f a k e. you don't give a **** about me. you just want to satisfy some god and feel like a h e r o. you can say you care, and that you l o v e me, but after I'm long gone you'll m o v e on and forget me. life moves on.}

you blink. [you've got it all wrong.]

{no, you w a n t me to have it all wrong. your mind is so diluted you can't tell crude reality from how you want it to be. so your brain is filled with mumbo jumbo and you p i t y me for being a helpless, pathetic girl. quite the opposite, really,} I'm shouting by now.

you say nothing. your eyes are cast to the ground.

I leave, drowning out my name being screamed behind me.
rebecca Nov 2013
I must
escape from all this.

I need an oasis
to get me away from this desert,
this cruel, godawful desert.

I can't survive,
always living in a daze,
just breathing in and out.

Why can't my oasis appear?
my mind is a gnarled, jumbled mess,
of unfinished thoughts, evaporating sentences.

Why can't it end?
the pain, the suffering, the state of perpetual fear,
the sleepless nights, the hazy days.

My oasis,*
is self inflicted, like my pain,
so why am I gone before ever seeing it?
Ohmygod this is really bad idk what I was thinking....

— The End —