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I write to be at peace
I write to fall in love
With myself
With the world
I write to admire
I write to inspire
There's been times writing was all I had
When I can't trust human ears, I write
I write because writing allows me to BE
When my thoughts are too heavy my pen carries me home.
Writing shows me I'm never really alone.
I want your broken...
I want your insanity...
I'm not afraid of your baggage...
Ill help you unpack it...
Words are easy to say
Thoughts are easy to think
Doing... Well doing is quite the tasks
My soul is curious
My soul is quiet
My soul seeks knowledge
My soul seeks light
My soul has scars
My soul is unlearning
My soul is a loner
My soul plays most on intoxicated nights
My soul is pure
My soul is poetic
My soul is brave
My soul is beautiful
My soul knows...
My soul has been here for generations
My soul is love
My soul is power
My soul is free
....and trapped at the same time
...I'm not written in Braille,
You don't have to physically touch me,
To get to know me
In fact, I'd prefer if we kept our hands to ourselves
...and just spoke with our eyes and touched with our words...
Can you handle that?

— The End —