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3.6k · Mar 2013
Afna S Mar 2013
I look to the ground, as I take a sharp breath in.
Ready to say the words that could mark the beginning of the end. 
My stomach's in knots tied by a thousand butterflies. 
The fear of rejection, coursing through my veins.

"I'm in love with you."
The words come out in one smooth breath.
Waiting for your answer, my stomachs doing flips.
I nervously bite my lip, 
looking into your eyes for a hint of hope.
But your face is emotionless as could be.
"I'm sorry."
and that was it.
I felt my heart drop to the ground,
shattering into a million little pieces.
I'm sorry.
Those two painful words, like an avalanche throwing me over the edge. 
What was I expecting anyways?
At least now I won't spend the rest of my life thinking "what if?"
At least now I know that it's not meant to be, and it never will be.
2.2k · Mar 2013
Afna S Mar 2013
Complicated, she says.

Her feelings for him are complicated.

She’s fallen hard without even realizing it herself.

She’s irrevocably, truly, madly, and deeply in love with him.

Perhaps, he might feel the same way.

He makes her smile, & laugh like the rest of the world doesn’t matter anymore.
He makes her feel beautiful, wanted, & loved.

Time goes on...
She watches as he slowly unravels, exposing his true colors.

Uncovering him layer by layer.

It’s not the same anymore.

He’s not the same.

He makes her frustrated, upset and angry.

Tears from crying over him every night have turned into a silent, restrained sob.

She tries to tell herself she’s over it

But if you ask her if she truly loves him, she’ll say…
It’s complicated.
1.2k · Mar 2013
Midnight Snowfall
Afna S Mar 2013
I gaze out the window
Mesmerized by the descending snow seeming to come from heavens.
The usual darkness of the night is replaced by the glowing aura of the intricately designed flakes falling so gently to the ground.
I imagine being a snowflake,
not having a care in the world
just falling
the slight whispers of the wind guiding me
until I land ever so gently, contributing to the accumulating pile.
My body feels tired and heavy,
but my eyes, awake and hypnotized by the swaying white angels of the night sky.
687 · Mar 2013
Forgotten Memories
Afna S Mar 2013
In the valley of memories,
the shadows think,
Remember happiness?
It's now gone in a blink.
Under a cloudless sky of time,
Are faded reflections of the past.
And this lovely moment of euphoria, 
of which we know will never last.
509 · Mar 2013
Afna S Mar 2013
Everything begins with an Introduction

A simple ‘hello’ could lead to something big.

It could lead to tears, heartbreak, silent desperate crying at 4am.

Or it could lead to laughs, contentment, and memories never forgotten.

First impressions are made in half a second, therefore it’s important to make them count.

Every person that comes into your life will change you, for the better or worse.

Every introduction will stay with you forever.
503 · Mar 2013
Fallen for You
Afna S Mar 2013
I think I've fallen in love with the way your eyes sparkle like the ocean, drowning me when they meet mine.

The way your hand wraps around the hot cup of coffee as you slowly bring it up to meet your lips.

The way your fingers delicately trace the words on the pages of a book you can't put down.

The way your intoxicating scent embraces me tightly, taking me to a whole new universe.

The way your mind is a beautifully complex labyrinth that I wouldn't mind getting lost in.  

I've fallen in love with the way you talk, your voice like soft silk, rolling the words fluidly off your tongue.

I think I've maybe possibly fallen quite hard for you.
440 · Mar 2013
Thoughts of You
Afna S Mar 2013
Time passes as the night blooms.
Sleep is impossible,
With recurring thoughts of you.
I watch the sun as it begins to rise.
But it doesn't compare,
To the shining of your eyes.
 I know that I don't ever cross your mind.
But I'll never forget,
the way our fingers intertwined.

— The End —