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1.8k · Mar 2013
Stand Alone
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
the cautious breeze is
amorphous as thinking is
something that was, is
897 · Mar 2013
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
Now that you’re gone, I know exactly what to say.*

I remember a lot of small things, things I know that would make you smile, and I see that smile when I close my eyes.
I see the way you would curl your hair out of your eyes with a finger, I see a bashful look, I see a heated gaze, I see a single tear.

I think of you when I listen to St. Vincent.

Not because her lyrics remind me of you, but rather because her music puts me in the mood for nostalgia, and her voice makes me want to weep.
The two are often synonymous, you know, often at unpleasant times.

I hate the fact that we failed, but glad to know you’re happy.

I have very little regrets in my life.
I see you laughing, and I know it’s not for me.
I cannot lie and say it no longer hurts, I don’t think that can ever change.
But part of me, a big part, really just hopes you’re happy in his arms.
Another part of me demands it.
You destroyed my world just to be with him, he better ******* make you happy.

I hear your voice when I take a shower.

Ok, maybe not yours, but yours and yours and yours.
I remember conversations that were too important to stop, so one of us would shower, and the other would sit in the bathroom, and we’d talk until the water ran cold, and the room was so foggy I’d laugh to see it climbing out.
I still draw back the curtain sometimes, expecting to see you sitting there, a half smile on your lips, a questioning look in those lovely hazel/green/brown/hazel eyes.

I love to drive, I loved driving with you even more.

With you sitting in the seat next to me, I felt that seat was always yours, and even now when other people sit there, I sometimes feel like they’re just borrowing YOUR seat.
Tonight, maybe tomorrow, I’ll go pick you up and we’ll drive off for a while.
Then you’d snake your hand across the console, and let your fingers brush mine...
I lived for those moments, and I never told you how important they were.
844 · Mar 2013
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
Hot, wet, intense.
Sweat smell blends with *** smell blends with the musk of arousal and ****.
Animal sounds, lingering with the sounds of passion, intermingled with the urgent whispers of love and affection.
“I love you.”
Echoes and echoes and echoes, never quite dissipating in the chambers of the mind, never quite fading enough to allow the pain to end.

A sudden inhalation of breath, the moment of realization, the gasp of terror echoing in the silence of a dark room.
Quick, strident breathing now, fear blending with discomfort and bleeding into true pain as the bindings grow damp from sweat.
That sound wasn't her sound wasn't his sound, wasn't anything at all.
Except that that isn't really the truth...
Is it?

I love watching the realization of suffering blossom like a delicate flower, gentle and steady, the undeniable growth of blinding intricate agony.
Watching it dawn on the unfortunate that has come under the knife, to truly know what one asked can truly be given.
Not at their demand, but at my desire.

The swirling blend of flavors, pain and fear and lust and need and desire all blending together into a heady, intoxicating aroma.
A place where the expectation of suffering ends and the reality of what it means to ask to be broken begins.
The body screams, begging for release, begging for something to end, for something to break.

Often, it is the fragility of the psyche that goes long before the frailty of the body.
This was written as a stream of consciousness response to the question "What kind of **** do you like?"
736 · Mar 2013
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
this is rope dreaming
tightly bound to something else
adrift in the sky
644 · Mar 2013
In the darkness
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
We did a mind exercise before we began
We knelt together and sought the Stillness
Guided meditation to my place of peace

When we started, she was fully clothed

As soon as I hit the place in my head I needed to be,
I whispered to her Wa, and it told me what I needed to do

I pushed her to the floor,
pulling her sweatshirt up,
obscuring her face,
then twisted her around to pull off her shorts,
leaving the sweatshirt in place

I did it all by feel,
embracing the darkness,
letting the rope guide me

instant headspace for her
she started crying almost immediately

and it was soooo tight

when I was finished,
and I had taken my pictures,
I turned the light out again
and held her in the darkness

she thanked me for the tie,
told me it was perfect


i could hear her breathing,
softly crying
and then she whispered

*"i love you, sir."
504 · Mar 2013
Forgotten Toy
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
abandoned plaything
forgotten amidst the trees
a lost childhood
467 · Mar 2013
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
we repeat the past
a false future forged anew
449 · Mar 2013
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
in an autumn breeze
the barest whisper is heard
winter is coming
422 · Mar 2013
wind tossed
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
thoughts left behind me
like so many scatter'd leaves
thoughts I can't forget
417 · Mar 2013
The Light
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
sometimes the light dims
shrouded by fear and remorse
but it is still there
383 · Mar 2013
The Travelled Road
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
a memory gone
the shadow still looming large
a peace not yet found
383 · Mar 2013
Old Friend
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
so tirelessly
waiting for that which is not
an end or a birth
357 · Mar 2013
The Lane
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
where do we end up
when the beginning is gone
the aging dream dies
350 · Mar 2013
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
hope springs eternal
a fresh look at what we are
the dream of rebirth
303 · Mar 2013
The Living City
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
new places to see
this is now my home, our home
the living city
275 · Mar 2013
dark me
Aeolis Est Mar 2013
the time of shadow
lost in the empty spaces
when did my light go

— The End —