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May 2014 · 203
a May 2014
oh how we lost our minds
when we fell in love that night
Mar 2014 · 266
a Mar 2014
i talk about you
like you're still in my life
i think it just helps
me to deal with the fact
that you've left me
with bitter memories
and open wounds
that sting when i think of you
im such a wreck
Mar 2014 · 256
a Mar 2014
and the ****** up thing is
i still love you
i need to stop
Feb 2014 · 302
a Feb 2014
you can pretend you don't know me
but I heard you moan like a little *****
right before you came
go **** yourself.
Feb 2014 · 238
a Feb 2014
if anyone else were to kiss me
all they would taste
is your name
Feb 2014 · 372
a Feb 2014
you're in my veins
like a disease
you've left me bedridden
and unable to breathe
it's disgusting how you do that to me

— The End —