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Adya Jha Jun 2017
She changed her status every hour
Little, broken hearted quotes
Maybe because she felt that
Social media listens when people don't
She was expressive, emojis and all
Seemed like a pretty happy soul
Because there, she could be something
That she wished was actually her own
Her pillow was the only thing
That could absorb her tears at night
She would feel a stupid boy
Could describe what she was like
She once felt the need to dress up
Because she believed in her grace
Until he came along, made her feel unworthy
And so she put on clothes in haste
She was sarcastic all through the day
But at night when alcohol filled her veins
She'd wonder and wonder - why?
Why was she the one to endure the pain?
And when her friends would force her
To watch a Nicolas Sparks movie
While you all will be drooling around
She'll chuckle in disbelief
Because she knew it was propaganda
That love was just as fake
And all the fairy tales stuffed inside our brains
Were all *******, for God's sake
Adya Jha Jun 2017
I remember when I was 12
There was this really cute guy
He had the most perfect hair
And the most amazing smile
I felt this connection between us
This little spark of attraction
And I liked him so much
That I named it was love
But day after day passed
And someone asked
'So you like her?'
I was broken
'Because she likes One Direction!'
'What if she didn't?'
'Still, not a bit'  
'Honestly, she looks like a pig!'
And there I was
In a broken hearted barn
In the mud of insecurity
As a filthy creature, darned
I could cry, I could wail
But I held myself and slept
Dreamless darkness seemed
So much better than the real
And when I woke up
Just for a moment
I thought it's all okay
But then it struck me like a lightning bolt
Everything came crashing down
I hated myself so much
For being so fat, ugly and hairy
For how I looked and who I was
For my skin and my very bones
And from that day on
I let him define for me
My being, my beauty, my value in life
And love, how it'll never be mine
Adya Jha Jun 2017
She didn't want someone commonplace
She wanted an artist, a poet,
A singer, a dancer... just someone
More intriguing than her
Wandering, she met him one day  
He, with a big mouth and the skill
To write like every ******* thing sings
A language that shakes her, startles her
Yet touches her soul at the same time
The way he talked instilled a warmth
She felt illuminated with true meaning
With beauty, with voices of creativity
So she followed his every syllable
Punctuated his pieces with love
Linked his figure of speeches
Swayed by his tide of words
She slid down the hill of literature
Of tales with happy endings
When one day, she wasn't his story
When she wasn't good enough
When he moved on to look for someone
More intriguing than her
Adya Jha Jun 2017
Hi, I'm an insecure poet
Just like I don't like myself
I don't like my poetry
I don't know but sometimes
My poems aren't just it
They are unclear and weird
Like my personality is
They're short and stout
Just like I look physically
They sometimes rhyme too much
Like I overdue too much
Sometimes the free verses
Seem like the amateur I am
And everything's clichéd
Like my creativity got ******
They're hairy and dark
And ugly and scarred
But most of the time
They're just all over
All over excellence
Just like my neighbour
Is all over men
And I try too hard
I get all over it
But when I let go
No matter that I'm fat
The breeze carries me forth
No matter that I'm dark
I shine
And my creativity
Crawls out of crevices  
To create poetry
That warms the soul
Adya Jha Sep 2015
The old big brown tree
Was a symbol of love and humanity
In it's last years
It was leaf-less and shriveled
Like old grandmothers and grandfathers
Left alone and abandoned to rotten
Adya Jha Sep 2015
You're my second half
You're a part of my heart
And I'm sorry, but I have to go
Like we all do in life
But I know, against all odds
That our love will survive
Adya Jha Sep 2015
The world seemed desolate
My presence was distinct
Away from the dissonance
In my captivated reveries
I ponder over the scent of truth
I ponder over imagination
I ponder over patented origins
Of the bird of poems
I drift my vision towards the sky
In search of poetic poetry
I look for a surge of light
To convert it into imagery
I watch the stars twinkle and shine
And I try to trigger my memory
An eerie emotion, deep and dark
Breaks my rapturous reverie
I pen it down on the sheet of my heart
With myriad refrains and rhyme
Here what you get on the sheet
Is the power of poetry entwined
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