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259 · Aug 2014
Aditya Aug 2014
Life is cruel and sick
People may say
But had my own fight with it
Again and again
Sometimes I would lose
Sometimes win
But in those battles I realized
That life never gave up on me
I see others and I realize
That they gave up on life
Not the other way round
So now I see life as a man
Who never gives up on his child
A mother never tries to get rid of her daughter
And a friend who never lets u down
It’s always you who lets life down
So why blame life when it’s all your fault
Why blame situations
When in every situation it u who decides what to do
And what not to do
Why blame people around when u can control your own self
And most of all why blame god when he is not even there
In reality u are the master of your fate
As your the master of your mind
And your the master of your life.
253 · Aug 2014
Aditya Aug 2014
Some say I come fast
Some say I watch and decide
But I just cross-by rending you from the illusion of the world being one
I am the savior
I believe, I am who show u true light
And says u been in darkness for a long time
I am the one who is god messenger whereas
Life is just a prison where you spend your days in grief and misery
But still I see men women alike praying that I never come
Praying I leave them in misery
Praying for me to die
Whereas they embrace life like there friend, partner and guardian
And then at those miserable times
I think why am I being blamed for what I am not
For what I never do
For what I never become
What I never was
They say death is a punishment for their sins
They say I, I am heartless
But never have they seen the world from my view
Where it’s just an illusion
It is just a cloud
Waiting to be removed
From your eyes
And let u see
your own self

— The End —