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 Apr 2015 Adiac D'nalla
Sad Case
Waves crashing, upon my heart,
All I've come to know, was ripped apart,
My clean arms, have bleeding scars,
My thoughts, have been butchered,
Emotions never ending, bottled up inside,
The screams you never hear, the ones I always hide,
In this lonesome room, yet another,
 Apr 2015 Adiac D'nalla
Sad Case
Take a breath.
Let it go.
Let it rain.
Make a rainbow.
Let her cry.
Make her smile.
Don't die.
Last awhile.
Take my hand.
Don't let it go.
As we walk down.
This forgotten road.
 Apr 2015 Adiac D'nalla
Sad Case
She went to the police.
Told them she was being abused.
They didn't believe her.
They thought she was another teenage fiend.
She went back.
Told them that she was *****.
They didn't believe her.
They thought she was another lying child.
She came again.
Told them she got beat up.
They didn't believe her.
They said if she comes again they will arrest her.
Her bestfriend came.
Told them that she was killed.
They didn't believe him.
He came back.
Told them that they aren't worth their lives.
They just laughed.
He left.
They got a call.
The person told them.
That they saw two bodies in the river.
The police went to check it out.
The bodies belonged to the girl and the boy.
The girl was killed.
The boy committed suicide.
Just to be with her.
The police were wrong.
They didn't believe their eyes.
They should start believing more.
**** April and it's fools.
The police were the fools in this story.
They started to believe more.
They saved lives of many after that.
But what I'm wondering is.
How come they didn't save those two kids.
That would've had lives to live.
If only they had believed.
In this retched April Fools story.
 Apr 2015 Adiac D'nalla
Sad Case
That one word.
Makes me feel like there is a chance.
A chance for me to be something great...
To be someone great.
Maybe I'll be a famous poet.
Would people listen to the stories behind my work?
Maybe a singer.
Would they hear me then?
Or an author.
Would they cry when a sad part meets their minds?
That one word.
Comes to my mind.
Will tomorrow be great?
Or will it be shallow?
I want there to be always a tomorrow.
As long as I live.
That word will mean so much to me.
 Apr 2015 Adiac D'nalla
Sad Case
 Apr 2015 Adiac D'nalla
Sad Case
A mind full of gloom.
A heart full of hate.
A girl full of sorrow.
Maybe a better tomorrow.
 Apr 2015 Adiac D'nalla
Sad Case
You hear that?
No? Exactly.
She's not breathing.
Because of you.
You drove her to insanity.
Let her go.
When she needed you most.
You all laughed.
When she cried herself to sleep.
Every night.
Every single night.
Her parents worked all day and night.
All her and her siblings did was fight.
She shut herself out.
Behind a locked door.
All because of you.
All of you.
She's just hanging there..
Not breathing.
She tried to see the light.
But instead came the darkness.
That she feared the most.
So, yeah.
Don't cry.
You treated her like ****.
Don't any of you come to her funeral.
You are responsible for this mess.
You are responsible for her death.

— The End —