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and your ability to take away anything I've ever loved.
i miss him and i don't know why.
i do.
it *****, and i want it to stop.
i don't want it to stop.

i just want him to know.
no, i want him to know and feel the same.
but he doesn't and he won't.
that's ok.
no it's not. he won't and that hurts
a little.

no, a lot.
I'm not supposed to love you,
I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to spend my life -
Wishing you were there.
I'm not supposed to wonder -
Where you are and what you do
I'm sorry I can't help myself -
Cause I'm in love with you.
(Written when I was a little kid.)
skip me, shun me
never touch me,
don't give in to my rushed lusting

bend me, break me
just forsake me,
leave me to my wild chasings

lose me, leave me
don't believe me,
when I say you'd get me screaming

haunt me, flaunt me
mock and taunt me,
tell the world you'll never want me

grab me, stab me
never have me,
tell me how you cannot stand me

fry me, tie me
crucify me,
leave me cuffed up; hang and dry me

beat me, bruise me
over-use me,
*****, abuse and tear into me

throw me, *******
get below me,
show me how you'll never stroke me

rip me, **** me
tongue and take me,
come inside and rearrange me

cut me, gut me
shame and **** me,
rip my heart out while you **** me

kick me, ditch me
pull-unstitch me,
spread my limbs and leave me twitching

tie me, lye-formaldehyde me,
out of sight and out of mind me,
live your life while I am dying,
pray no one will ever find me.
I want to eat you whole
I want to dig in deep
I want to taste your soul
I want to feel your sleep

I want to kiss your lips
and lick them dry
I want to bite your lids
and touch your eyes

I'm going to chew on your lungs
and gasp when you breathe
I'm going to swallow your tongue
and moan when you speak

I want to sip on your sweat
and savour your skin
I want to nip at your chest
and spoon what's within

If I could have just this part
I'd leave you the all
If you'd donate just your heart
my own you'd enthrall

Or give me your blood
red river runs thin
I'll drink it like love
I'll learn all your sins

I wonder how ripe
your secrets will taste
I wonder the type
treasure or waste?

How rich is your guilt?
How sour your goals?
Is your skull lined with silt,
the ashes of hope?

Suppose I dine slowly
let flavours emerge
I'd taste what you felt
every raw urge

I'll cherish your fears
roll them over my tongue
I'll shoot back your tears
and learn how they stung

I'll digest your mind
your body and soul
Render my life sublime
for I crave to know

Give me angst, give me glee
give me scars and abuse
Salt the wounds till you bleed
Let me swallow the truth

I'll dissolve every gate
I'll digest every wall
I'll eat all that you hate
let me feast when you fall

Put on a platter
your skin's recipes
Pepper and spatter
your **** memories

I ask for this tray
to come to me cold
Give me this buffet
and I'll give you gold
I thought about you today,
That simple act which is nothing new
Has become comfortable
You inhabit me
Though you know not
You that which I think of
Not with purpose nor meaning
I but do
As I lay trying to sleep
Thoughts of you rise as they always do
I do not think a night has past in which you do not appear in my thoughts
In my dreams
Do you haunt me specter of my heart?
Stalk me to devour the remnants of my beating chest?
You senseless thief
Why do you taunt me so
You have already stolen my heart
Do you wish it dead too?
What a cruel hand fortune hath dealt me
To throw my heart at uncaring feet
And voice at uncaring ears
Never the less
Bleeding and broken
My heart thought of you today
Of your smile and lips
Your eyes, your hands
Why does your scent linger so
Why are memories of you the only things I remember
Why can I count the days since I've seen you and nothing else
You have cursed me
You have blessed me
I but want to sleep
Without dreams of you
Not forever, but one night
Or two
Curse or no I cannot live without you.
Its 2:30 in the morning, this isnt meant to be fluid or fancy, just the ranting of a mind that wants to speak. It may be crude but I think its essence is polished.
I wanted it all
I wanted him to call
I wanted more than i could take
I wanted to stop shaking
I wanted this night to come
But i did not want it to begin.

I wanted to run
I wanted to fly
I wanted to land far up in the sky
I wanted to feel the air on my face
But i was scared to take that first step.

I wanted to laugh
I wanted to cry
I wanted to finally get my life started
But, once again, i stepped back last second.

I wanted to feel
I wanted to care
But i was scared of getting hurt.

I wanted to die,
But i was too afraid of the knife.

I wanted a lot... But i'm too scared to try
when you say you like someone else
I retaliate with silence and made up faces
of calm and i-could-care-less

"haha that's so funny"
you're not thinking about this
you are not thinking about her
you are looking at his eyes
(stupid eyes that look at another's)

don't grit your teeth
oh he's holding your hand
did he hold her's like this too?


get rid of that sarcastic face
he is looking at you
and he is holding your hand

Hope is a liar
destiny a cheat
but worst of all love
love is a thief
she takes what is yours
what is meant to be
blinded by beauty
we refuse to see
she opens our hearts
closes our eyes
while were busy dreaming
she steals us blind.
If I could sing, I would serenade you every night.
If I were a poet, I would write you a poem everyday.
If I were rich, I would buy you anything you wanted.
But I have none of these, I can only love you.
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