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3.3k · Jan 2013
And so what if a merciless vapor encircles its fingers around me?
Your fingers are bright and can tear through the night and on that I am counting

An angel's rapport can give nothing more than being a counter
And so for you I will wait, a more timelier date, my dear yellow lantern

For though courage I lack, it's patience I have and your voice will keep me
Afloat and aloft, a beautiful face, so pristine and lovely
Why is it that when the Sun goes down
All the lights in the sky don’t stay around
Well the Moon is there and wears his white clothes
And he shares her light that much he knows

And why is it that the Sun returns to the sky
But the foolish Moon decides some nights to hide
The Sun never fails to shine her light on the earth
So why does the Moon chose to hide from her

Well the Sun never sets it just shines elsewhere
But it’s true that the Moon might just disappear
And the Sun won’t complain she’ll just lend him her light
So if he comes out he can shine bright at night

Yes it’s true that the Moon wears pure white clothes
For the Sun cleans them well so that he can show
How much he loves life even if he is scared
So he shows her his love and the life he’s prepared

Now the Moon has stepped up, he shines bright all month long
And all because he lives off her sweet song
Her rays warm him all through the day and the night
And he vows to forever be her true satellite
1.2k · Jan 2013
To Be Left a Rotting Corpse
To be left a rotting corpse in the inky depths of my screaming, vacant soul
To taste the freshness of the air only to have it ripped so unnaturally from my shriveling lungs
Once sitting atop that merciful beacon of hope,
I find myself tumbling, grasping, gasping, clasping for some hold onto the beautiful signal

And who is to blame?
Certainly not you, for it was your hand who found me troubled in the merciless murky vapor
Your hand that lifted me from the bowels of hell and so dotingly destroyed my detriments

But had it not been for you I would have so happily, so cheerfully accepted my vacant vocation
Of restlessly, recklessly, ruefully running around without any remorse for my forlorn reality
For it is not the force of you freedom that loosed my heavy chains, but rather the form
That vicious vigor that stuffed my spirit with a seemingly ceaseless, incessant self-assurance

But for my essence to not identify isolation, to not recognize regret seems so conceited in comparison to yours
Which is ever growing, ever loving, ever laughing, ever knowing, ever telling, ever asking, ever showing, ever…
After all it was your being there that showed me how lonely I truly was, how pitiful of an existence I truly led
So now I state the obvious

Why go through all that endeavor, all that effort of effectively and essentially helping me escape my insanity just to throw it out the
Door is where you went, leaving me to collect the shambles and shards that was the life you made
Leaving me to collect these silly splinters just so that you could prove a point

A point well taken, a point notably noted, and a point you called no return
Return from what?
From the friendship promised, or the friendship broken, or the new twisted friends of which you’ve hardly spoken?

And so I take my leave, but I will return
I will not leave such a dear thing to burn
Burn in the essence of what we call hope
For, after all, you were the one who threw me the rope
1.1k · Jan 2013
A Statue Called “Alone”
Do you remember when we walked hand in hand to that beautiful fountain
where the statue of the nameless man stood with a sullen face?
We tossed some pennies into the rusty water and smiled at our perfect reflections

It is not lost on me—the whisper of something greater that you once spoke of
That wonderful vision of adventure and song that would surely keep us together through “thick and thin”, as it were
I guess maybe I was too stubborn to realize that the dance you were trying to teach me was pointless
I CAN’T dance, and life would be a horrible dance to watch, regardless

And as I walk you back to that ugly fountain, I laugh when I realize why it feels so wrong
I sat in one place while you simply tried to zip on by as if it were all some sort of roller coaster
If life were a roller coaster there’d be a lot more laughing and smiling
Rather than this bitter pit of emptiness that is eating away at my pulsing innards


And maybe if I listened rather than heard, I would understand why you are letting go
Why you are digging your nails into my hands as we speak
And to think that I had the opportunity to be alone and content in a self-inflicted internal infusion of insistent isolation

But as I finally listen, the only voices and words I hear are in my head saying
“Why is he here,” “Why won’t he leave,”
And it breaks my heart

Just like you break that precious string of hope you strung
The one you ruthlessly ripped with restless relentlessness
A stupid struggle sparked by a simple suggestion

But that bond, that cord, that link that you severed so suddenly
Pours out an endless stream of steaming blood—
Blood that cannot be given back

The trickle of heated fluid settles into a small pool at our feet
And once again we see our reflections in a glossy glass lake of red liquid
But this time we wear frowns instead of the smiles we so foolishly masked ourselves with
And the only sense of hope and resolution I feel is oblique
Made obsolete by that faint flare of fiery indignation that you so shockingly bestowed upon me

So now I sit at the edge of the forgotten statue pondering on why the tourists blow their bubbles of gum so gaily
While their hopes and dreams are tossed away into such a sickening fountain
The pennies’ red rust swirls as each wish is swallowed into a vortex of nothingness

Maybe if they would look up at the statue they would know it was all for naught
Because to throw away hope in a red pool found at the feet of a nameless face is to throw away life itself
And we’ve already agreed that life is a terrible dance to watch

So as you walk away to leave me alone I realize that I never knew what that meant before
Too absorbed with myself to have time for others and to feel ANYTHING at all

But as you leave
As you TAKE your leave
I get it…and I feel it
For after all that IS the statue’s name...

1.1k · Jan 2013
Blood Got Tossed the Meteor
The men they circled round about,
their fates in hands of rock
A crouor pool of heated hate,
attracting ore to dock

And blood got tossed the meteor,
the sparks they flew askew
For death befell the monarch's nest,
though Queens lived life anew

And maybe they'd been living in
a casket full of lies
Or possibly they were not braced
for crimson, blood-red skies

But either way the sheet of flame,
upon the shallows fell
A claret ring of bitter gore;
the gateway into Hell
874 · Jan 2013
Scratches and Bruises
Now that time has unwinded
We're songs that are lost in the wind
And even though we're constantly reminded, we'll
Make our way back to them

So just take my hand, take my hand
I promise
That if you take my hand, take my hand we will
Find another land, no demands
I promise
That somehow we will be okay

We run through life with scratches and bruises
As our friends peel back their thin skin
The one who never tries is the one who loses
And even though we know it's there we can't begin again

So just take my hand, take my hand
I promise
That if you take my hand, take my hand we will
Find another land, another land
I promise you
That this is where we will begin

An empty casket lies upon the table
You look inside, there's nothing but a pen
And a single sheet of bright white paper
Left for you to write your memoirs to your best friend

But she has passed on, this is the song
You promised her
And it had better be worth every single word
But we're finally here, you are a dear
I promised you this
And we can fin'lly see eternity, my friend

We can fin'lly see eternity, my friend
Oh, we can fin'lly see eternity, my friend
785 · Jan 2013
Finally, the Finish Line
You say no to writing, to speaking, to thought
Yet this evening you laughed as we bantered and talked

My heart is aflutter, my shackles are cracked
The guards have dispersed, my odds fairly stacked

The walls I constructed to keep me alive
Are no longer hiding the fear deep inside

I'm yearning for something I once thought oblique
But now fin'lly realize its linear streak

You once told me that there was no way to win
And to start life all over, to refresh once again

I've told you I love you through poems, books, and song
And now I will prove that, for once, you were wrong
750 · Jan 2013
Blank Screen
As I sit waiting in my lonely castle, gripping onto the parapets, I pray that I can keep myself away from the fringe of reality

And though I am not lost, it still drives me bonkers that I cannot raise myself up as some sort of merciful avatar; some sort of pillar that cannot be driven into a tailspin as gravity falls around it

Yet, I find that I have leverage in this scenario—that my choices do not fall on pale wings supported by goodfeathers

Somehow this calms me and keeps me feeling supported in a world of alphas, and I know that my final words—even if they do not end with me yelling eureka—will have the effectiveness and power of the big bang theory

And I carry on in thought, yearning for some sort of fairy tail that doesn’t need to begin with “once upon a time,” but that can still lead to a grassy meadow where I can my lay my hands on just one firefly

So I pull on the cape that I was given from this King of Queens, ready to chuck myself over the ledge of the tower, fearing that these pocket monsters I carry with me will do nothing to save my fall

And even though I’m mad about you, and even though I feel like I’m stuck somewhere in the middle, I trust that my life will be saved solely on the fact that I am a person of interest to all

For now I see the end and fear the worst, surrounded by freaks and geeks, by a full house in dire need of home improvement

And despite the fact that family matters, I find that I would give it all away to help a lost girl if it meant saving me

In the end I grab the block of black and, with regret, I end it all with the click of a button
See if you can find all twenty-seven hidden shows!
680 · Jan 2013
My heart becomes
The beating drum
And I hear your Song
I see your trail
It’s light; it’s frail
And it leads into the wood

You laugh, you smile;
Though your life is a trial
And now I follow you
I’ll always stay true
My soul’s an empty blue:
It’s broke

Living in borrowed shoes
Walking on borrowed paths
This is the only ruse I feel

Following borrowed Light
Wandering in the night
As long as I find you

And now I see
The line of trees
And I feel the breeze
The path: it turns
My choices burn
An echo of my past

The black is near,
For now I fear
That your trail has fin'lly faded
And now I’ve become the hated
What was once infatuated,
Is lost

Living in borrowed shoes
Walking on borrowed paths
This is the only ruse I feel

Following borrowed Light
Wandering in the night
As long as I find you

Now time beats on
The dark is wrong
And I long for the dawn
My chains are cold
And I’m growing old
I need them to break

You have the key
But you won’t free me
And now I am fin'lly dying
And what’s worse: I won’t stop crying
So why can’t you just stop lying?
You care

Living in borrowed shoes
Walking on borrowed paths
This is the only ruse I feel

Following borrowed Light
Wandering in the night
As long as I find you

Living in borrowed blood
Walking on borrowed laughs
Wading on through the flood, I feel...

...I’m following borrowed hope
Wandering down a *****
As long as I find you,
As long as I find you,

As long as you find me
632 · Jan 2013
Fire spread upon the heart
And you, well you tor mine apart
But just because the song won't start
Doesn't mean that we have to give up

And since the thought of you, it makes me weak
My lips are moving but I can't speak
Now the hope has fin'lly reached it's peak
We just have to let go and see where we fall

For now I know
That I can't let go
But maybe
You can
And that's alright with me

Time is fleeting in my chest:
A cavity where birds make their nest
And yes, I once said it in jest
But believe me now when I say

That I'll follow you through blood and smoke
And your eyes are enough to invoke
My heart to laugh, although it's broke
The spiral ends in a pit

For now I know
That I can't let go
But maybe
You can see

That now I am
A stronger man
And somehow
You see
The good in me
599 · Jan 2013
A Different Bed
If it wasn't for the black and white lines on my face today
Then maybe I would be a different me
But now the contrast of the Lights and Shadows twists my face askew
You will learn it all: the Old and the New
And though I'm talking now, my tongue won't move because it's far too numb
The words you say to me will never be wrong

I am in the fourposter of my room
And I am falling for you again
And I am trying to rip out the mattress
But the seams won't split because my fingertips are far too soft

If I had known the quake beneath us was the Earth's heartbeat
Then maybe I would think differently
And as I take you on the dance floor, gliding through this masquerade;
I will be there, so don't be afraid
And just like horses who are tired and who lay in beds of hay
We have made it through another tiring day

I am in the fourposter of my room
And I am falling for you again
And I am trying to rip out the mattress
But the seams won't split because my fingertips are far too soft

And despite the dust upon my feet, I walk along the hall
You have been there and seen it all
And even though dark things have passed, you flash a brilliant smile
I sigh with relief for it has been awhile
And now we're whispering to each other secrets we will keep
We both grow tired and try to fall asleep

I am in the fourposter of my room
And I am falling for you again
And I am ripping out the mattress
And the seams all split because my fingertips are not so soft

And you are in the fourposter of my room
And you are falling with me again
You are trying to seal up the mattress
Because the seams have split and you want to sleep in a bed so soft
590 · Apr 2013
My Wings Were Made of Paper
I once told you I could fly
That, for you, I could and would do anything
I promised you everything that I could think of
Rubies, gardens, magic, and rings
I even said that, for you, I would live my life over again

That was a long time ago, and yet the memory remains crystal
I can't seem to remember what I ate for lunch, yet I can remember those promises
And that's okay

I once told you I would never run away
That, no matter what, I would not give in to the black
I promised a world free of shackles, just for us
A world of love, truth, and possibility
I even sang you the song I would not sing for anyone else

A long time ago, I once told you I could fly and you believed me
I lied

My wings were made of paper
548 · Jan 2013
Alsenoth's Lament
So now the moon sets down
The once bright sun burns out
Can all this come from one lie
Why did I have to hide

And now I know what I was all along
As I kneel and mourn for the loss of love’s sweet song
But now I’ve faded
I become the hated
I’m lost

And as the end draws near I accept my empty fate
So full of fear, of loneliness and hate
But now I let
My soul turn to regret
I’m dead

But if there’s hope upon an empty throne
I know that I’ll wear it so sad and all alone
For you’ve discarded
My broken heart and
I’m fault

I know I fooled myself
I’ve made it my own Hell
By saying that it’d be alright
If I simply mingled in the inky depths of Night

For now the stars give up
My white intents were not enough
All of this came from the blackness of deceit
And the burning fear that slowly raised its heat

Now I say goodbye
I know that she truly tried
The pain I feel in the fading of my heart
Is not alive, for after all my soul’s been ripped apart
498 · Jan 2013
Of Risks and Regrets
Sometimes I forget what you look like
And it scares the hell out of me
Other times I remember your smell, and nothing else
But no matter what, and without fail, I think about you daily

A girl of hope
A woman of beauty
A lady of love

Sometimes I remember things that I shouldn't
Small things of little consequence
Like when you lent me your pencil because mine had run dull
And you told me to keep it after

Other times I remember things I wish I wouldn't
Like when I told you, ''No,'' and said I had no interest
For I was simply too scared of you--scared of how amazing you were;
I paled in comparison

But no matter what, every night, I wish I had spoken sooner
I didn't know that you were oblivious
This was never a game to me: the prize was too precious
I should have taken the chance

Then I'd find hope
Then I'd find beauty
Then I'd find love
486 · Jan 2013
Once Chance Left to Fall
A positive outlook on a situation so bleak
The words fill my mouth, but my voice will not speak
I yearn for the comfort of wanting what's right
But fear that I don't have the will left to fight

A shaken foundation that stands ten feet tall
Can be toppled by nothing, yet I pray for its fall
A passive suggestion that holds no grounds base
But I dream every night of that look on your face

And I know that the chances of happ'ning are slim
And that your sight on the end goal are nothing but dim
You can't blame me for trying, I know what I need
So 'til then I will hope for a spot to take lead
454 · Jan 2013
The Shirt
The shirt you gave me for Christmas still smells like you

I'm in agony
292 · Jan 2013
Not Yet
I'm not over you
Not yet
Maybe never

Is that really that bad?

— The End —