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9.3k · Jul 2010
Puppy Love
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
Its like when you hold a new puppy
You can tell it is squirming
Wishing for the freedom to go play
It isn’t that you wouldn’t let the puppy go
If it really wanted to be let go...

But you blind yourself with infinite and simultaneous
Justifications of other possible portents
And so you cling
ever tighter
Saying puppy sit still
“Puppy I love you”
And when the puppy finally learns it cannot struggle anymore
You profess
True Love!
3.4k · Jul 2010
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
Blood searing my veins
Cauterizing countless lacerations
My wounds seep with
The acidic taste of my life
I sit-
Unaware of my soul
Leaking out every pore
Dripping slowly away
The greedy
Cracked concrete
Drinking up my essence
Until all I am left is
2.1k · Jun 2010
The Ugly Kitten
Adam L Alexander Jun 2010
The ugly kitten didn’t know -
He purrs.

The ugly kitten cannot see -
He sleeps.

The ugly kitten poor as can be-
He eats.

The ugly kitten all alone-
He dances.


The ugly kitten smells a new smell -
He knows.

The ugly kitten sees her in his dreams-
He wakes.

The ugly kitten schemes and schemes-
He fasts.

The ugly kitten all alone-
He cries.
1.8k · Jun 2010
Adam L Alexander Jun 2010
I can remember a time
being warm felt so nice.
Then my heart turned to stone-
and my soul turned to ice.
My spirit's stripped away
as my blood runs cold.
My body cast aside
to grow weary and old.

The man you see before you-
is but a hollow shell.
The essence that it housed
already ****** to hell.
With nothing left to live for-
With no reason left to pray-
This soulless, hollow, empty shell-
still stalls another day.

So while you live your lives-
of gossip and senseless prattle,
remember everyone you meet
Is fighting a harder battle.
1.7k · Jun 2010
Captivate Beauty
Adam L Alexander Jun 2010
Rippling tide of light (the) horizon a mélange
Insight inside of me (my) fastidious internal ******
Behold breath-taking beauty (in) my minuscule mind
Fathoming unfathomables (of) every different kind
Magnanimous mount (in a) flowing green sea
Mustang must muster (the) strength to stay free
Battling rages inside (this) heavy hearted fool
Lasso cinching fate (our) human nature’s cruel
Taken from the wild (then) taken home and named
Though this horse was broken (she) was never tamed
1.4k · Aug 2010
Can't You See I'm Crying
Adam L Alexander Aug 2010
Can't you see I'm Crying?
Not the liquid kind of tears
But on the inside.
More powerful
Than expression allows.
I am trying
Against all I was taught
From my first day as a man
"Do not cry"
A scraped knee.
"Do not cry"
What if they laugh at me?
"Do not cry"
I learned so well
I taught my physiological shell
"Do not cry"
And now I sit
Struggling against myself
Aching to spill
This one tiny drop of pain
Before it shatters my soul.
And yet you-
Prodding fool
Foolishly ****.
Can't you see I'm Crying?
1.4k · Jul 2010
Efficacious Irascibility
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
Distorted cloudy mask
Perverting wicked task

Compulsory tears are wept
Perceived utterly inept

Definitive answers slurred
Autonomy from the herd
1.4k · Jul 2010
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
I chose the lonely road
The withered willows,
The pockmarked path.
I plunged headlong into defeat.
I chose this road-
Or did it choose me?
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
un·hap·py·man*   [uhn-hap-ee-man]

1. Undersexed.

2. Underfed.

3. *Archa­ic
. Doing dishes; cleaning; childcare
1.2k · Jul 2010
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
Swirling iridescent flitter
Too elusive to set still.
Superlatively attractive
Flitter butterfly-
If you will.
Beauty can’t be captured
True love cannot be torn
And oh my flitting butterfly
Fly away-
And I won’t mourn.
1.1k · Jun 2010
Pour Me
Adam L Alexander Jun 2010
The tea kettle whistles-
I feel its relief.
My own blood boiling
so violently
the tea is cold to me.
Sipping steaming tea
to cool my burning soul.
Preposterous preponderance-
Witless whim-sickle wiles
show styles of-
Deceptive discrepancies
in a cool calm
quagmire of queries.
Intensity subdued by ethos-
Small pockets of heat erupting
from mountains of flesh called-
Stores of tears dwelling,
So subtly at the ready-
corner of my eye.
The ardor climbs-
I cannot-
Listen to the steam-
from my ears.
Finally time-
pour me out.
1.0k · Jun 2010
Adam L Alexander Jun 2010
Come sweetie,
Just a little farther.
Keep coming-
It gets less darker.

Your hand, my love,
So close beside me.
I feel love inside me.

Pursuing blackness,
Held at bay.
Of love and play.

Leaves nothing.

I am alone.

By myself-
And all alone.
And so alone,
I walk on home.
985 · Mar 2013
Adam L Alexander Mar 2013
I am sick to my stomach..
but not sure that it is flu..
perhaps, it is my soul..
I don't know what to do..
963 · Jul 2013
Adam L Alexander Jul 2013
You make me feel *****
When thinking about you.
I know better than to feel
How I'm feeling about you.
You're a poison pill..
I take for pain.
I thought I was just *****..
turns out-
it is a stain.
943 · Aug 2010
Dating the Wind
Adam L Alexander Aug 2010
Here I go again
Dating the Wind
When It blows west
Times are the best
but when It blows East
Unleashed is the beast
Sovereignty in me
Subdued to the least
by Miscomprehension
and Bipolarist addiction
I’m left with my love
More a state of affliction
942 · Aug 2010
Wasted Worries
Adam L Alexander Aug 2010
I cannot sleep.

Sitting, standing


I worry.


Suppressed rage.

Garnished gallantry

Pulling at my reins.

Defined by

A single action

Not taken
941 · Jul 2010
What I Wouldn't Wanna Bee
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
Bravely Buzzing Bee -
                 Cant you Clearly See -
      ‘Tis Trite your Plight of
                                Fight or Flight (for)
You’ll Simply Cease to Be
Consonance, Dissonance, Alliteration and Onomatopoeia test
927 · Aug 2010
Last Laugh
Adam L Alexander Aug 2010
Don't cry little lad till the whip breaks
Hold your tears to your face
Inside your brain
A spirit slain and broken
Like your skin.
Silent screams unspoken
Weeping blood tears
Nothing left to fear though
The pain may seem extreme
The lesson is the thing
Let the rain stain
Your mad-hatter’s hat
At every sting n ache

You’ll be laughing back
Don’t lose to the darkness
917 · Nov 2010
A Mere Mirror
Adam L Alexander Nov 2010
Look it.
Inside you'll see
The truth that is not present
In the reflection staring back
The hatred, the pain
The loss, harbored so deep
That the mirror is but
A mere-
Of the true you.
895 · Jul 2010
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
Marijuana is awesome;
                                          it is the best medicine man could ever ask for.

Even in today’s modern society
                       where we put profit and ease
                                          before health and usefulness,
marijuana is still a powerful and acceptable form of pain relief and dietary supplement.  
                                                          “They” (being the US Government)
                                                    tell us to avoid the “drug”
                                                              because it is dangerous or unhealthy.
           Even though this statement has absolutely no factual backing,
                                                       people often tend to believe what they are told...

But how could an organization that
       does not provide free health care and
             allows the distribution of dangerous pharmaceuticals,
                    chemical laden tobacco products and
                           hormone enhanced foods for profit,
                               care about the healthy lifestyle choices of its people.
Adam L Alexander Aug 2010
“I better not tell him
what I heard today.”
“It is almost too much,
to bear the toll.”
“The news is just plain
****** up.”
“I’m almost afraid
to whisper it to you.”
“What if he can over hear…
he’d be mad at me too.”

“OK no need to ****,
I’ll tell you, lean in close.”
“I heard his girl-
does not love him…”
“She’s still in love
with a ghost.”
868 · Aug 2010
Journey Nowhere
Adam L Alexander Aug 2010
Have you ever started walking-
Without truly giving it consideration-
Just headed there.
As you are strolling along-
Your strides begin to suffer
the fatigue of your toes.
Your shins burn-
Your calves ache-
And the frost has chilled
Your nose.
The discomfort wins
And as you spin
To head back where you stay,
You realize that the spot you stand
Marks exactly half the way.
And yet for reasons still unknown
Its easier to head back home
Down the twisty, dusty, dark
and same old lonely road.
Traveling the same distance
As if your trip
had not been thwarted.
All that pain and turmoil
Gets you right back
Where you started.
840 · Jul 2010
Letter To A Lover
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
I love the way we play and laugh
I love the way you talk. I love the way you look-
at me and I love the way you walk and see-
the world. You are a better person than me
And that I love about you too. So beautiful-
Our romance is, as it reaches its fruition.
How I longed for the day when I could say-
I’m yours. I love so many things about you,
The list is far too great. So instead I’ll list the easier-
The list of things I hate. I hate that when we sleep
It feels like I’m alone. I hate how every fight we have-
You try and run off home. I hate that you keep secrets,
Hate more when you tell lies or even just return to me
with deception in your eyes. Really I’m just black and white
That’s the truth I see. So every time you’re not showing love-
I think your hating me.
835 · Jul 2010
Love = Hate
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
Notice the swirling
Red lines of anger
Circling blurred vision
Intensity reserved
For beyond worst enemies
And yet- Check
Yes my love
Is my target
762 · Jun 2010
Preemptive Prayer
Adam L Alexander Jun 2010
I cannot stand a moment more
In this world I'm caught up in.
Everyday another trial.
Everyday another sin.
I plead as I sit
In the corner all alone.
Wishing that the path
To the light would be shown.
Looking to the lord
I tell him my whole story
Praying from my knees
I hope to see his glory
God, I pray to you
My energy is spent
For all my evil deeds
I truly do repent
Too long in the shadows
Too many hours in the dark
All the dirt that I have done
On my soul has left its mark
This lucrative lifestyle
Will not let me go
But there is still one thing
I would like you to know
I'm in need of your forgiveness now
Even though I'll sin again
For there's just no way of knowing
When this life of mine will end.
726 · Sep 2014
Adam L Alexander Sep 2014
If we could
Try again
Would we just
Be here again.
If we could breathe
One last breath
After death
Could we breathe
Life back into something
So long lifeless?
The last dance, is the last chance
To change your mind
Or die trying.
722 · Jun 2010
Adam L Alexander Jun 2010
I am doubt
Call me pessimism
A prophet
Beyond the horizon
Lies the beyond
Within a speck
All and we exist
712 · Jul 2010
Warning Sign I Lost My Mind
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
I wish that I could come and find you
Cover your face with that napkin from the movies
Take and tie you up and keep you
Locked in locks
Could hold you
Keep you
a secret
In a secret place
Because at least
I’d not feel
I lost
712 · Jun 2010
Need To Write
Adam L Alexander Jun 2010
Look at this,
my pen it moves
On the paper by itself.
Look at it go
all on its own,
When I had set it on the shelf.
It’s a strange thing cause
Its writing this,
But from my point of view.
You would think that this pen
of mine,
Would have its own view too.
But the pen you see
is low on ink,
And its getting kinda scared.
With each stroke
The pen it sees,
Its ending creeping nearer.
My pen must be enchanted,
By the same muse
had hold of me.
Surely this must be magic,
to become
More than you can be.
But forces you to give it all,
You see my pen,
he doesn’t think.
So driven to scribble
and jot this,
That he just ran out of inl
711 · Aug 2010
Uh Oh, What Woe
Adam L Alexander Aug 2010
Oh sickly stupid me,
I have never been so weak.
I always wanted a smart girl
Who could grasp my capacious vocabulary
She would learn and become better.
Oh sickly stupid truth,
Why do you have to come and…
And take from me what I think need.
Too young-
Too smart-
Too beautiful
To be contained
Within the boundaries of a... anything.
And so away
You distant speck on the Horizon
Let my tears drown the last remnants of you from my sight.
While lubricating our transition
To another life.
688 · Jul 2010
Compose Yourself
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
If I could control my feelings
I’d choose not to feel this way
I’d force it not to hurt
When you choose not to stay

If I could control my feelings
I’d not wear them on my sleeve
With my lovely feelings hidden
You’d be far less apt to leave

If you could control your feelings
Then you could feel some love for me
But with no control of feelings…
Our love can never be.
673 · Nov 2012
Questions at First Sight
Adam L Alexander Nov 2012
Is this love..
or something stronger?
or something longer?
Lingering, longing
this burning, belonging..
deep inside, again alive
I strive- to feel so right.
Can this be?
as simple as.. you and me.
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
The product of my existence-
Transparent and devoid-
Sickly and alone-
Spirit-slain and torn-
Invested and dissolved-
I am without-

Weakness in belief
If your beliefs are wrong
Folding on a winning hand
and ending in between
Where you were and
where you wanted to be

This is me.
I am easily fooled
620 · Jul 2010
Intent To Fall
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
It starts out in my stomach
With a nauseating sense
Poking and prodding me
While I wonder what it is
Heads for my chest
A predator intent on his ****
Snaking up through ribs
My heart's beating goes still
The drumming grows louder
As it crawls up my throat
Scratching my vocal cords
My speech begins to choke
My mouth goes dry
When it crawls onto my tongue
Stinging the worst sting
That has ever been stung
Before a word is spoken
It is now lodged into my brain
The pounding in my ears
Enough to drive a man insane
I clutch the sides of my head
As it moves toward my face
It curls up behind my eye
And seems oddly in it's place
Searing with intensity
It burns it's way outside
Opening up a small hole
In the corner of my eye
One salty drop protrudes
Falling, glistening and clear
This was the birth,
life and death, of a single tear
615 · Aug 2010
Who Would Dare
Adam L Alexander Aug 2010
You see that guy up there
Precariously positioned on the edge
Of that transition
Between solid ground and
Empty space.
Balancing so high in the air
He should show some more care
In the placement of his toes.
Who knows when an
Unexpected gust might arise
And surprise that poor gentleman,
Who ominously stands at the
Transition to his demise
Longing to take just one step
And travel further than
Any man has ever traveled-
In just one step.
The mile to the concrete
And a hundred more to hell
No one remembers how long
He stood there-
Only that he fell
585 · Aug 2010
Adam L Alexander Aug 2010
How long have I been standing here?
when the Hell’d it start to rain.
No matter how long I think of it
I Can’t remember why I came.
How long have I been standing here ?
and how persistent is this Pain
No matter how I try and fight it
Clearly… I’m insane.
502 · Sep 2014
Adam L Alexander Sep 2014
I have to take..
         just enough.
Just enough
  to fix
This Problem
dwelling in the center of my beig consuming me outwardly from inside.
228 · Jun 2018
Black Weed
Adam L Alexander Jun 2018
The black man is a ****. An invasive species. Look at it and you know it is true. Brought over from another place, because it benefited the people at the time. Not truly welcomed, but endured for the fruit it produces. Initially, why was this plant selected for extrication? Not because it was the same as all the other plants you already had, but because it was superior. Superior enough that voyage after voyage was endured to secure more of this precious cargo. The true superiority of the **** goes unseen, until you attempt to eradicate it. You try to poison it in Tuskegee, you try and stomp it out with white robed men and then with blue, try and starve the plant with lack of food and remove it from the sun into giant cellars of stone.. but for all these efforts, the weeds grow back stronger and their fruits more supple. For all the lies of the civilized, the sweet nectar of their berries dances upon the tongues of the very populous that defines them as such; a ****. You stop your car on the roadside, and enjoy the juices of the black berry cursing it’s thorns, but never stopping to question why it bothers to grow them. Success is defined by an unhindered view of monocultured sameness, and unbridled landscaping of ones own design. Yet, that delicious black berry still draws you away to the fringes of your own kingdom to taste something different. That which grows, unlike the cultivated Lillie’s in your line, unaided, and in fact in opposition to the desires and actions of the landholder. What draws you to the field-side berry? The same thing that begged your ancestors to uproot the plant and bring it back in the days that have passed. The notable qualities of goodness that you suppress in attempt to dismiss the dissonance in your head. The truth is that the berry is good, and the plant is strong. The only problem is that you gave it nowhere to grow.

**** definition: a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth.
From a fb comment on today’s racial conflicts.

— The End —