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335 · Feb 2015
Judgson blessing Feb 2015
Platitude and vanity of life give us false apprehension of the real thing,
and our active thought.
but I know all the same that i love you, understand it.
forget about prejudges, forget about superstition and think truly :
your choice and not 'the choice' .
when I love you I have the impression of being a King, a lonely man on earth, knight of once, nevertheless our dream crossed.
when I love you i have flowers at my fingertips and this innocent pleasure scares me or hurts me for no less dread feeling and tears .
when I love you I do not know if I am a beggar or an hero.
but  my sky is without stars, is like a dream to  nightmare.
but the love I feel as well .
when i love you i have the feeling of ruling the world ............and you are my princess .
326 · Jun 2015
Judgson blessing Jun 2015
( This quotation here-above runs upon nothing sinister but a little bit of advice for all of us .beg not to take it as a charge upon female ***.)
324 · Jul 2015
Judgson blessing Jul 2015
Behold ! its rather for you to be thought ; fool ,
or stupid  but learn by your personal injection.
the reason of your high personal divine activation .
than to be wise or having unique sage as a sol .
then live your time by the crow common governing .
or strive any tangible  achievement by people's reasoning .
in the likeness of the community anyone is unique gem .
there is nothing that will be , or before has the same realm .
they maybe some that look , act , talk or maybe think as you .
but the reality of genus **** is that no co-joint sinew .
henceforth ; strive forth all time and assume your individuality .
sole bridge that gathers the heterogeneous items of life into unity .
do they say you are mad man ? its the reason more you should ,
show something out your madness that will pass in the universal mold .
322 · Apr 2015
Judgson blessing Apr 2015
Does he tell you how precisely he loves you .
you bet he is but a fake _ love is like hollow .
its a complete wildness not a precise seizure.
i may say its rather a ******* ,yet but a pressure.
love is overwhelming pouncing down in abstract wild.
but when he can tell you how he feels in all easy mild .
he is a made up lover and his chorus .
is a cheap picks from any ****** rot source .
when he is moon stroke before your attire .
he can make a little bit of credit as a real lyre .
but if he jabbers and puts on a sooth saying .
he means lust ,he is a bunk but nothing .
as a real love starts not knowing what to say .
it ends with not knowing if its all you deem pray.
the sincere love cant be describe as a portray of flower .
and you are a real stunt when you are sooth Sayer.
does he love you because of something upon .
your feature or some quality your nature lays on.
ask him to tell you why he really loves you .
if he does ;he is nothing but a sap head sinew .
310 · Mar 2015
Judgson blessing Mar 2015
everything in this world is ephemera.
but love is forever .
even after somebody passed away .
the love that we got for him is long life .
so if you want be till the end of time .
now join your hand to my life .
for the worst and for the best
308 · Feb 2015
Judgson blessing Feb 2015
Many a time it takes you to look upon the sky .
is not because there is something worried about it up,  time to acknowledge your stress and move down deep into your inner askance.
which were been pounced upon you with a tragedy of burden and fear. fear begotten from your missed challenge and not knowing how to deal with your actual embarrassment. you quietly missed that, life could be otherwise and meanly cheerful for you at once and then .
but nothing overshadowing the hellish design you damp in,
so frustrated you move on so mournful ****** enough ...
you call for help but only your cry to return to you in din mean of scoff, that let you **** startled on the carpet.nobody get an answer for you. cause "self made man ".oh!  i have seen as much as hot ocean of tears streaming down in, any while and treating me to stagger helplessly .
but can i believe it ? still i have a fight up the way to the blue sky.
and i string hard to it ...
304 · Feb 2015
Judgson blessing Feb 2015
im an echoing voice .
when you tend ear ,
i will make a murmuring.
so low but clear enough .
and you feel i call your name .
somehow it may resound,
i just willing it to be heard .
no wander what it said .
cause its got dug deep the dream of the blind hope .
and make sure you do just one thing .
turn it blinding light; so my life starts.
cause i seen the light from the sky .
296 · Feb 2015
Judgson blessing Feb 2015
Drat it, if i never have any responsibility upon your honey heart.
im ****** blame enough if i cant recognize that you are my heart desire. if im not mature enough to prove my heart music to you.
if there is nothing expect one; that i 'love you forever' .
see if only we can make our heart 'one' today and live by it .
if you can say to me the real word that ever exists: 'love' within the bottom of your heart and let it stay there forever.
if  disaster can blow, but instead strengthen our love.
when you see the light glaring upon my eyes and feel it your dream.
and believe that the 'true love' cant be with more display and feeling.
you will see that its enough trying ,its enough feeling and loving.
so baby give your heart to me; cause, im in love with you ,
only you and endlessly. let me touch your heart now and then.
cause im in 'love with eternally'. no need to wait .
cause is today ,let move about it ,cause real love cant wait .
no matter what you may have passed through before .
see honey my heart , im giving you, new days ,new life ,natural ,fresh,
and real as sun shine, another world ,another experience you never felt . you know my heart is very young in love ,fresh as morning ,
not any spotting . i wanna carry you into my dream ,the purest dream.   you know honey my heart ,my mind is natural and my heart is ******.  and i want you to spot it truly and lovingly. you will never forget our first day ,our everyday will  worth  heaven.
so let go doubt cause: i 'love with you endlessly'
286 · Feb 2015
love and fantaisy
Judgson blessing Feb 2015
Love is pain;pain of denouement .
love is words ;words are more than fundament.
love is different than action ,cause action implies reason.
for the most loving can be detected by behaving .
no living do understand words but acting
for castle on sky is worthless lover words in pen .
love needs proof but words show promise.
but one word is worthy than promised ship on sea .
cause love and having are fierce enemies.
a heart in love is heart in dream.
but love needs proof ;word to be hanged about ;
when there is no more action ;cause memory last.
and a deeds is like sermon written on sea pebble .
its matter of blowing air consequence .
so one whirled word is worth thousand castles built in heaven.
and one word into a ear values thousand years of love .
love needs word to hang on when all grandiose  passed away
love is dream it values not what you have .
love is thrilling it should be fancied more than lived.
love is reality that is beyond the other world.
no sincere man is good lover ,but dreamer draw much attention .
love is high so it should be promised what is yonder reach .
many words make love last .
but much gifts make love least .
cause love and reality are like darkness and light .
love needs more promises than can be met .
love needs words bigger than the world.
love is lie but true is hatred.
love is empty barrel rolling form up to down .
more noise and fuss is the likeness of love .
more scandals  just for nothing is the likeness of love.
love is foolish but hope that is never .
why not feel love ?cause you are not a dreamer !
for those who think that one and one make nothing but two .
are mostly to scare love away as a blowing wind about dust .
if you want to be a great lover you might be as well a great liar .
if you want to be loved you might be as well fool .
cause you should hang on dust for powder talk .
you might as well believe that any stone you stomp on and fall down.
is likely to turn gold .but if you love you will never die .
but if you want she to be yours forever .
dont forget to wake her up hundred times a night and tell her :
what grandiose dreams you have for her ,how many castles built out diamond you will grant her .
tell her a million a time a day; how you love her and is likely to die for her.
tell her how everything is empty without her love. tell how exclusive she is .
never forget to let her know that she is your first mum .
tell her how you feel when she is by you ...
258 · Mar 2015
Judgson blessing Mar 2015
but if you forgot anything i did tell you .
just remember only one thing :you are fire within me .
like alluring sun most always for no end .
baby my honey i just love you for the good.
253 · Jul 2015
Judgson blessing Jul 2015
Life is pitfall yet will is all but power .
Carry your chin out and dream more than the world will
249 · Mar 2015
Judgson blessing Mar 2015
If i should have a dream .
i shall dream about poem.
if i should write , i shall write about beauty.
never find it naive if i can only court in poesy.
never have a breath or never have a courage .
but at pen, the words glow in with rage .
maybe one day, you will read them all .
now im free , cause its heavy what your love befalls .
it gives me chill , it gives me heat and i behold with pressure.
the fancy to talk and talk about love to thy heart sure .
overwhelming princess of my feeble true heart .
you are sweet like morning dew , real work of art.
your face gleams like midday sun , where my word reels.
but believe it , what you will read on the paper is real .
245 · Feb 2015
Judgson blessing Feb 2015
'love' ; its world that methinks reinvented a new for us.
a new life that is right awaiting us , with smile nature and reality.
what are you going to do now my honey ? nothing but consider my heart music for you . the best ever been , only for you and everlasting.
your name is what I pronounce all the hole day and night ,
my mind is deepened in you . my love for you have no rest
is like a sea waves , always on move .
less you turn your attention to it , the more it heaves to you .
lets drive by the environment where there is no harm ,
where all your wounds about this ****** world have no force of existence . i think i love you more than any living can and cheerfully care about your happiness than you may think .
if there is no place for love , unless the world must be mistaking .
cause im bounded to it . and let the world give me a chance to restart that game of eternal cursing that sent Adam and Eve astray .
i dont care what the world think but i reckon just one thing , i love you .
so when you no remember about all the hole ****** things  , reminisce one : forever is my love for you....only you..this is mesmerize
224 · Mar 2015
Judgson blessing Mar 2015
From the beginning,
just before the world happened.
our holy Father in the Heaven,
was puffed up by love and a dear one.
mostly heavier than anyone care about somebody .
but i just want one thing :
only the infinite part of that love .
with truth of harmony .
and send it to you in form of blowing whispering.
mostly down your heart solely .
with this message: I LOVE YOU FOREVER .
cause as for away i can get it ,
life should be a love not a war .
and being my honey,
is the most serious thing you may choose for yourself .

— The End —